I will be sitting here waiting for my dearly beloved to get home from a 2 week hunting trip.... :mrgreen:
I'm going to work. I went to Walmart last year on Black Friday and I swore it was the first and last time I'd ever do that. For those of you that listen to country music, I'll quote Terri Clark: "I've Got Better Things To Do". Mike
Typically, I go to the outlets at midnight, home for a late night turkey sandwich snack, then back at Kohl's to get in line by about 3-3:30, then Target. But, it's going to depend on what we decide to buy this year. I'd like to get the $97 Garmin at Wal-Mart, but I am NOT going to Wal-Mart on Black Friday. I have to draw the line somewhere.
Cinnabon is at Cary Town Center down near the Sears end. That is DH's "treat" for the "torture" he endures in going with me. He admitted last year that he looked forward to it though!!
By the way, does anybody know if Sunday's paper had any black Friday ads in it? We usually make our plans from the ads in Thursdays paper.
Well - after searching thru ALL the sales papers for the Garmin 260 and comparing prices, I decided to check online at Circuit City who has them the cheapest - and guess what! I just bought 2 online for the same price they're advertising for tomorrow! So now I don't have to get up early and stand in line and HOPE that they have one in stock (at CC or anywhere else....) Yay! I'm so excited! :hurray: BTW: they were 149.99ea FYI: lots of the stores have some T-day sales avail online today!
Sam's Club If you want a hot item at Sam's Club, when do you need to start lining up? I have never hit Sam's on Black Friday. Is it similar to Wally World? Or is it one of those all nighters?