I"m in RED: AHM, I think you should immediately break up with this guy that you dont' trust. If you dont' have trust in a relationship (however new or old) then you've got squat. I feel sorry for you that you have to snoop on your BF. And I feel even worse for him, that he doesn't know what you are doing. Trust me, you are going to ruin the relationship.
Just so ya'll know I have run back ground checks on EVERYONE on this board. New and old. I know everything about everyone so you better watch out you better not cry... oh wrong song and dance...anyway....I even know what underwear you like right down to the size! I even know who goes commando. And I'm a bald hottie that is hookin' up with Cleo's hubby not you girly girl! get it right. :twisted:
You just proved my point, you don't deserve HIM! You are a mean, spiteful, snooping Enlightened person. Have a GREAT day! :mrgreen:
background checks? Don't waste your time on me.... I inhaled everytime I got the chance and as a matter of fact was known to drink the bong water occasionally....
I love you too, HG...I just don't want your butt suspended off the board...shhh...don't let "her" do that!
I am kinda confused....Ant said she is seeing someone and than another thread, she doesn't snoop on her husband. So are you married and have another on the side.
Really? What did Jesus save me from? My SINS! Actually, having kids changed ended those days, thank God!!
Originally Posted by TheAntHillMob Thank you to the people that answered without pointing fingers. I just asked a question! You know what? In today's life, people snoop on their significant others all the time. I don't and my DH doesn't either, it's called TRUST! I was thrown off when I read the post and thought she said she had a husband but that was actually Harley in Red. My Bad