Question about school disipline.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Jayjay39, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Today, 10:58 AM
    #38 Jayjay39
    Junior Member

    Join Date: Oct 2008
    Posts: 17

    I thought you had an important meeting with the governor at 11:00 -- :confused:
  2. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member

    I also know of two other kids my son has told me about that take online classes at home and stuff is that anywhere near Middle College?
  3. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member

    I work right beside the Governors mansion so I just carry my laptop with me and so far we are waiting on the Electric and Energy commisioner to get here for it to start. Should be another 5 min. or I may stay on and just not check the forums.
  4. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    Nope, no online classes. I think he can if he wants to, but he doesn't have to.

    Oh, I think I forgot to mention that the county picks up the tab for the college courses and the books. My son only has 3 high school classes to take before he can graduate with his HS diploma so he is taking the 2 junior year classes this semester, next semester will be 4 college classes. His senior year he will take 1 HS class and the rest of this classes will be college classes. If he chooses to and can handle the work load he can take more and graduate with his HS diploma and an associates degree or two years of college credits to transfer to a 4 year college.
  5. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member

    Time to go

    Ok, he is here. I should be on at 1:30 if not the probably a little after 4:30. Have a good one all.
  6. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    You have just admitted that you live in fear of your son. That is not good for any parent. You aren't supposed to be their friend, you are supposed to be their gaurdian and mentor, their protector and provider. They don't have to like the way they are raised, in fact most teenagers don't. But that isn't the point. You can't let a child do what they darn well please because you are afraid they won't like you anymore.

    Once or twice a year is too much. And you have already said you'll allow him to do what he wants because you're afraid of losing a special bond with him.

    Look at your original post. He was thirsty so, rather than ask permission to get a drink like kids are supposed to do in school, he just up and went on his own. Then, when he was called on it by the teacher, he did not stop, he told the teacher to go ahead and write him up and continued to do as he pleased.

    Given that attitude, what's he going to be like in ten years? Think about it.
  7. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Just because I know nothing about it and trying to educate myself then MC is for students who are too advanced or bored with the high school class? I'm just not understanding why the huge difference in understanding between some people as to who attends.
  8. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    From a mother's perspective...

    He should be grounded...not grounded with perks. No phone, no t.v. G-r-o-u-n-d-e-d. Trust me, I understand how much that kind of grounding hurst us parents as well as the kids. However, I would not take that kind of disrespect from my child (towards the teacher). She would be grounded HARD for those 2 weeks. All her school work would be completed, everything she missed while out of school would be done. In addition, there would be some sort of research and paper on....I'm thinking....maybe the word "respect". This is busy work to her and she hates it. It sinks home the message, however, that the crux of it was disrespect.

    Now, I've been there when there was just a personality issue too. I am, after all, her Advocate. I'll nail a teacher if they're doing my kid wrong, don't doubt it. But my child knows I can only have her back if she's 'clean'. If not, I'll stick up for her but she knows she'll deal with the consequences of her actions.

  9. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    The HS's offer honors classes for those that are too advanced or bored with your "regular" classes so I don't think that is the reason, I could be wrong though, it has been known to happen. My son is an average student so he was not too advanced or bored in traditional HS.

    I think different people have different reasons for going to MC. For us with our oldest it was that we wanted him to get a head start in life, we wanted him to get excited about college at an earlier age than 18 and since the county picks up the tab for all the college classes and we don't have the money to send him to college, it helped us financially as well. We also knew that we wanted him to get a job so the hours that he goes to school we figured it would give him more time to study, sleep, spend time with us and his friends.

    Other things that have to be considered are the fact that they don't offer bus service or sports so if you have a child that is very into school sports then MC is not the place for you. Also if the child doesn't have transportation to or from JCC then it isn't an option for you either. A lot of things need to be considered and trust me a lot of thought went into this decision.

    It is open to any child in the Johnston Co. school system. What I was told is that they do look at grades and attendance, but they also look at the application and take into account the interview. I got the impression that they take into account what the parents say too. After the child goes through the interview, you as the parent have a chance to talk to the principal again if you choose too. They actually put into place a new program that started this year where you start as a freshman, it is a 5 year program and you are guaranteed your HS diploma and an associates degree.

    If I didn't answer your question, please let me know and I will try to explain it again.
  10. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    My nephew/Godson has ADHD. When he forgets the meds (which is very few and far between), he knows that he is still responsible for his actions. My sister has instlled accountability in him. He knows the meds help but innately, he is still the one that shoulders the burden of controlling his actions. He is an honors student.
  11. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    I don't know whether you live in Wake County or Johnston County, but Project Enlightenment can be a good resource for issues you have with your child. I think it is geared toward younger kids but I am sure they may be able to help point you to another resource if they can't help you work out problems you're having with your son.
  12. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    Yeah, you're really teaching him a lesson, he can still talk on the phone and watch TV?!?!?!?!? You've got to be joking!!:banghead:

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    Your correct JayJay. I never got to finish 1st grade. The teacher got fed up with some punk cursing her out all the time and quit. Please learn how to use the word "and" in sentences before you try trashing me.

    ---My son recently was out of school for having a severe tonsil “abcess”. On the returning day to school his third block class is PE “and” they had ran a mile outside he then came in “and” his throat was a little dry so he proceeded to walk towards the water fountain with the rest of the class. His teacher then came out of the class room “and” asked him where he was going “and” he told the teacher he was going to get water. The teacher then told my son he could not get water “and” my son told him to just write him up. My son proceeded to the water fountain and came back “and” the teacher yelled at him “and” my son yelled curse words towards the teacher. The teach knew that he was still feeling the symptoms of the sickness he had gotten over. My son also has ADHD “and” that morning I had forgotten to give him his medicine should he be punished for my wrong doing or should he not have any “reperations”?---
  14. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Damn there are a lot of english/grammar teachers on these forums. you certainly get corrected in a heartbeat around here. :lol:
  15. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    First of all nobody needs to be "trashing" anyone else. Parenting is unique to each family. It's like religion and beliefs. Each person has their own way of doing things and it needs to be respected. That being said, if you come to this board and ask for advice you have to be prepared to get a broad variety of responses. That's the nature of this board.

    Also, if the best you can come up with in a discussion is pettiness like this as a rebuttal then perhaps you should not engage that person at all.
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I've flitted through this thread. Some things that come to mind....

    What is your son so po'd about? In general? Why is he so adept at manipulation?

    Arguing/disobeying and cursing out the teacher was more than attitude. This is a child who thinks he is equal to or even above some adults. It appears you are excusing/justifying his actions, as he feels he is above the rules when he feels like he has a valid excuse. "well I was thirsty, and we just got done running..." That does not negate the fact that the teacher was an authority figure and gave a directive. His response to her was OTT, and maybe some counseling might be a good idea.

    This kid is going to have a tough life, when he enters the workforce or God forbid the military. He will be fired, or he will be scrubbing latrines with a toothbrush. Also difficult for him will be adult relationships with friends, peers, women... nobody likes to feel like they are being manipulated.

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    I noticed I overlooked one of the "and" in all the run on sentences. Can you find the one I missed?
  18. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Middle College - I believe children in this program earn high school and college credit at the same time. So, when a child graduates he/she could already have their freshman year (or close to it) of college completed. Perhaps I'm wrong on this but if true ... I cannot see why that would be a hindrance to getting into college. Quite the contrary it would be an asset because the college would see your son could handle college level classes.
  19. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

  20. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member


    Parent or your child's friend?


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