Current rank is #25 with 306 votes! So close! Voting ends tomorrow!! I need about 85 more votes to bump #16 out of their spot! Help? lol
Update! Thank you so much everyone!!! I'm *finally* ranked at #20!!! Woo-hoo!!! This is probably my last plea for more votes, lol. I have 22 hours left and i'm at 390 votes at this moment. For some odd reason, Twitter votes are not being counted, therefore, I need a ton more facebook votes. People have to submit their photos by July 8 and they have five days to get as many votes as possible. Therefore, after my 22 hours are up, there's a chance I might be booted out of the top 20. If you could PLEASE ask as many friends and family on FACEBOOK (not bothering with Twitter anymore) to VOTE and ask their friends to vote, I might have a chance to keep my rank. Here's the current leaderboard: #20 (me) = 390 votes #19 418 votes #18 440 votes #17 469 votes #16 420 votes with 25 twitter votes #15 446 votes I think if I get between 475-500 votes, I should be in the clear. Please post on your Facebook and ask your friends to vote as well. I really, really, really appreciate it!!!
Twitter votes are now working! I finally figured out how to get the Twitter votes to count!!! If you voted on Twitter in the past, you will have to do it again. Here's how: FOLLOW ME on Twitter: Parisdreams (sunrise picture is my profile) Retweet (RT) my last tweet. This is it: ScreenscapeS Mike Hollywood by Parisdreams RT @leannrimes: 'Sunrise' Vote for this pic's stunning!! (see? LeAnn Rimes voted too, although it didnt count). Your vote should show up within the next hour when it calculates votes again. Please ask your friends to RT as well. Thank you!!!!