The proper term is to pay down debt. Everyone has bills. There is a huge difference. Pay down debt and save your pennies. Things will only get worse before they get better.
Are we having a bad day today Pirate. That was kinda nasty and really unnecessary, don't cha think :neutral: Yes, I am aware that it will hit us in the return next year. But they are going to do it anyway so why not use the money. I don't like the way they are going about it either, but I will still spend the $. And not all on vacation either. Does that make me a "sheep", NO! I hope it will at least help some people who are struggling through no fault of their own (job loss, illness, layoff, etc)
No actually not. It is a very light day. I hate that it comes across mean but I am hoping that the American people (the Sheep) will wake up and demand to get the inalienable rights back that our forefathers fought for. The drought has lasted too long and the Tree of Liberty will not die!
I certainly do not trust the IRS or the majority of politicians. They may not hit you on the federal level but North Carolina will definitely get their hooks into this money for more wasteful spending.
Thanks! Not sure what we will do. I'd like to really celebrate. These past few years have been tough for us with both of his parents being ill and dying and now my Mom being ill. Lot's of struggles. I want to celebrate it big. When we got married, almost all of the family said we wouldn't last 2 years (we were both hotheads back then). Now, DH is the only kid out of 4 who has been able to keep his 1st marriage afloat (I take credit for the majority of that, thank you very much :lol: Anyway, I'd like to go off somewhere for a long weekend maybe but don't know who I'd get to stay with the kiddos. I might be able to get my Mom to come up and stay with them if she is not very sick by then (has emphysema) Hard to plan with her health. How about some ideas for a grand 20th anniversary celebration folks??? Both in town and away.....
I see. Well, I will agree that "We, the people" need to speak out and stand for what our forefathers fought to leave for us.
Yet, it all goes back to the kids--LOL. Too funny. We're using tax return/ stimulus stuff to pay off debt...hooray. And a little to go on a mini vacation w/ the kids this summer. Take care and spend wisely, Stephanie--mom to 7
Get remarried? My DH and my anniversary is in June as well and it will be 18 years for us. We say on our 20th we are flying to Vegas and getting Elvis to marry us again. I think that would be a hoot!
Maybe some people can pay the mortgage, or pay some to their Credit Card bills OR get a divorce :twisted: OR take the family on a vacation OR (me) cash it and throw it in the safe OR put it in your SEP or IRA acct.
I cant afford to vacation. Damn it. Gonna pay off more debt with mine. It's the smart thing for me to do. I am getting my debt so low, I wont know how to act. Wooooo Hoooooo!!!! :hurray: Now that is peace of mind....
Main reason for going to Florida is not just for vacation but my family lives there. My grandfather isn't doing to well and need/want to see him before he gets worse.
I am absolutely free of credit cards, I paid of my last two with my tax refund, all I gots is a car payment! Life is good!8)
FYI, order to get the $300.00 for a child, that child has to be under 17 years old, not 18. Who on earth decided that at age 17, when a kid is getting ready to graduate, with all it's associated expenses, and having to pay $85.00 a pop for AP exams, new driving expenses, etc.... ...that a kid is suddenly no longer a financial expense at age 17, worthy of a tax credit? I lost the child tax credit this year because my daughter turned 17 last year. Sucks.
At least up until, and including age 18. As for why, I believe that was pretty clearly spelled out in my post.