Evening with School Board Candidates Thurs., Oct 23 762 Wendell RoadWendell, NC 27591553-0714almpta.org From: Jeff Jennings President, Archer Lodge Middle PTA 550-7499 Ljennings@cokesbury.com Please join us on Thursday, October 23 at Archer Lodge Middle School for our “Evening with the Candidates.” All eight of the Johnston County Board of Education candidates for office will attend. Our session will run from 7 PM to 9 PM in the school cafeteria. Our friends at the Clayton News Star will moderate. The format will include prepared questions and impromptu questions from the floor. This will be a quickly paced and informative evening designed to give the public a chance to learn more about the candidates. Please encourage your PTA members, Advisory Council members, parents, and school staff to attend. With four seats up for election in November, it is critical that everyone votes with confidence for the candidates they feel will lead our county schools in the right direction. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you for your help in publicizing this event and I hope we’ll see you there. Directions to Archer Lodge: From Clayton, take Hwy. 42 East to Buffalo Road at Percy Flowers store. Turn left and go approx. 4 miles to school (OR) Follow Covered Bridge Road from Clayton to Archer Lodge Community. Turn left at light at Buffalo Road, go 1 mile to school on right. For both routes, be sure and follow curve to the right as it becomes Wendell Road. From Selma or Smithfield: Follow Buffalo Road all the way to Hwy 42, continue on for another 4 miles to school.
I hope that Peggy Smith gets no votes. She was more of a politician then a good principal. She caused harm to my child when he was in her school because she was more concerned about playing politician then doing what would have been best for my child. He is still suffering some years later. I do not want to write more on this subject because I need to protect the identity of my child. Please don't vote for her. Jen
I am sorry you feel that way. She clearly showed favoritism to certain families, especially the glen laurel parents and the AIG students. She is not supportive of children and families with special needs. Jen
As a parent I thought Peggy Smith did a wonderful job at East Clayton Elementary. She knew every child's name and had an open door policy. While she and I may not have agreed on some issues we always worked them out. My teen is in high school now and still runs up to hug Peggy. I am undecided on voting for her as I have seen her sitting in the GOP booth at several festivals. I think this should not be about politics and want our School Board Candidates walking up and down talking to voters. I have noticed that Amy D. has been doing a wonderful job of talking to voters. She is retired from a school over in the 40/42 area in the Media Department and has some great ideas. I wish Hat would run!!! Sherry
I don't believe this area is ready for my kind of transparency in government. I have always maintained: A. It's not the questions that cause the problems, it's the factual answers to those questions. and B. YAHOO....You Always Have Other Options. That said, thank you. I am Lyndoning the answer.
Is this the candidate that has the "Lynn for the kids" signs. If so, someone needs to tell her the print on her signs is too small. I have no idea what the small "disclaimer" print says. That's normally what small print is! Anyone running for office and pays for signs like this needs some serious help.
In the bold above I believe you were being sarcastic but if one looks at it in another way it really makes sense. People running for office do need help but it is hard to find volunteers. If more people would volunteer to help those running for office I am sure it would help others put their hat in the ring. It does become overwhelming when a person does not have a paid staff. I don't know her but will contact her about the signs. It is probably to late but worth a try. Thanks, Sherry
gcoats3, Want to help me put signs in the ground for candidates? I will need help soon (if the gas holds up). Thanks, Sherry (this was not meant as sarcastic)
Melynda - It would be awesome if you could post this event over on the Local Calendar. I've sent the information out to many folks encouraging them to take the time to attend. Thanks!
I met LYNN (School Board Can.) this week, FWIW I liked her & what she had to say about Education & JoCo Schools.
I have a previous engagement tonight. Will someone please Post some bullets tomorrow? Thank you, Sherry
I personaly know Keith and he is an awesome person. SUPER nice guy! I don't know his views..... I'm in Wake County so it doesn't do me any good .