If money wasn't a problem I would not work, except in the yards of my beach & mountain homes! :mrgreen:
You've asked a two part question that may have conflicting responses. 1) Quit work; 2) Stay home (no way!) If I didn't have to work for a living, I'd spend my time in volunteer work - animal rescue, support services for the elderly. Also, I'd love to take classes at NCSU that are not necessarily required for a degree - Spanish, history, political science, mathematics. And years ago, I played classical piano. I would start up piano lessons again. And I'd like to take ballroom dance lessons. (A friend does this. She has a great time, and it's good exercise.) And I'd like to join a book club. I read a lot now, but no time for discussion with others. Plus I'd spend more time with my friends and I'd visit my relatives (all out of state, so I see them rarely). In fact, even if I didn't work, I don't know that I would have the time to do all the things I want to do.
The Truth The Truth is that I do not want to retire. Even though my job stinks. I want to die at work, That way they will have to clean up the mess. I have had the unpleasure of doing nothing for a few months, It gets very boaring fast. Even in a place like Florida. After a while there is realy nothing left to do but watch the walls close in on you. Naaa I realy want to die at work. I have seen a lot of people retire then pass away after only a few short years. No thank you . No retirement for me please.
I don't think I could either, Hught. I am lucky in that I enjoy my job. Sometimes, its my escape from family and home pressures. Besides, I think I would be bored out of my skull.
I couldn't just stay home, I'd drive myself crazy. Would I do the same job I do now? Probably in some fashion, but I wouldn't work the same hours I work now.
Even without knowing most of you IRL, I can't imagine any of us, unless we truly loved what we do for money already, continuing to work if money were not an issue in our lives. There are too many other wonderful and fulfilling things to pursue in life.