I THINK WE SHOULD GO BACK TO THE WAY IT USED TO BE. PRAYER, THE PLEDGE IN THE MORNINGS, PADDLINGS, AND I AM ALL FOR SCHOOL UNIFORMS. Let the children have access to a darn bible! That is what the U.S.A. stands for. "One nation under GOD" and if you don't believe in god then do your beliefs at home or go live in the place of where your"god" is. The teachers have lost control of students because the students know the TEACHERS can get into trouble for almost "anything" they do. "not my little angel" "I dare someone to spank my kid" Well, if your kids needs it, so be it. There should be limits and stuff, such as having a witness for the paddling. It would make that child think twice before misbehaving. They gave you chances back then to straighten up, before you were paddled, it's not like they jerk you out of the seat for the first little peep you made. IT'S ALL OUT OF CONTROL AND THAT IS MY OPINION. :arrow:
I have heard this statement somewhere before but I can't remember where. We have the tail wagging the dog here.
"Homosexuality is Shameful" is considered as hate? How senistive we have become. I guess then that if I state "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination" then that would be considered hate and I am guilty of a hate crime right? This comes straight from the Bible. Are Christians now considered as guilty of hate crimes for stating what we believe? There are some things that are just black and white. Not everything has a nice little shade of gray to hide behind. You either believe one way or not. I heard this morning that 20 states put same sex marriages on the ballot and all have not allowed it. I am not the ultimate judge nor do I claim to be but because I feel one way does not mean I "hate". I hate unborn children killed, I hate to see my flag burned, I hate to see children exploited, I hate to see women violated, and I hate that just a few people can dictate to me what i can and cannot believe or feel. If you dont like America get out. If you dont wish to follow my God then that is your business, but dont attempt to categorize my beliefs as "hate". Terroists are killing Americans in the name of religion. That i feel is hate. I have not read anywhere in the Bible that tells me to kill someone because they differ with the way I think. It tells me to love them and pray for them.
I don't know why that whole thing was dragged into this thread As long as it is not organized, coerced or involves prosthilitizing (spelling?), I am ok with it. I was recently told by my biological father that I have roots back to the Mayflower, so I would not be a newcomer. Nor would the two John Adams Presidents, Paul Revere, Ethan Allen, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and a long list of others who were all Deists/Unitarians who believed in a god (for the most part) but their interpretations of god are considerably different then your Note George Washington was also considered a deist by his friends, there has been some questionable history recently to refute this. Sorry if I butchered anyone's names, I am doing this without the PC.
No...it wasn't. We've already had this conversation, that's why you're not getting quite the rise (I suspect) you're looking for. Search the threads, it's there. All arguments. As for my child, I feel it's her choice. If she wants to pray in school she should be allowed. I agree with Clif. It's none of the government's business to govern religion. It is a Christian's "duty" to "spread the word", but that doesn't mean said Christian has to force-feed it. The kids have so many choices taken away from them now due to all this PC/paranoid/scared-of-every-group crap. Do you know where "Bless you" came from after a sneeze? It's from the Black Plague. I can't remember it completely, but the sneeze signified someone didn't have the Plague, but just a cold or something else. The other people were saying "God Bless You!" or "Bless you!" for not having the Plague near me. It has turned into something respectful to say when one sneezes. Pray if you want. Don't if you don't. Just don't govern my child that it's "wrong".
Thanks Frogger, it's like I said before. Sharing Jesus is like sharing a sandwich. You share it with somebody who is hungry for it, you don't cram it down their throat.
If you all want to get technical about forefathers with me I can throw some NATIVE AMERICAN knowledege back at ya. If anyone's rights got violated, it was THEIRS. :cry: :cry: I wish I could print out the article I read about the foundation of this country and the beliefs when the white man got here but I can't. Mainly becasue I have a computer that isn't really worth the time it takes to turn on. Some of it would CURL YOUR HAIR. Some you wouldn't believe. The rest you would have to sit at the feet of a Native American elder and hear. :shock: While I am a Christian and believe in standing for it, I also know that what was done 200 years ago was wrong. But it was done. And if my praying or my child's prayers in a school, which was no doubt built on Indian land, can help our country's survival for this day and age, I think it is an honor to the lives lost both Native and White. :wink: As a Christian, I do not think it is right to force christianity on anyone and I don't. But I will stand up and defend it. Defending it is not the same as forcing it. And I believe that no one can be forced into a religion here in this country. Force is what happens in the Middle East and other countries that we read about. When was the last time you heard that a Christian beat, maimed, harmed, kicked, held at gunpoint or otherwise killed anyone for not being a Christian??? :? :? Anyone who would do that is not a Christian and is only playing "dress up", if you will. As far as this being in other threads, I'm sure it is. But I really didn't feel like locating it nor did I have the time. I apologize.
It depends. If you believe it, no it's not. If you approach someone and scream it in their face it is. If you attend a funeral waving signs that the deceased died because God hates fags, again, yes it is hate. Oh no? How about Deuteronomy 17:2-5 That's all well and good. Now, tell me where Eric Robert Rudolph got his ideas to blow up abortion clinics in the name of the Christian God?
Come on Cliff you must do better than that. First of all you are attempting to put all Christians in the same boat as some man and his church that go around to funerals doing what they do or another man that had some twisted idea of what God wanted him to do. Do you honestly think that is wise. If that was really what Christianity was about wouldn't more people be doing it. No it is not. On the other hand you see Christians going to places where people serve other gods hoping to convert them to Christianity. Jesus came as the ultimate sacrifice and taught about forgiveness and how God would deal with the wicked. I am sure you have heard that "vengeance is mine says the Lord".
Has anyone actually heard of a child being punished for silent prayer? Evangelizing is a whole different thing than silently exercising your religious freedom in a way that is non-intrusive to others. JoCo has moment of silence every morning. I require my students to be quiet and still for that short moment. If they want to pray, that is their business. I have seen teachers AND students bow their head before they ate their lunch, also. NOBODY gave any of them a hard time. We also have "Meet you at the Pole" periodically where students and teachers can meet at the flagpole in the morning before school starts and pray together. There is an FCA (Fellowship of Christian atheletes) club where students can get together twice a month. Saying the Pledge every morning is now state law. Of course, JoCo was already doing it..at least at the schools where I have been. What are you asking for when you ask about "Prayer in Schools?" I think the status of prayer in our school is acceptable. Time is given - how it is used is up to the child or the adult.
Does anyone other than me notice a problem with the above quote and then the following quote? I agree what was done to the Native Americans was terrible (those dammed Illegal Aliens) but I am surprised you did not raise slavery in your little rant.
Good points, Uber. In my 9 years as a public school employee, I never saw a student or teacher get in trouble for praying. Virtually not an issue. Sure Christians like to claim it is so they can get some special attention, but considering the millions of kids who pray in school every day without issue....... I can see it now...this is FOX News report for Friday, September 8. Today in public schools, 16,512,862 students and 575,022 teachers prayed without issue. Coming up next....more news on Tropical Storm Florence....
Slavery was an issue as well. It was WRONG. Sorry I failed to mention it. I AM NOT THE ENEMY HERE. I am simply stating my O-P-I-N-I-O-N. So everyone have a VERY blessed day today. And Fox news has stated that Hurricane Florence is not a threat presently. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh, just as wise as you declaring that Islam is a religion of hate based on what a small fraction of those who profess it. Again, if Islam were about killing non-believers, wouldn't more of them do it? It's amazing how ignorant some people are, and how quickly they are to pass judgement over things they know nothing about. On the otherhand, you did not address my quote from the Bible (Deuteronomy 17:2-5) which does say to kill (stone to death) non-believers. Please don't tell me you're one of those smorgasborg Christians that pick and choose which parts of the Bible they believe in.
Clif, that was in the Old Testament. When Jesus came in the New Testament, it meant that we no longer live under the Old Law or Old Covenant. We are now under the New Covenant that was brought about by the death of Jesus on the cross. We ALL ought to get on our knees and thank God, whether we believe or not, that we don't live under the Old Covenant anymore because alot of people would be in violation. That goes for Christians, non-Christians, Atheists, Islam, etc......you name it. Now that does not mean that the Old Testament does not have good lessons to be learned and examples that can be used in everyday life. But the punishments are not like that anymore because of Jesus. If you are not a Christian or don't believe, you will not receive this answer. Nor any answer coming from a Christian. You will try to "debunk" it, if you will, or make it out to be something it isn't. Some people will understand and receive it and sadly, some never will. But, I'd much rather believe and find out I was wrong about it then not believe and reject it and find out it was true. The Christian life is not a bad life you know.
Oh really. That means that I can tear out everything in my Bible before Matthew? Let's see, "Thou shalt not kill" It's in the Old Testament, but not in the New. Cool! How about another one? Adultery! Not only is it not a sin in the New Testament, the people who were following God's laws in punishing it were chided into not administering it. I guess you're right. All those Jews are just way too sinful!. But wait, maybe I'm misunderstanding. Maybe you're saying that the rules are still there, just the punishment has changed. Oh I don't debunk. And, as far as making it out as something it isn't, I don't try to understand what God meant to say, like most "Christians" seem to try to do. I take the words of God and Jesus at their face value, unless their intent is so obvious even a child would know what He really meant. I don't believe God is a puzzler and hid His commands in esoteric and cryptic symbolism. I believe God is very straightforward and made His wants and needs know in plain language. Those who try to read something else into His plain words are looking to justify their own sins.