No but you seem to want to start it with Dr. He or she was sounds like they were just trying to get a group together not start the civil war again.
Well, if it would have been worded differently, no one would have bothered to reply. I have some very good friends that are damn yankees, and I take offense in that statement. :roll:
If he wanted to start a group as I said he went about it the wrong way. As far as you. You started with me I do not think I said anything to you until you said something to me.
Be that as it may, you have to admit that there are several rabid "yankee haters" on this board who wouldn't hesitate to post something negative (I'm surprised no one has yet, except Angeleyes, of course)
my guess, chiropractor
except Angeleyes ? I didn't realise I was a yankee hater. I have a family emergency GTG so do not know when I will be back to reply.
Yes, and it was a continuation of aggression that started with the Whiskey Rebellion (similar to WWII actually being a continuation of WWI)
From where in NJ? When did you leave? I was born there, but my family left when I was 9 yo so I lost the accent.
I lived in the Montclair area and my family's drug store was in Jersey City. I still have relatives in the area and my dad is buried there, so I try to get back for a visit every year or two.
dr p, was that last sentence really necessary? I think it does set a negative tone and invites criticism from the start. If you move to a new location with pre-conceived ideas or prejudices, you’re probably going to be looking for every little thing to support your beliefs. Are there jerks in the South? You betcha. Same thing applies in the North and everywhere else. As a young man in the Navy I was stationed in Orlando, Raleigh, Omaha, Honolulu, Pensacola, and D.C. I enjoyed every duty station and I learned as much as I could about the local history and customs. However, there were places in every locale, if I was looking for trouble, I could find it. I was called a “haole” by the locals in HI, sometimes in a negative way by a local jerk, but mostly with good-natured kidding. “Haole” was their version of “Yankee” or “Damn Yankee” depending on who used it. I was told by others who had been stationed in HI that the locals hated “haoles”, and they were so glad to be off that “rock”. I couldn’t have had a more blessed time. I embraced the culture and got to know many locals who invited me into their homes with love and affection. Burt Reynolds had a great line in Smokey and the Bandit, “It all depends on what part of the country you're in as to how dumb you are.” So, if you’ve ran into some locals who need some manners, overlook ‘em and start fresh. If you need to discard some baggage of your own, do that, too. And start up whatever forum/thread you like.