Our Sheriffs Dept

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Bubba, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Up until now, I've not really had too much of an opinion about C3 Church. However, how ironic it was that I stumbled across an advertisement for them in a local periodical.

    It reads:

    (logo) C3 Church
    Real Hope. Real People. Real World.
    Casual Atmosphere - Contemporary Music
    Revlevant Teaching - Gourmet Coffee
    Excellent Children's Program

    For Weekend Celebration times
    visit c3church.org!


    (directions and phone)

    Okay...what is missing? To me, the obvious. They have left out any core Christian testimony of faith or confession of Jesus as Savior and Lord. They missed an opportunity to reach out to those readers. Now, I'm not going to prejudge here too quickly, yet I find it a bit unnerving that gourmet coffee is more important than making a statement of faith...any kind of faith statement. Also, I think that the statement, "Real Hope. Real People. Real World" potentially could be taken to imply that the Gospel being taught in more traditional churches does not adequately give people in today's world sufficient daily bread because our world is fast-paced and different. That could be a polarizing type of statement in a Christian community. I'm a tad bit bothered by a church that presents themselves in this manner. The Word doesn't change if its living and breathing. To me, I sense hints of an attempt to conform the Gospel rather than us conform to the Word.

    Now I may be wrong and really this topic isn't necessarily the place to express this but when a Christian is hesitate to publically testify, something doesn't feel just right to me. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
  2. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    I have no problem at all with the ad just described, especially as a Believer.

    I haven't seen the publication, but the ad appears to be a simple ad introducing folks to C3.

    It gives a website: www.c3church.org.

    I go to the site and click on "about" and here's what I find in the very first paragraph:

    C3 Church is a contemporary church serving the Triangle area of North Carolina. C3 has been built on the vision of providing "real hope for real people in a real world." We do this by exposing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world, equipping believers to be fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ, and experiencing ministry through the use of individuals' spiritual gifts and talents.

    That's a pretty good statement of faith message.

    Also, I'm certainly not offended with the "real hope for real people in a real world" slogan.

    It's not meant for Believers, anyway; it's meant for the Lost!

    The Lost - those people who are putting their hope and eternal future in money, sex, drugs, careers, and every other thing Satan can tempt you with, as they try to find the peace and contentment that can only come with a personal relationship with Jesus.

    I can't fathom any Christian church being jealous of C3. If they are, they need to search their own heart.

    They should REJOICE at the work that God is doing within that church and with the body of Believers who attend, and say PRAISE GOD from whom all blessings flow.

    The key is to be obedient in the Lord's plan for YOU!

    If that means serving at C3 or a 25 member congregation in the hills of West Virginia, just be obedient and satisfied that you're doing God's Will.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2007
  3. Bubba

    Bubba Well-Known Member

    I think a lot of people have missed my point. It was not to make C3 look like the bad guy here, it was to bring awareness to how our law enforcement and tax dollars are spent. I can appreciate the fact that C3 post events at their church but every church in Johnston County, in my opinion has an event that is special, whether it is large or small, they should be afforded the same privileges.
  4. justme989

    justme989 Guest

    Because this in our community and it's a public discussion board....I've said it before ..I am handicapped and on my second visit to this church I was asked to be a door greeter..go figure?? I can't open the door for myself not to mention for someone else..I tried to talk to the "pastor" then and didn't make it thru the ranks,got stopped at his wife! I am not here to argue with the self righteous..what ever makes you feel better about yourself..go drink your coffee ...think of the under privileged everytime you enter your cathedral...man will let you down..Jesus will not..enough said
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2007
  5. ws

    ws Well-Known Member

    make c3 pay for a light or turn lane for them...or close the place down totally. either way i would be happy.
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    What I'm saying Kent is first...there is nothing of spiritual substance in the ad and a church shouldn't assume that everyone has internet access. A church is supposed to be open for all and not just those who have internet access. Second, even though they invoke the name of Jesus doesn't mean they are testifying on His behalf. I'd feel more comfortable with the church if they laid out point by point their beliefs on their website so that I get a clear projection where they stand on the Gospel.

    We do this by exposing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world, equipping believers to be fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ, and experiencing ministry through the use of individuals' spiritual gifts and talents.

    I'm not trying to lambast them. If nothing else, I'm just injecting a bit of advice if it should make it to the right person. If I were someone spiritually lost, I would want a clearer path. When they say they are 'exposing' the Gospel and "equipping" believers to be fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ, I fail to see an admission of what is needed to be a Christian and that is sanctified by confession of our sins and that Christ bore those sins on our behalf on the cross as the everlasting sacrifice and that Jesus rose from the grave to be victorious over sin and death. To me, a Christian has to humble himself before God. Large churches can become like islands or puffed up with pride. Not saying that's the case here AT ALL, but it can happen if the leadership of the church isn't careful.

    I didn't see right off hand where this church offers spiritual guidance right at the internet user level. Their website should be a tool for bringing people to Christ RIGHT ON THE SPOT, even if a person never goes to the church itself. Christians are servants of Christ and churches have to serve the lost just as it would their own members.

    I'm not trying to read more than what is necessary here into the church. I hope they are sincere and geniune. When you're appealing to the spiritually lost you're dealing with a fragile spirit and that person should have a clear cut understanding of what a church believes in. Maybe I missed something on their website, but I didn't really see a lot of candidness about the doctrine of the church nor does the ad I mentioned make ONE (just one) refererence to Christ or the Word of God at all. That is really the thing that stands out in my view. Perhaps its just an oversight, but one that should be addressed.

    I am not one that thinks that a Christian community should be divided based on what denomiation (if any) you belong. However, there should be a general "coming together" of core fundamental basics of faith and beliefs that can be agreed upon and that is simply why I say it would be comforting to know where a non-denominational church like C3 stands. If they can't or won't publish them, then that creates questions in my mind.
  7. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    Nope, no marque or anything of the sort It is a PH church out of a home. We were just recently given a 2500' building for the next 18 months & even when we move into the building we have to pay all expenses outside of rent. Even still yet we will have no marque or anything of the sort. We started this church plant in Feb of this year & we do alot for the community where it is located (Linden, NC). That is where we show the community the love of Jesus & nothing is expected of them or from them.
    You seem to have hostility towards me & speaking on things to which you are incorrect about regarding where I worship. I merely stated facts & I am able to do so since I was in attendance/ member of C3 for 3 years. I know how they do things as well b/c I was behind the scenes on a consistent basis.
  8. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Good morning, Jester.

    Just reading over your response.

    I think C3 does a good job on their web pages, starting with the ABOUT page and then two good links to MISSION & VALUES and EXPLORE CHRISTIANITY.




    As for the ad, it doesn't appear to be intended to convert anyone through the ad alone, just to introduce C3 to those looking for a church home.

    If you don't have internet, then directions, a map, and their phone number is included according to what you posted.

    I was just looking over First Baptist Atlanta's site at www.fba.org, which is Dr. Charles Stanley's church. Their statement of faith is 2 mouse clicks away, which is fine, and they do an outstanding job. They have more Scripture references, but they and C3 do a great job of letting the reader know where each church stands.

    Appreciate your response.
  9. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Be that as it may, didn't your Mother ever tell you, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"?

    My lord! These evil people actually asked you to be a greeter??? How dare they, I hope they all burn in 7734!

    So, have someone prop the door open. You were asked to be a greeter, not a doorman.

    It seems from your comments, though, that you're pretty self-righteous yourself.
  10. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Why? We don't make ALL other business do it. We don't make subdivisions pay for new schools or road expansions because their new homes are going to cause overcrowding in/on the existing ones.

    Sounds like you are bitter towards that church and it's personal.

    If it bothers you so much, then just go a different route!
  11. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    Maybe they are selling Gourmet Coffee so they can pay for the Sheriffs Dept to come out there :) LOL
  12. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    LOL so true :)
  13. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Good morning to you Kent.

    I still would like to see a bit more on the website, but I am encouraged by the C3 statement:

    Biblical in Theology - We believe that the Bible is God's inspired word and is without error. While our theology is conservative, our methods are progressive.

    I feel that a conservative approach to worship can work as long as it does not become apathetic and/or irreverent. To me some of the traditions of more conventional churches associated with known denominations are not to be overlooked because they indeed show reverence to God. However, I find no fault with the C3 approach in an effort to make all feel welcomed. Certainly the more traditional churches sometimes go lacking in making visitors feel welcomed and comfortable. I also find no fault with a contemporary approach to worship, if that is desirable for the individual. What is important is not what you wear to church or the doxology you sing, but what is present in your heart and the fellowship between worshipers with the common intent to praise God in faithful servitude.

    I hold the gracious gift of the Lord Jesus Christ to be very precious to me and that is why I proceed cautiously with churches that seem overwhelmingly popular and growing tremendously. The reason for that is while I want to see people saved through Christ, I feel that they cannot be simply taught all about God's love and acceptance with no regards to those things that are detestable to Him. Sin is sin and I feel that it is the role of a ministry to instruct about the importance of self-discipline in a Christian's life. If you only tell people what they want to hear, then, yes you're going to be popular because it is inherent that people do not want to feel convicted in their sins and rather worship in a forgiving atmosphere. Nothing wrong with that, except we as Christians should refrain from temptations and not feel justified simply because we call ourselves Christians. It lessens the importance of Christ's shed blood if we do not take sin seriously.

    Hopefully, C3's tremendous growth represents a spirtual awakening in the community and either a call to the Holy Spirit for those lost or a revival for those who want to be where the Spirit of God presides. There are many traditional service churches that have become stagnant and spiritually cold. If C3 Church is indeed sincere in their efforts to maintain the Word of God as without error, then I do feel encouraged by that. I may even visit some day to experience C3's service.
  14. justme989

    justme989 Guest

    Wow, clif you seem like you really are a nice guy and care alot.....NOT !.... LOL!
    You have proved my point better than I ever could...Have a latte on me
  15. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Jester, good post.

    I'm only quoting just a small portion.

    Definitely take the time one day and visit and get a first hand look. That's what a good witness is - someone who can tell what they've SEEN and HEARD.

    Got to run.

    Have a great rest of the day.
  16. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    hahahaha (snort) hahahaha!
  17. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member


    Or should it be gormeut coffee?

  18. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    :?: Does this mean you feel it is a cult? Just wondering. I really know nothing about the place.
  19. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    But do you know for a fact that tax dollars are being spent??? Maybe C3 is paying the deputies as part-time employees...much the same way that nightclubs in Raleigh pay off duty police to provide security. Maybe, maybe not....but a simple phone call to the Sheriff's Department might answer a lot of questions, instead of an assumption being made.
  20. Bubba

    Bubba Well-Known Member

    Maybe C3 is paying the deputies as part-time employees but the vehicles that they are driving are owned full-time by the tax payers of Johnston County and that is not an assumption, it is a fact. I often wonder how assets owned by our gov, be it county, state or federal are used for ones own personal gain. Their should be checks and balances. And you are right the Sheriffs dept might answer a lot of questions but then they might just tell me it is a matter of public record and if I want to research it I could, just want to get people thinking about. I think that is one of the purposes of this forum.

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