LOL-NOT you're wife (NC STATE fan here).:lol: Here's another one... Did your breakfast every morning growing up consist of the following: grits eggs homemade: sausage or fatback homemade molasses and homemade biscuits :jester: I do have to say my MOM was the ideal stay home MOM. She worked on the farm while I was in school and did the house work. Every morning of my life she cooked us an entire breakfast and dinner, each with homemade biscuits and then every 3-4 days when she had enough leftover biscuits she made homemade bread puddin. She did that until the day I graduated from HS. She would make me eggs, grits, meats and biscuits or pancakes or french toast with meat. We hardly EVER ate out.
I know what he's talking about. I got suckered into going snipe hunting when I was about 11 years old. Had my big paper bag and everything. I was determined I was going to catch me some "snipes". :lol:
Hey Southernborn, you are making me hungry. My mama would fry some ham meat and we would take the "gravy" from it and mix with the eggs and grits. Good ole grits and eggs and red eye gravy.
Red Eye Gravy.............hmmmmmmmmmmm. It just makes as thirsty as all get out after eating it. But it's worth it. It makes me think of my Granny.
My Grandmother fixed us tenderloin gravy yesterday morning, with homemade biscuits and some of the applebutter we made the day before. YUM!