It could have been a case where mama thought daddy was watching him and daddy thought mama was watching him. I don't know, I wasn't there but I'm hoping it was something like this and not just flat out neglect.
It only takes a second people.....turning your head to look at someone calling your name in the store, someone beeping their horn at you.....any distraction at anytime and this could be you! Hold em tight, love em and keep em safe....always!
Me either, Cleo. Just did the hole a little deeper and throw me in there with her cause my life would be over if that happened. I can't imagine what those parents are going through today.
yes, it only takes a second if you're sitting in your backyard and the kid is in the pool. i am also familiar with this fountain, it's in the center of a traffic circle. the children's center is a long way away for a 4 year old. a big parking lot to cross, then a huge piece of grass, then a lane of traffic. this is NOT a "turn your head" incident
I stay in Riverwood and found out about the accident from our neighbor Sunday morning. I feel really bad for the parents. I do not feel that it is Riverwood's fault. The fountain is a distance from the daycare and it would seem even longer for a little one. Unfortunately this is a lesson that was learned the hard way. I am sure the parents are beating themselves up over their mistake. Either way it is a very tragic accident. I cannot image the grief they are going through. Hopefully they will not choose to sue.
Suing will probably be the last thing on their minds until the ambulance chasers come to call....of course, they've probably been contacted already.
That's a pretty narrow minded statement. I have been to Mexico, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, (and England). Each of these countries have most signs, menus, directions, etc. written in the native language AND English. Other countries accomodate us, why do we not accomodate Spanish speaking people, soon to be quite a large population of our CITIZENS? This country was founded on immigrants, many of whom did not speak English. I'm not trying to get into a whole immigrant discussion here, but I just needed to say that. Regardless, it would not have helped the situation with the fountain, but I still see no problem with my tax dollars being used to help people- -regardless of the language they speak.
ACCOUNTABILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People This world has lost personal accountability. who can we blame?who can we sue!!!!!!
Go to a small town in another country see how many signs you can read. Its mostly the big tourist cities where Americans as well as citizens of the UK vacation. Sure, they have signs in English, they want our money! My husband lived in Europe for 2 years (Italy and Germany and traveled to France when he had time off) he assures me that other countries don't bend over backwards in order to 'accommodate' Americans. I've been to Mexico a good number of times - once you leave the tourist areas, try to find something written in English. We are retiring to Lake Chapala, Mexico - Rosetta Stone will enable me to speak the language, even though the area is mostly inhabited by American and Canadian Expats - it's all about fitting into the culture, you learn the language and the customs, so you fit in better. Most of my family migrated here from Germany, they learned the language and considered it rude to speak their native tongue in front of people who didn't speak their language - ditto with the vast majority of other immigrants. In the UK, by the way, there is a lot of focus on people immigrating to their country who don't speak English. Last year, they were talking about testing the spouses of people from other countries who moved to the UK to work. Of course, they aren't as hand-holding as the powers that be in this country. Here, we worry way too much about offending people.
I too have traveled all over- -been to plenty of small towns in France and Italy. I never had people tell me to leave because I couldn't speak the language. People were accomodating in today's melting pot society. I feel people should try to learn the language if they are planning to be citizens- -I'm not arguing that. But I also don't feel that we should feel that we are so elite that others aren't entitled to communicate the way they see fit.
I laughed so hard at that!! But seriously Loriana, the english language is learned and taught by other countries because we are a world superpower. The language of business is the dominant world language. You are right, this country was built on the backs of immigrants, who immigrated here, and assimilated and learned the language quickly. I have never been at the gas station on Sunday morning and overheard somebody arguing in German or Irish about what time they could buy beer. There is nothing at all elite about expecting folks to speak english, it is the dominant language in this country. And yes, they should learn the language if they want to be citizens, because the Citizenship test is in ENGLISH!! Until then - they are not entitled to anything in this country.
You obviously did not grow up in Milwaukee in the 60's and 70's. We could throw Polish and Italian in there also! You would need to be in an area with two or more individuals that could speak that language in order to hear them at the gas station. In this area that pretty much leaves you Spanish and English, in Detroit you could also hear a number of middle eastern languages spoken (actually there are a number of billboards throughout the city with no English on them at all). In Philadelphia's Chinatown you might even hear some individuals speaking in . . . . Chinese.
No, I didn't. Remember, I was in the 8th grade in 1988.... Dad. :lol: WHAT? Chinese in Chinatown? Shut up! NO WAY!!!