Obamas back to school speech

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Okeh, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    My niece asked me this evening is I knew that the president spoke to them today I told her I did know. She told me that she thought it was cool that the pres wanted to make a video just for "us kids". :)
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Unfortunately it doesn't work when someone quotes her/it.................but still, much nicer this way. :cheers:
  3. seabee

    seabee Guest

  4. I agree! Much nicer :cheers:
  5. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    And I think it's heart warming that you care so much about what my child does. :grouphug: You care so much that you act like a child and try to insult me with a jab at my kid. Typical. :lol:

    I just figured I'd let you know that all of my son's class but three kids brought in notes, as I'm sure the rest of the school was the same, so... NOBODY watched that speech! I love my son's school! :hurray: They got to work on something PRODUCTIVE like math, reading, and science!

    What chaps your *** more, the fact that I didn't want my son to watch the speech or the fact that I as a parent have the option to not allow him to watch the speech?
  6. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Do you get nose bleeds often from sitting up that high? It must be so hard being you, since everyone is beneath you. Get over yourself, lady.

    I'm glad I didn't have time yesterday to read all the post you deleted and from what I've seen in quotes, it wasn't worth my time. Thanks for saving me the trouble. ;)
  7. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    I thinks its the reasons behind why you didnt want your child participating is what is disturbing.
  8. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Really? That wasn't an option but I'll bite.

    Please tell me what I was thinking. I've never had my fortune told. Is this mind reading sorta like that?
  9. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    better yet, lets end the suspense, why dont you let us know the reasons? I cant wait for this load of BS.
  10. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    [q*ote=NY9;456553]better yet, lets end the s*spense, why dont yo* let *s know the reasons? I *ant wait for this load of BS.[/q*ote]

    clearly your reading comprehension is lacking. I already stated my reason but just for you I'll post it again.

    [q*ote=kookooka*ho;455956]Histori* or not
    [*]he is not telling my *hild anything that his father and I don't already tell him.[/*] Yo* have to st*dy hard and work hard to amo*nt to something. No free rides on this ship, b**ko.
    [*]I'm j*st not going to s*bje*t my son to his boring babble.[/*] He doesn't half listen to me when I tell him those same things. J*st like Abd*lina said that spee*h is geared more towards older kids anyway. B*t even still, what makes Obama think any *hild going to listen to his &q*ot;I was raised by a single mother so if I *an do it yo* *an raise to s***ess like I did&q*ot; spiel we've all heard a million times?[/q*ote]

    To elaborate... I think my son's time could be spent doing something more productive and that is just what his ENTIRE class did. :hurray:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  11. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Mine was opposite... she's in 6th gr. I asked her if they watched Pres speech and she stated nope. They had option - loud speaker stated "if you want to watch such & such then report to..." if you do not want to watch then stay where you are for now.

    So I'm sure that was a bit disruptive but she elected to stay put. She said she had no interest in listening to O'bama and already knows that to succeed she has to do well in school to get into college and all that stuff that "she hears from her mom and sister"

    I didn't think she'd go watch it ... I'm fine with it either way. I read what the speech (supposedly) was and was fine with it of course since it stayed on topic about doing well in school.
  12. My little 2nd grader watched the speech yesterday. I asked her about it. She was so cute. She told me a lot! I'm surprised a second grader would pay attention and remember that much. She may have added a little -lol-She said that Obama told them to work hard and not give up. She said the when he was a little boy sometimes he'd get in trouble at school. She said he told them to behave (or something like that). Basically, it was a positive experience for her. She sees the importance in the President addressing the schools. Like I said in a earlier post, I am a conservative and I don't agree with Obama on many things, but I still want my daughter to respect the office of the President. It wasn't political for her. It was just a message from her president telling her how important it is to do good in school.
  13. ebabe 1216

    ebabe 1216 Well-Known Member

    my high schoolers watched it, one said It was ok but said all he said was stuff you have always told me she thought it was nice but kinda pointless, my other kid said she thought it was boring and proceeded to text her friends in other classes that were also suposed to be watching it. gahhhhhhh. niether had any project to do afterwards.

    So much for him impressing my kids. and ya i know no texting in school but gahhhhh most kids do it and get away with it, just look at your kids facebook and time.

    Maybe time to get back to home phones????????
  14. seabee

    seabee Guest

  15. 5whiskey

    5whiskey Guest

    I wonder, just for a moment, what some people who are criticizing those that wanted to opt their kids out would do if dubya would've done the same thing. I bet money some of the preachers out there in lala land would be pulling their kids out of class if it was a republican president. I would as well, and I'm conservative. There should be no politics, or political opinions, expressed by the staff of school, representatives of the school, or guest speakers at the school. While Barry O didn't delve into politics, I could tell from his twitch that he was dying to mention something about healthcare.

    I like my children non-indoctrinated, be it conservative or liberal indoctrination. I'm sorry but a POLITICAL figure addressing the nations students, even if he doesn't delve into politics, reeks of indoctrination.

    That said, if you pulled your kid out great on ya. If you kept 'em in, great on ya.
  16. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Whisky, you may have missed it in the proliferation of threads on the same topic, but both Regan and Bush Sr. gave much more political presentations, of the same type in the past.
  17. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    To all of the nation's schoolkids or just a classroom?
  18. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    You know... I was in school during BOTH of their terms and I remember nothing of their speeches. As a matter of fact, I have no recollection of their speech even being shown at my school. Which happens to be the same school my child currently attends. I guess back then they didnt' see the need to show presidents during learning hours much like they didn't show that speech earlier this week.
    Again... I love my kid's school!:hurray:
  19. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    :iagree: and well put, but I'm more interested in what former member you are? :allears:
  20. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    I saw Bush's speech while I was in school, but hey I went to Clayton schools!

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