Potty Training

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mnredsky, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. mommyw2girls

    mommyw2girls Guest

    i just kinda scanned so not sure if anyone gave this advice or not...my sis put dish liquid in the potty so that when he went pee it would make bubbles. So instead of asking if he needed to "go pee" she asked if he was ready to "make bubbles". It made it more fun! I have 2 girls my first was potty trained at 2 my second is now 4 and we still have the occasional accident. every child is different!!! and I agree with all the moms who say no pull ups!! they are just like a diaper. I put a shower curtain over the mattress to protect it at night. you can buy them at the dollar store verses getting the mattress covers that cost a lot more...for my girls i put the blue stuff in the water so it would turn green when they went. they both loved it!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2008
  2. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    One word.....bribery. It's sad but true. We had a potty prize every time he went. Now he's not asking for them anymore, and is still doing well. We also used stickers as prizes (ones he really liked) and put them on the potty chart.

    I never thought I'd get so excited about him doing #2 on the toilet. Woo hoo.
  3. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I know it!! LOL!! Did you ever? Before kids have so much excitement in your voice when you saw a poo poo or a pee pee in the potty????????????:lol:
  4. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    My #2 will be 3 on the 25th. She was doing good for awhile but had a setback. Now she really has no interest. I have to get her potty trained before she goes to pre-school in Sept.

    I have done bribes, black mail, treats, surprises, stickers, you name it...I did it.

    NCGIRL Well-Known Member

    That is too funny. Yeah, "aim" is not in a little boy's vocabulary.
    What I have been doing with my son is big boy undies during the day and then Pull-ups at night since he can't seem to go dry on a consistent basis during the night. He has his share of accidents, but he is getting the hang of it. He goes to the potty for #1 with no problem, but gets freaked out for some reason with going to the potty for #2. Though when we flush it he says "Bye, Bye Poopy". Go figure. Boys will be boys and I am coming to realize will do things in their own time.

    We have tried the following: stickers, sticker charts, suckers, reading books while going, big boy undies so he can be like daddy.

    Good luck.
  6. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    My son was 3 before he was potty trained. My DD had just been born and he was now the big kid so he didn't want to wear diapers or pull-ups. I would put him in underwear but when he went down for a nap or to bed he would go in the pull up. I realized what he was doing and made him stay awake, he'd walk around the house in circles, scared to use the potty. We finally bribed him. As soon as he went, we went to target to get that toy he really wanted. If he didn't use the potty it would get taken away. It worked pretty well.

    DD was different but then again all children are different, you just have to find what works for you and your child.

    Good luck!
  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    hmm... maybe this would work for my DH's aim? :mrgreen:
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    He will do it when he is ready. I believe peer pressure helps with this as when they see their friends doing it they may follow the lead. My family thought it was just horrible that my daughter was not potty trained earlier than at the age of three but I felt she would do it when she was ready and sure enough she did.

    Good Luck,
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    SHerry....peer pressure and friends? for potty training? he is 2 1/2.....:confused::lol:
  10. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    We've given pieces of a favorite candy as a reward, which worked like a charm for the oldest. Middle was easy too, we had certain books that could only be read while sitting on the potty, and she got candy rewards too. Third child was a nightmare. She didn't really care if she had pee soaked underwear, or if it was running down her leg into her shoe. Nothing seemed to work except time. She was over three when she finally decided to be civilized. We tried everything with her, from getting to pick out her favorite cartoon character undies, to bribery (from candy tokens to trips to the dollar store), we had books for potty sitting time only, we tried different small seats and potty chair styles, potty songs and videos, telling her that "big girls only go in the potty". Nothing worked. She became a potty user when she decided she was ready, and not a second before. Good luck with your little man. I've had friends that have used the targets in the toilet (or cheerios work just as good apparently), and setting up the bathroom to make it a great place to spend time with special cool smelly soaps and cartoon print toilet paper and musical potty chairs. He's young still. Maybe wait a month and test the waters again if he's digging his heels in.
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    If it is a control issue, don't force it. What will work though, if he is in fact ready but stubborn is what others have suggested. A treat or prize. I used M&Ms, one per peepee. That worked, until she climbed up on the counter, retrieved the bag from the top of the cabinet above the toilet, and I caught her and her sister polishing off the bag in her bed. After that, all best were off. Amazing how she was "instantly" potty-trained, though. :)
  12. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Let me come over :lol:
  13. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Okay now...the last few weeks my daughter has been going to the bathroom with no accidents......FINALLY whheeewww


    She still wears a pull-up at night cause she still goes in her sleep. What can I do to stop this? I was thinking just to let her wear her underwear and go from there (she does go to the bathroom before she goes to bed). What can I use to protect the sheets and mattress covers? I hate to wash them everyday if she does have accidents.

    I am ALMOST THERE....yay
  14. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    If she is still in a toddler bed you can buy a plastic cover to protect the mattress. They are only like $10 at wally world or target. It pulls right over and zips up the side.

    ** no liquids after 7:00 PM
    ** try waking her once around 1-2 AM to go pee
  15. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    She sleeps in a regular bed and I do not give her anything to drink after 7. But I have not tried to wake her up in the middle of the nite..will try that and if she doesn't fall back to sleep after that than I will hunt you down so you can put her back to bed :mrgreen: j/k
  16. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member


    My son turned 3 in Sept and still has NO desire to go potty. In the summer he was going, then stopped. In Sept, he was going again, then stopped. He is my 3rd kid, I know all the tricks of the trade, and nothing works! My first was pretty easy, 2nd was hard, but when it was his time, it happened, basically when he went to MMO program and saw the other kids doing it, he did it. But this one...NOOOOOO! I ask him if he's gonna go potty, and he says "no, I wanna change". If I see him doing his dance, I'll run him into the potty, and sometimes we make it in time, sometimes we don't. If we get there in time, I think he holds it if he can, cause nothing comes out, then 15 minutes later there's a dirty diaper. And he never, ever, ever pees on the potty. I've tried giving him tons to drink and setting the timer all day, tried bribing, letting him run naked in the house, tried putting him in undies (Diego of course), the videos, you name it. Potty seats, 2 different kinds, it doesn't matter, sitting, standing, doing it alone, with his brothers, they've tried racing peeing with him, making it a game, IT DOES NOT MATTER, HE DOES NOT WANT TO GO!


    OK. sorry for yelling, I'm done now. I feel better. :mrgreen:
  17. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Trust me DMJ...I have every right to BRAG cause it has taken me over a year to train this girl. She is so darn stubborn and lazy when it comes to Potty training. LOL

    I think going to Disney at the end of the month might had played a part in it cause we would say "no pull-ups in disney world" so it was kind of our motto in the last month or so. We would remind her off and on about disney and no pull ups.

    Your time will come....that is what they all say to me :jester:

    I really do feel ya.
  18. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I'm not a parent......there I'm saying it up front. But over the holidays my friends came over with my Godson. He turned three last week. Well we went out to eat and his Mom thought he had a messy diaper while we were waiting for our table at TGIF's. So after checking him, she goes out to the car and retrieves a diaper. When he see's her walk in with the diaper my Godson immediately lies down flat on his back on the rug in front of the door just inside the restaurant ready for his change. Now, again I'm no parent and I'm not his parent. But, this was ridiculous. First at three, they haven't even started potty training him. But he's old enough to know what the diaper in Mommy's hand means. This is just beyond my comprehension. BTW, until six months ago he slept with his parents in their bed. Am I wrong or is all of this ridarndiculous?
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    My ped said that girls are especially hard to keep dry thru the night, and even 4 YO was too early to worry about it. I go to Garner Peds. I don't do liquids after dinner (6PM) and she wakes up wet every morning, and she is a very heavy sleeper. I would be scared to wake her at 1am, that girl growls in her sleep!
  20. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    That is what I don't get....they stop drinking at a certain time and they still wake up soggy.

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