Seabee... I don't even joke about substance abuse. I've looked at don't see a large stick inserted rectally, it may just be the way I was raised or more probably, the tragedies I've seen unfold from it. I know, I know...I'm hearing the words of wisdom from my raisin' Down East. I can hear my Granny telling me to "Loighten Up", in Harker's Island brogue...
This is a red hot topic on here right now. I do not know the answers to all the legal issues but what if the law was changed that just like having a job that you are required to agree to following a law that you will not do drugs if you collect public assistance ,and if you are granted public assistance and are arrested and convicted of violating that rule them you are diaqualified form collecting? Notsure if this would ever be considered a law but wouldn't it cut down on the ##'s of people who abuse this system? Ands for the ones who do not violate, then they would have nothing to worry about.
Are there not laws now that make drug use illegal? Why the double push? Why not enforce the laws we have? And, when it goes from the theoretical to the real, it becomes unarguable that the penalty was too severe, if the government sends users to jail and seizes their car, home, and other property. (something tells me that once the government has seized theirs, the druggies are gonna try to steal yours.) Folks, the drug war was lost a long time ago. The choice now is to how to recover from it. The easiest way to measure the success of the drug war was to measure the amounts interdicted or the street level price. Amounts haven't decreased sufficiently to cause the price to increase. And because of it, we're sending tons of money to Mexico and other places. If we want to be mostly rid of the drug problem, then it will require draconian measures, again like Singapore. Just be prepared for whatever "collateral damage" happens to your rights.
I don't see someone burning a doobie as substance abuse... unless they burn them like some do the cigs around here... :jester:
I tend to agree. Marijuana is not physically addictive, in this area there is a problem with meth - which is highly addictive and easily produced. I don't want to fund their labs or their 4 day binges while their kids get burnt by chemicals and dig through the trash for some crumbs to eat.
We can stop drug use. We just need mandatory testing for everyone in the US and everyone must carry their test papers with them. If caught without valid test results one will be imprisoned until the test is administered. Three failures and you are summarily executed. Then we have no more drug problems ......
Sounds.....Singaporan...can I at least publicly expectorate to show distaste for politicians who voted for this and the voters who let it happen?
This is nothing new seabs. Wayne always has a soft spot for the criminals and likes to put their rights above ours to live in a country free of the consequences of their crimes. :?
Not hardly, but I have never wanted a police state as would be required to eliminate the crime as suggested in the case of drug usage, for example.
So what if t they wanted you to take a drug test to go into the NC legislature building, or the Museum of Natural History. Or aboard the Showboat? Suppose they wanted you to take a drug test every time you renewed your driver's license? Those are all examples of the public supporting some benefit that you have. How about drug testing everyone on SS and Medicare and Medicaid? Testing for tobacco, trans fats, or anything else for that matter? Once you ring the bell, it can't be unrung. I get that the majority wants to tie some benefit in with some restriction on activities. What if insurance companies were allowed to refuse payment for auto accidents where the you were under the influence? Or because you didn't wear your seat belt? Wearing it is the law. And a person who gets injured severely enough, but whose payments are far less than what the cost of healthcare is, then receives benefits from the rest of us insured? Do I have the right to ask for frequent and random drug tests for all drivers in NC, without any proof of wrongdoing? Our taxes pay for those roads, and would that not empower the state to perform random drug checks to make sure that everyone driving on them is unimpaired? I'm reminded of an old saying. Be careful what you wish just might get it.
A number of states including California are looking at kicking drug convects out of their jails because the state budgets can no longer hold them. USA has the highest percentage of its people in jail and it is starting to wear on the taxpayers.