love the commercials on the raido 'something something something......YOU DONT KNOW JACK!!!!' Shiver.....
who loves me? Two-Hour 24 Prequel Coming this Fall Source: The Hollywood Reporter March 6, 2008 The producers of Fox's "24" are developing a two-hour "prequel" to the upcoming seventh season, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The movie, designed to bridge the two-year gap between Seasons 6 and 7, is targeted to air in the fall, leading to the January return of the real-time drama. On Wednesday, "24" producers began securing the show's core cast members for the film. The upcoming seventh season is set in Washington and features the first female U.S. president, played by Cherry Jones. The "24" writing team is back at work, with filming on the remaining episodes of the seventh season slated to begin in April.
24 drools!! Prison Break and Wentworth Miller :drool::drool::drool::drool: RULZ!!!!! There are 66 days 4 hours 15 minutes and 2 seconds left until i get to see that sexy WENTWORTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Big Bang theory. its the best show ever made. its about my fellow geeky folks. what could be better?