School Violence

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by joannenc, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    That is the same asst pricipal who told me the same garbage. They just tell you to take your child off the bus. That is their solution. The principal and asst do not want to be bothered with complaints, and since I have already dealt with them and that school, I can tell you , you are wasting your time. Those two are there to fill chairs no brains needed.
  2. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    I have taken mine to the board and got nowhere. They didn't even call me back.
  3. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    When my son got beat up on the bus and I tried to flag her down she almost ran me over and I had my grandson in my arms. I went to Wilson Mills and was told I could be arrested for trying to stop the bus. I have seen many drivers stop to talk to parents, but I guess if your child gets beat up it makes it different.
  4. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    They don't care!! I have been told by Mr Croom (sp), my kids will not be there next year. My son's teacher had a complaint filed on her due to the fact she grabbed my son's face to make him look at her. The very next day, Human Resources was investigating her. She admitted to grabbing my son. Don't know what happens to her now. So, now I was told to go to the JC Board of Education in June to find my children a new school. THANK GOD!!! I told my son to hang in this last month and we will be out of that horrible school. It took me 8 months of complaining and threatening to get something done. They are getting investigated by three different school violence corporations. I stirred up a BIG ****!
  5. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    PM me the tachers name. I was also told by someone who knows, this is the principal's trial year. I hope she gets ousted. More than likely if the teacher has tenure nothing will happen. She could be moved to another grade. I am so happy for you that your kids are getting out of there.
  6. msmep

    msmep Member

    I talked with our State Representative, for our district, today, Leo Daughtry. When I asked him what was being to done to pass the Anti Bullying law he said that he'd never heard of such a law. I replied, "well, sir, it is a new law and many states have already adopted it. I can direct you to a web site that will give you information on it ". He said, "ma'am, I'm really not computer literate, maybe you could print it and send it to me". I said,"surely you have a computer in your office and I suspect that you have a secretary, right"? He said "right, but she's not in today". I said "when will she be in"? He said "Monday, give Bernice a call and she can look it up for me". I said, "before we hang up may I ask you a question, has the violence in schools been discussed at ANY of your meetings"? He said "yes, and this bullying thing sounds like a good idea".

    I'm calling back on Monday.
  7. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    Thanks and keep us posted.
  8. msmep

    msmep Member

    bump bump
  9. msmep

    msmep Member

    BTW, I would like to have as much documented info available as possible to pass along to Mr. Daughtry next week. If you have anything you would like to share please pass it along.

  10. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Good for you! Someone needs to contact JH Langdon, as well, since he's the rep for the area most of us live in. I believe Swift Creek is the dividing line between those two house districts.

    Unfortunately, if a bill has not already been submitted, it's probably too late to get anything done through the legislature this year. I still think we need to contact our representatives so it will be on their radar as an issue. But I think we also need to take it to the school board and get them to change their policies.

  11. msmep

    msmep Member

    I have Langdon's number and will call him as well.
  12. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    I am there whatever you need

    I have not been on in awhile. I have just read through everything.
    I have dealt with the following schools over the years & they include East Clayton, West Clayton, Benson Middle, McGee's Elementary & Middle & Polenta.
    I am here to tell you all first hand it is all a Politcal game that is the bottom line. Yes, we need to get together & take this foward. Forget the Board of Ed b/c they don't care either. Be prepared b/c the school system does get even & they will go after your kids & they will go after you. So lets do this

    By the way..........if any violence occurs to your child & they or the bully are 12 & over they can be charged by JCSD for assault / communicationg threats. If officer refuses to write papers then you go downtown & file yourself If they are younger then 12 then you do whatever it takes to make that bully held accountable. The only way right now is banning together as a group

    These problems are occuring in all the schools not one is exempt from the violence & it continues b/c of the administration their policies mean nothing there are loop holes & it is all a gray area they make it fit what they want it to fit
  13. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    GREAT!! If there is anything you need from me, just PM me. I will go up to the school and get EVERY report I've filed with them and all that stuff. There's got to be at least 50 or so complaints I've had this year alone.
  14. JC-native

    JC-native Well-Known Member

    This was on page 6:
    My wife is a teacher and I just laughed when I read this. Benefits?? What benefits? That's a joke, right? :lol: When new teachers realize teaching isn't what they expected and the pay isn't worth it, they don't hang around long enough to get bitter. They find another job. The ones left are only there for the kids.

    I've tried talking my wife into quitting and getting a better paying job with less stress and bathroom breaks. But being a teacher is all she's ever wanted to do because regardless of the pay, she loves kids.

    That being said, they were trained as teachers, not security guards or judges. Teaching is what they want to do most, without distractions. When distractions like bullying come along some get creative and some react miserably.
  15. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    There was a segment on some news show this week about a new trend .. called "Teacher Bashing" or something like that. Kids in the class misbehave trying to provoke the teacher. Another student records it all with a cell phone or other type of device and then post it to web sites such as u-tube. They showed a few examples and I felt for the teachers. The videos clearly showed that one or two students can totally disrupt a class. Public education should be a privilege ... not a right. If it were parents and children would take it more seriously.
  16. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Speaking as the son of retired Educators, the retirement plan is not so bad. Better than the private sector for a lot of people.
  17. msmep

    msmep Member

    I don't think teachers should have to double as police officers. Passing the anti bullying law action would give legal recourse to the victimized and put responsibility back where it belongs, on the parents! Having it layed out for them would require action on their part by being held accountable for modifying their child's bad behavior.
  18. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Why is there a question if this child returns to class

    So a 6th grader stabs a mother duck and two ducklings that are being taken care of by the school with a pencil. He admits to his guilt and his ability to return to class hinges on a hearing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. ksky

    ksky Guest

    V is for Vendetta

    Yes, we here in the school system are all about getting even. In fact, the primary reason why we don't have time to keep up with our teaching responsibilities is because we're so focused on getting even. (Just so there's no confusion, my tongue is firmly in my cheek.)

    I have been following this thread since its inception, and early on I even tried to add to what seemed like a thoughtful discussion. Recently, however, it seems that many of the comments don't serve much in the way of productive purpose.

    I can only imagine what some of the comments on here would be if a teacher were to suggest to another teacher about students in school, "Be prepared when you write 'em up, because they will come after you."

    These are serious issues that deserve to be treated seriously. I applaud everyone for taking the initiative to make something happen. But I must implore you to recognize that any time people on either side of this issue approach a discussion with the assumption that the other side is out to get them the likelihood of achieving a positive resolution drops dramatically. We're in this together, and we're in this for one reason: the children. It's because you care so much about yours that you can't bear the thought of seeing them mistreated, and it's because we care so much about yours that we're in this field to begin with.
  20. Centurian

    Centurian Well-Known Member

    I come from an area where school violence, gangs, and disorder were the norm.

    Trust me, the Johnston County Schools in Clayton are not bad at all! Both Clayton High and Riverwood have been pleasures for our kids compared to places with real problems. Our sons like their classmates, teachers, and the environment of each school.

    The public schools here are not perfect, but they're not that bad either.

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