Hey guys, in an effort to get rid of 3 old twin mattresses and a box spring to make space in my garage, im having issues haha. Salvation Army wont take em (due to tiny stains) and I dont have the time to wait on Craigslist. My question is, does anybody know of a place around here that does free mattress disposal? I dont have a dump sticker, so thats out of the question. I just need to get em out within the next few days if possible. Thanks!
That's right. Take them to the landfill, get the vehicle weighed on the way in, dump them, get weighed again and pay (next to nothing). I took an old futon mattress there and old carpet. No sweat. If you don't want to haul them, I would bet if you put them by the road with a free sign someone would take them off of your hands.
get a burn permit.....for leaves and yard debris. If the mattress happens to be in the yard......oh well
contact the Obamas... after Nov they be looking for some furniture..PM Bob F.. he knows them quite well.
Don't burn them. The black smoke will bring you attention that you may not want. If you must throw them away the landfill is equipped to take them at low cost. If they aren't too bad what about a yard sale?
I know it's true, but man .. we used to burn EVERYTHING when I lived in PA. Furniture, trash, a piano .. my favorite sweatshirt (ok, that was an accident). Grand massive bonfires.
hahah thanks for the help guys. I decided to bite the bullet and throw em on Craigslist. I got a few good tips and if they aren't gone by Monday, then I will throw em out at a local dump by me.