? re W Johnston High School and activities

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jimnsue, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Don't get me wrong jimnsue, I wasn't suggesting that he *should* drop out of anything, just something to keep in mind. I saw disappointment in my son's face last spring, when half of the kids did not show up for a concert that he worked very hard for.

    And yes, the concert band is seperate from the marching band. He will still get the instruction, get to perform, he might play different music - but if it is the music he loves and you want it on his transcript - that is one avenue. They probaby have a jazz band as well, but that would be an afterschool extra-curricular activity.

    And Omni's post is spot on, but I think he is just trying to get on my good side. ;)
  2. jimnsue

    jimnsue Guest

    Oh no....I didn't take that that way at all.....I totally understand.....as I said here on long island soccer is 2 seasons and in the spring when
    baseball starts soccer seems to fall by the wayside.....which isnt fair to the other teammates who don't play other sports or the coaches ( my husband) who supports and trains and gives his time and now the kids/parents run in the other direction because something new has started.....

    We've always had the mentality that you finish what you start and if 2 things are at the same time then you go with the one that you were with first unless there was something important happening that would justify choosing the second option over the first......So I totally understand it when the kids work so hard and then they're just left there with their commitment while the other kids have just kinda shrugged it off...

    See.....my problem is I understand it from both sides....so its hard.....and as of now we've been able to have both sides.......:boxing:
    why does everything have to be so difficult....lol

    I do appreciate all of your information
  3. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    I have heard rumors of this place...

    ..this good side you speak of?
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    You're almost there.... just keep posting "normal". ;)
  5. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    But what fun is that? 8)

  6. zappa126

    zappa126 Well-Known Member

    Yes, your high schooler can be in the West band and play sports. Lance Britt the Band Director is a good guy. Just talk to him about it. There are some athletes in the band.
    The main thing is communication. Talk to the coaches as well. I know for a fact that the wrestling coach and the band director work well together.
  7. slater

    slater Well-Known Member

    from expiriance....
    I was in the band at WJHS for two years back in 04 and 05. (The year we went to the I.Parade and were invited to participate in the drawings and competions for Macy's.) Ill tell ya what. Looking back on it now, I wish I never did it. At the time, the first year was absolutely wonderful, it was fun and had the best time and best friends. It was a big family. Then it started to get very political and if you werent 100% band, then you werent part of the family. I wanted to do other things and because of it, i was looked down upon by the two directors we had at the time. I actually dropped out of the band after working hard to learn how to play a clarinet so that I could march my senior year. I juts want to give my two cents in, it was a waste of time, and i could have done much better things with out all the drama it brought upon me. I would not recommend for anyone to join band unless they are 100% committed.....
  8. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Everyone at west knows that band is expensive and unless you do every fund raiser, every time, it can cost you. Even band camp is expensive.
    The trips the band goes on are really nice and fun.

    If you want to do something that will help your child for ever, have him or her join the AJROTC. THey don't have to join the military later on. It teaches them a way or respect and honesty. THey don't all take it to the next level and they are not all innocent, but it all helps. They are a good group of kids for the most part who are held to a higher standard. They don't all take it... but every step of positive reinforcement that a teen can get can make a difference in their life.
  9. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    OK, this is my 3rd year as a fringe band parent (don't have time in life for committee commitment) and I've been won over by what I've seen. It is very physical and the kids get stronger and have a lot more endurance than your average teenager, and I daresay that most of them could hold their own against any regular 'athelete' at a high school level. The ones who are successful are committed and hold themselves to as high or higher a standard than the adults around them even do. They realize that their success is their own responsibility. They show great sportsmanship...they cheer for other bands at band competitions and they cheer for the West football team, win or lose.
    As far as grades, crazy as it sounds, even with the time commitment required for band, my son's grades have improved since he's been in band. He's learned to prioritize and manage his time better (most of the time!).
    Even with being overcrowded, I've been impressed with WJHS. I really do hope that my youngest will be able to go there, too (he's in 8th this year).
  10. jimnsue

    jimnsue Guest

    Thanks for all the input.....we'll have to see where we wind up and what he wants to put his focus on......

    I appreciate all the info it is helpful


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