you already said that. :neutral: and you won't see me in the Walmart, I don't do business there. ever.:ack: But thanks for the offer.
If those women were somehow portrayed as oppressed, beaten, not allowed to vote, etc. I would grant you comparison. I do not think a woman shown wearing a bikini somehow compares to the portrayal of a human slave! It has been over one hundred and fifty years since the civil war and the abolishment of slavery. It has only been 60 years since all people were given equal protection under the law (2 days if you count DOMA). Please get with the times.
I don't support what Heffner does nor will I ever. Here's a link to some views on Deen's response on the Today Show.,0,5354159.story Sherry
Yes, if all of those white people were dressed as slave owners with whips. Listen, a Duke sorority had an Asian themes party where they were all essentially making fun of Asian people: Same thing.
Just because we are talking about what happened to Tebow with some sponsorsors does not mean we are taking pot shots at Christians. It's a fact as to some sponsors dropping him for that reason. Love me some Si. Sherry
Feel free to pound sand,, Tebow doesn't deserve to be classed with Tiger or Charlie, but of course your ignorance limits your mentality.
They would not have to have the whips or be slave owners just an all white staff!! I am well aware of the Duke party, I watch the news
All Christians will unite and say amen!! And no I dont mean those sorry preachers and so called christians that are preaching for the people and not preaching the BIBLE!! If you go to church and you dont get your toes stepped on you are in the wrong house, we are all sinners and need to hear the word!
Harvey, you're stretching. How in the name of God are older black men, in waiters uniforms portrayed as oppressed and beaten? A wedding is a theatrical event, everyone has a part to play. So are you going to call for a movie directors head on a platter because he portrayed a time of slavery in his movie? Seriously, I think you and Sherry have lost your marbles with this one. I'm normally able to see if from every side of the fence, but I swear as hard as I try, I can't see how a woman who said the N word once in her life (while being held at gunpoint by a black man) and who said a plantation style wedding copying a theme in a resturant she visited, deserves to be persecuted and fired for being a biggot. I think the liberal media who started all this crap are more biggotted than she is. They had no stories, they found hers, and when the next big thing comes along and her livelihood has been ruined, they'll just move on and toss her story like day old bread. If this was a story about a black woman calling a white man a honkey, we would have never heard anything about it, and that's a damn fact.
Just to clarify, she said it to her husband *about* the black man who had the gun to her head. As far as a black woman calling a white man a honky, it actually was in the news yesterday (in the Zimmerman trial). Only it wasn't "honky" it was "cracker". It was how she testified that Trayvon Martin told her that some "creepy-a**ed cracker" was following him. When asked by the defense attorney if she thought the word "cracker" was a racist slur, she answered "no". So, if someone asked Paula Deen if she thought the N-word was a racist slur, and she answered "no", so you think that would have been the end of it? Racism is like offense. Even if it's not intended, it is still taken and that's (apparently) all that matters.
We need a full time board monitor here to end threads that get hijacked and end up being nothing about the original thread. Usually it takes about 4 posts before a successful hijack. I bet everyone in this thread (when they were 10 years old), arguing, also looked at their parents and told them if they did not get what they wanted that they would hold their breath until they got it. All of you are afraid of not getting in the last word and for what? Board superiority? What does that get you? An extra pencil sharpener each year at the Strawberry Festival? Grow up. All of you.
They all lost sponsors. That might be the only thing they have in common, but they all lost sponsors. Your inability to grasp this most simple point puts you in a different class (special education!).