I've thought about this for a while and it does kinda stink a bit. I guess there are not any selfless deeds anymore. On one hand the area really needs some public space and I think JoCo needs to get off it's butt and start a parks and rec program. It is a nice gift to the county, but on the other hand I do not want it if the gift's sole purpose seems to be to facilitate more homes. Mixed feelings.
The homes are coming either way. Did they have to build a park for you to move here? Didn't think so. Just be grateful man.
The local municipalities are responsible for their own Parks and Rec Departments. The County has no desire to get into that business because it would be responsible for establishing and maintaining parks throughout the entire County. If there was one placed in the Cleveland Community, they would need one in the McGees Community, the Flowers Community, Willow Spring, etc. Municipalities can justify providing this service among many others by having a higher tax rate. On top of that, if the County did provide this service, the local municipalities could become upset because it reduces their value proposition. Just my opinion.
All accurate points, but...why not? The County is growing at a rate that would be commensurate with supplying services such as this. I cannot remember in what context it was, but I do recall filling out a survey (from JoCo Gov't, I think) asking about a parks and rec program. It was intended to see if they should be setting up an exploratory endeavor to see if it is something they should do. No State park, no county parks, and the MST is a gift-wrapped starter kit for a parks program but they wouldn't notice it if it sat on the fact and wriggled. It just comes down to appetite, apathy, and taxes. Another point to consider, how fair is it that the municipalities have to shoulder the burden? I think the County actually does provide some money to cities/towns at times, but let's keep in mind how many people visit those town parks that don't pay city/town taxes. Chatham and Franklin counties both have parks and rec departments. Chatham is almost as big, has 1/3 the population and has a lower tax rate. What am I missing here?
That Chatham County is on its way to almost double in population .... http://www.chathamedc.org/buildings-sites/chatham-park After full build out, the project would likely increase Pittsboro's population to more than 60,000 people.
Yep, I work on the new project there, here's public details about it: https://www.duke-energy.com/our-company/about-us/electric-transmission-projects/novo-nordisk
The scope of the project is way above what most people in the area realize. Once the site is active around 2021-22, there will be dozens of tankers and cargo trucks coming and going every day, that's why they are building a dedicated road/entrance off Gordon Rd just for trucks. Just to give you an idea, the estimate for one ingredient alone is to have 8 tankers a day delivering it. Millions in product will be coming and going daily. So 100% power reliability is needed.
http://jocoreport.com/243-home-development-approved-in-cleveland/ Gonna have a new stoplight at Cleveland/Matthews intersection.
Better yet put a stop light at Cleveland School\Josephine, Cleveland School\Barber Mill or even at Cornwallis\Josephine\Shilo roads before putting one at Cleveland School\Mathew
rocky, why you need a stop light at cornwallis and josephine? Its a four way stop! Left turns don't have priority!
Cynadon, the only reason for a light instead of a 4 way stop is just to speed things up a bit. More cars can go through at one time as oppose to one car at a time. That's the only reason why.