In honor of seabee, this afternoon I will be making homemade spaghetti sauce with the dozen tomatoes that my garden yielded this year. I will also be baking a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting *if* I can find a recipe utilizing ingredients I already have at home (for the frosting). Cleo - Chief Cook and Bottlewasher of the Kaci Administration
Man, posts like this make it hard for me to boycott this place. JT couldn't have done it no better. I'll see ya'll when Seabee gets back! You my boy Blue!
My,my,my WTH????... Good gracious... I'm glad I didn't die...:cheers::cheers::cheers: Rich... way to hold it down while I was gone... :cheers: Luv ya all, now some more than others... :twisted: Thank you thank you.... My ego is big always has been big... but really I guess its like an old western movie set... a lot of false frontage there... 8)8) when you open the door you find nothing... :cheers: Ok a little reading to do and a little other business to tend to so I will leave with this
lol I'm sure you did, but I'm not sure along the way where I showed chick tendencies... :lol::lol: other than trying to horn in on chick only events here... :jester:
Welcome Back! What did you do to get banned for a couple days? Is free speech not always free on here?
Welcome back sweetie, you were missed and if my administration wins the next election my first act will be the non-banning of Seabee ever:cheers::cheers::cheers: