Some kids will pee at night for years and years after they're potty trained, unfortunately. I know this from personal experience, and it sucks! It really just depends on the child, and sometimes there isn't a darned thing you can do for it.
Oh Gosh....I haven't read the whole thread yet, will do in the am or later tonight. I am in the throws of potty training my 3 year old. Lets just say right now he is running around in his birthday suit. Oh this just is not fun..... Power to us ALL!!!!:cheers:
DD#1 was easy peasy....done and done. DD#2 thinks it's fun to go sit on the potty, but nothing happens, lol. She knows when she's wet and will tell me, I'm wet, or I stink. She's actually peed on the pot once, but it was purely by accident. I was getting her undressed to take a bath and when I pulled her diaper off, she started to go, so I sat her on the pot. She'll be two on Monday (gosh, doesn't seem like it should have been that long) and her daddy says he's buying her a pink potty, lol...
My daughter will be 3 on Saturday and tells me she is scared of the potty. My almost 6 year old still has to wear pullups. He has rarely had a dry runs in my family.
Wow, I think we are living the same lives, you're just a couple years behind me!! My 2nd son, when he was turning 3, was scared of the potty. Not just scared, but SCARED. Anytime I tried taking him in there, he'd scream. He turned 3 the month of May, and started his 3s class in preschool beginning of the next Sept (they're supposed to be potty trained by then). His teacher was nice and let him stay there, and by the end of the month, because the other kids were all going, he started going and was fully trained. But that whole summer before school started, I was a nervous wreck, trying everything, and he just wouldn't go into that bathroom for anything!
I didn't do anything different last night and she woke up dry ....thats a first but I won't hold my breath.
Not only do they have to be ready I think it has to be their idea! I think you should put your child on the potty every morning when they get up to "do their business"! This really helps set a routine. I still tell my 7 year old "go to the potty" every morning out of habit! I also created a "The Potty Box" It was a small plastic bin I put dollar store crap in. I labeled it ***'s Potty Box and decorated it with stickers. If my son went to the potty on his own he got a treasure from the potty box. I changed to a potty box from M&Ms as a reward because he kept sitting on the potty every 3 seconds just to eat M&Ms. It went against my belief you shouldn't reward a child with food. Good luck!!!!
Ha! I tried the M&Ms... Put them up on the cabinet above the toilet, took her two days to climb up on the counter, snatch the candy, and I caught Thing I and Thing II enjoying their bounty in their bedroom. No more M&Ms after that!
My daughter just won't go. She started going and was doing well a few months ago, but now she won't even try unless I catch her at an agreeable moment to ask. I'm not sure why she lost interest or why she just won't go now. It's very frustrating. I thought I was finally going to get one that would be easy to potty train (my first two took forever!).
My aunt has had an in home daycare for 40 years, and has a lot of knowledge in this area. She says not to even try until they are 2 1/2 unless they are really showing major interest. She says to start to early just means it will take longer to get them trained. Then she says to let them drink a lot and take them every hour and sit there. Now if they are totally not interested or refusing I think you'd have to take a break for a month or two and try again. I did this with DS#1 and he was trained in a couple weeks time for pee pee but didn't want to poo in there. So we got rolos (he loves candy) and he got a rolo every time he pooed in there. But it was a while before he was dry at night. I would say he was close to 4. He was a heavy night wetter and never was dry until we switched to underwear. One night he just said he didn't want the pullup on and stayed dry. DS# 2 was the easiest thing ever, he saw Bubba and trained himself before we even got to 2 1/2. We'll see what DS#3 has in store, he'll be 2 in Feb. But I've gotta get this crazy puppy housetrained first, I don't have the patience for both! It is carzy how times have changed, I know some people in there 50's that were trained at 13 months. How??
Little Bit got a potty for her birthday, but at 2, she just thinks it's fun to sit on it. She strips, sits there, wipes and gets up, lol... She'll let us know when she's ready.
My aunt has also had urinary issues her whole life and believes it is because she was trained before her bladder was ready
Actually never heard of 13 months but 20 years ago 18 months was the norm - Daycare required children be trained before 2yo to be allowed to come to a daycare or nursery school, so yes most of you were trained by 2yo. This thing about waiting till a child is ready and up to 4yo is a pretty recent thing - wonder what it will be 20years from now:lol: That is what is so funny about all the professional advice, it changes and goes back and forth every generation:lol:
yep, mine was potty trained at about 18 months and that was 20 yrs ago. of course she wasn't going to daycare, i just couldn't afford 2 in diapers. my 3 year old nephew is completely potty trained and has been for quite a while now.
ok mother of 4 advice #1 you can't control your kids bladder #2 your kid is in control #3 save money use diapers not pullups #4 relax sooner or later they get it. ok how I came to this conclusion you might ask Son #1 also first child young mom ......listened to everyones advice sat and read to son for 2 hrs sometimes son gets off potty pees on floor in front of potty......... Daughter#1 and child 2 the perfect child slept through night at 1 week, smart, beautiful, ate everything didn't cry unless hungry, tired or wet, always pleasant was going potty at 16 months. Daughter #2 child 3 (2years 1 mo younger than daughter #1) at 20 months asks to go potty so she starts and learns in 2 months .....meantime wonderfull daughter #1 decides she get more attention by peeing and pooping herself so we regress , can't start preschool till no diapers (tried pullups found them to be messy hard to to remove expensive and let daughter stay confortable till stink gave her away.) had neighbor kids telling me #1 stinks again, said daughter not embarased infact seemed pleased to have mommy wipe her butt, mommy not so happy and heard from friend family and people meaning well "omg shes not potty trained" omg i would make her still to her butt was red, you should spank her, somethings wrong with her.bla bla bla"....makes mommy feel like total day right after daughter #2 goes potty again by herself and moved to big girl pants, dauhgter #1 get jelous cause #2 gets to pick out underpants with pooh and piglet on them while she gets baby muppets brilliant daughter #1 starts going potty and thats the end Son #2 child #4 mommy says let me know when you want to potty, shows him potty think he was 22 mo old maybe , leaves him alone and week later kids going potty by himself! moral of this story stick earplugs in your ears ignore all advice and go with the flow (no pun intended):jester: good luck and enjoy diapers, cause once they are potty trained you will get to know where the bathrooms are in every store you shop and which ones are the most discusting............enjoy these times are better than the teen ones belive me!:grouphug:
DD turned 3 in April '91 and that summer I just let her run around naked in our apartment. She did eventually learn to use the potty. Took her FOREVER! Did the same thing when DS turned 3 in August of '95. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas I started working with him and he went from diapers full-time to big boy undies full-time in a week! He only had 3 accidents after he was potty-trained and one of those was my fault for ignoring him when he said he needed to go. I have a 3 year old now who I babysit and he is only mildly interested. He can hold it for a long time and is often dry in the morning so I know he's getting there. My daughter's pediatrician promised me that she'd be potty-trained by the time she started college and he was right! Hang in there. It'll happen. I promise.