Sherry's Answers I would rather have and be a leader that thinks and does research before making a decision. Some can be made on the spur of the moment while others need more time before a decision can be made. I see that you have found alot of fault with the system, but I do not see you finding the solutions. If you decide to debate me have a workable solution, which I think you can come up with. Unlike others on this forum I think their is still hope for you because I don't believe you are what you portray, I think you just love a lively debate. Sherry
Sherry's Answers Stinger 6, I have a feeling that you are going to vote for me. Would you like to join my daughter and me going door-to-door this weekend? You actually get to look people in the eye and discuss issues. How many signs would you like to put up and just let me know which poll you like to hand out literature. We are going to need to get the elderly and disabled to the polls, would you be willing to help with this? Sherry
Ms. Altman, If I were to vote for someone based strictly on how I feel about them, you'd get my vote just by your last two posts.
I have to agree with Cliff on this ... and when Stinger comes to help he will have plenty of spare nails in his face although they may have a little egg on them as well .... :lol: :lol: :lol:
You have no idea what is in my heart. Stop pretending to know things about people that you have never met. Unfortunately for you and your party, I am an independent thinker who doesn't just go along with the crowd. ' I'm planning on it. The Republican Party has already contacted me and I will be pitching in. Now since I'm a disabled vet, how do you plan on getting me there? You are the exact reason that I will never, ever vote for a democrat. You think that you know so much about me when in actuality you don't even care. What you are doing is a lot of double-talk and making inuedos so that you don't have to answer my questions. This soft-shoe appoach works on mindless idiots like Clif and Wiyne, but I am someone who researches things for himself and then makes his own decisions. What I have found you to be is unqualified, inexperienced, and dishonest. You lied and said that you have first hand knowledge of the military and you didn't even know what type of government this country (not to mention this state) operates under. Think whatever you want. These weak-minded Trailer PArk people will probably think of you as a diplomat, but I know what you really are: A non-commital pawn who will end up doing whatever the liberals want you to do. Go back to the library and do your research and think things through and hold special commitees while Fred Smith is leading the way. Maybe you can get a job as an advisor to him... :roll: You're a freakin' idiot who is only avoiding my questions. Typical liberal! My mindless idiot theory in action. I'm glad you have Wiyne on your side. Nothing like having someone who makes threats of legal action (and then runs away when his bluff is called) supporting you. He'll be the final nail in your coffin.
That same "short bus" that took you to school may still be available if it makes you feel more comfortable. An "independent thinker" that never has to make a decision because he has already made up his mind that one group will always be "wrong" ...... Pot meet kettle .... No questions but a lot of ranting about nothing .... Except when it comes to politics and then it is whatever the GOP says as you will never vote for a Democrat, right? That seems to be a different definition than that of an independent thinker, but then correctness has never been your strong suit. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sherry's Answers Of course, if you need a ride I will pick you up. Just because the Republicans have contacted you does not mean that a Democrat will not pick you up and take you home. I still contend that you will vote for me, but either way, I will certainly give you a ride. What is your disability? I know some have physical and others mental/emotional from seeing war "first hand". Still, to this day, if a crop duster goes over my dad's house he hits the floor. After coming back from Vietnam I was in the den when the crop duster came by and my dad hit the floor. I was a teenager and could not understand, but as I got older and he and I spoke about it I now understand. Sherry
Yet another intelligent voter. He doesn't care what the individual's policies and beliefs are. He doesn't care what their education or experience is. If the person running is a democrat, that's good enough for him to not even consider voting for that person. Tell me, Stinger_6, why are you posting in this thread? Most of us who have posted did so in an effort to understand Ms. Altman's political policies and standing on the issues. Informed voters don't just vote the party line. We ask questions and gain knowledge of a candidate before deciding whether or not to vote for that person. Apparently your only purpose here is to deride Ms. Altman. You have made up your mind that you will not vote for Ms. Altman, no matter what she believes. Because of that, the only thing you can do is reinforce that belief, not by asking questions (or reading other's questions and answers), but by making accusatory statements and generally acting like a butt-head.
Are you kidding? I mean, the chance to slice and dice a real live liberal politician? How the heck could I pass that up? Don't get me wrong, now. I still like ripping you and the rest of The Collective apart, but this was just too good an opportunity to pass up. And before I forget about it, I wanted to address that little bit of advice you gave me: Thanks for the cram it! I don't need some namby-pamby liberal telling me how to post. And please spare us the "I'm not a liberal" nonsense. You see Clif, I live in a place called "America", and in America I have the right to say what I want , any way I want to say it. Look, we all know that politicians are crooks plain and simple. saltman is no different. She might have all the good intentions in the world, but you better beware of someone who is so full of vague double-talk. I'm not really worried beause there's no way she gets any more than ten percent of the vote, but you better start looking not at what she says, but how she says it. Here's a few examples: You know that's a load of crap. Do you really think that Ali-Bob-Ah or Wiyne would ever invite me to sit with them? And here's the answer you got when you asked about Basnight: Double-talk.... This is her answer to Hat6's question about schools: Now I want you to take that statement and break it down and tell me where saltman stands on the issue. There's no commitment here. As I said before, she's just skirting the issue with vaguery. Want some more? Here's how she answered Hat6's other question: This one is real hard?? Again, no stance, no commitment. Just another "Well, I'll think about it" type answer. Now this is a classic. Here's her actual response to Hat6's question about immigration, which she says is one of her main issues: She didn't give him an answer at all. Where's the answer? All she did was shine him on and say "Thanks for coming, now move along." I think it's ludicrous that you think this person would be a good senator. But hey, let's not stop now.. Now someone asked her about the "green technologies" pledge she made on her website and how she would put that into use. Here is her answer: Again, plese break that down for me and show me where she answers the question. And let's not forget that your "Basnight" question has still gone unanswered at this pont, despite three reminders from you. This is her "stance" on abortion: Again, please read that statement and tell me her stance on abortion. I'll save you the time: There is none. She just keeps skating around the tough issues. Okay, finally you get your answer on Basnight. After four paragraphs of non-sequitor rambling, you get this: Now you're thinking "Okay, she commited on an issue. She's not going to vote for him." BUT, she follows this answer with a definition of the term "Pro-tem". What she did was try to qualify her answer. All she's doing is creating a back door for herself. I'm surprised your can't see that. She hasn't given one single straight answer to a question yet. I'm not surprise that some of these rubes have fallen for it, but you really have surpirsed me, Clif. I really thought you were much too intelligent to fall for stuff like this. Perhaps it's a matter of hating me so much that you're willing to side with anyone else who hates me too...
I didn't read most of the post, but I'll give ya my take. I'm not about to vote the Fred. He's got our idiot town manager in his back pocket and gets what he want's in this town with little or no argument. Being a developer and builder, his stand on illegel immigration is probably very weak, BIG PROBLEM FOR ME! I don't care for him or his little puppets on the town council. I'll vote for anyone running against him. Mike
I would not inflict you on my wife, but I would invite you or anyone else here to sit with me. I have found that in crowded places all over that people are willing to share a table to expedite the process and in the interim friendships can be made. I have a friend from Canada with whom I have maintained close contact for over 6 years after my wife and I asked he and his wife to share a table with us in San Diego. We learned a bit about each other and found out we had similar interests. No "cookie cutter" solution so there is no solution is not a valid assumption. Not if you read the post with an open mind. The question was based on the 'Fair Tax' view which is not supported as the final answer. Again, an open mind on the issues means there may be better solutions down the road is a good thing. It fits in with the problems in the legality of a child being born in the US being a citizen while its parents are not. The citizenship of the child has an effect on the impact it will experience if the parents are deported and what happens to the child in that case. The answer to such complex issues are never simple as much as the radical conservatives would like to make us believe otherwise. That one is simple if you actually have a concept of green technologies. The plan was originally to build a full service dry cleaner, which entails a complete set of equipment and chemicals in that location. She gives the approach favored by many in the environmental movement, which has a drop-off/pick-up service to another location where the equipment is actually in palce. This makes the equipment more efficient because the increased use will allow more controls to be afforded and there are fewer locations with the chemicals or processes, which statistically lessens the chance of an environmental impact. All of this still allows for the expansion of business in addition to the lack of spread of the impact of that business. Again, there are interconnected issues outside of the one narrow view. What are the effects of this one view? The adoption and foster care is a very closely impacted issue. Trying to consider there effects of all of the other issues on the one single in question is a positive sign no matter the leanings, IMO. As has been pointed out several times here, where are the replies from the GOP candidates? It seems there is a clear assumption of such answers being provided IF they were here to be asked ..... when they are not only answering but they are not coming to allow the questions to be asked.
There ya go, case closed. Can I sue saltman for lying to us? I have found (and have done) the same, and it didn't have anything to do with race, religion, or politics. It was just one person being nice to another. salt seems to think dems have a corner on the "nice" market. In your "liberal" opinion. I think most see it for what it is. You mean a "liberal mind", don't you? Let me give you a way to find out if you've lost your objectivity in favor of a completely partisan stance on things: When a person asks a candidate from your party a question, and that candidate admits that they can't give an answer, but you insist that the candidate acutally did give an answer. You are The Borg! I'm not saying that she's right or wrong. I can't, because she hasn't said what she stands for. I'll never vote for her so I don't care if she thinks an illegal alien is a Mexican or a Martian bank robber. The point is, she's not answering anyone's questions. Hence your (or Clif's) inability to take my challenge of breaking down the statement and telling me salt's stance on the issue. You're simply making excuses for her now. I don't know anything about green technologies, and I'm guessing a wide segment of the base saltman is trying to reach doesn't really understand them either. I'm not asking you for an explanation, Wiyne. And I'm not asking you to speak for salt, either. I simply want to know how her answer actually answers the question. If it did, you wouldn't have to be explaining for her... :wink: Then why can't salt explain that in her answers? Does she need you to answer for her? We haven't gotten any replies from the liberal candidate either. As I said, if saltman was answering the questions in the first place you wouldn't have to be cleaning up after her. You've proven my point better than I ever could have :wink:
I don't understand something. You say his stance is probably weak and that that's a big problem for you. If immigration is such a huge issue for you, why not take the time to find out the position of both candidates. That way you take the "probably" out of it altogether. But before you pull that lever, I suggest you go back a few pages and check out Altman's "stance" (if you want to call it that) on immigration...
I have other issues with Smith besides his stance on immigration. Illegal immigration is a big issue for me, but not the only issue. I personlly don't care for most politians. As I've stated in the past, I'm a regitered Republican but I vote the person, not the party. Mike
That would be a mis-interpretation of the statement, but that IS your forte. Where did she say that ONLY Democrats would act as such? :wink: Well, it is not "my" party but if any politician gives an answer that they do not have the perfect solution already in mind, I have to give them credit for the answer. I am more concerned when one tells me they have the "perfect" solution when they do not nor do they have even an adequate solution because they only think of one aspect of the problem. As in "stay the course"conservatives? :lol: But you had already said that you did not care what she stood for because you never voted for a Democrat .....were you lying to us then or lying to us now? :shock: Yet, you can and do make the wild assumptions she did not give an answer? That is truly scary when you think about it. Because you are ignorant, you assume she did not answer the question because you did not understand it. That makes about as much sense as some of your other statements. I am not speaking for anyone, but I am givning a more in depth explanation of what was said to allow those who may not have understood to have a better grasp of the position. I can explain the catalytic analysis of airborne pollutants to you if asked, but you will not understand that answer, does that mean it was not given? No, it would have been given and it would have to be expalined to you in some depth afterward if you were to try to understand. I am not answering for her, but pointing out the error in your assessment of the answer. :wink: Actually, we have. The difference is the candidates were available for the question. I believe the point I made was not the problem with the answer but with your comprehension of that answer. I suppose that is why it is so much easier to only vote Republican if you are a "free thinker" who is ignorant on any but the issues fed to him by the GOP. :roll:
Again, see the kind of people you have on your team, salt? Wiyne will be your demise. I don't suppose you care to answer my questions for yourself do you? Or is it that Wiyne really does speak for you?
Read this and then read this ig‧no‧rant /ˈɪgnərənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ig-ner-uhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man. 2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics. 3. uninformed; unaware. 4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement. Now that we have seen you indicate your ignorance in more ways than one, we have hopefully educated you on the actual meaning of 'ignorant' for future reference. How would someone having the education to know what 'ignorant' means and the ability to use it in a sentence cause anyone else's demise? I do not see that connection, but hopefully you can enlighten me.
I find that easy to believe. If immigration is such a huge issue for you, why not take the time to find out the position of both candidates.[/quote]You shouldn't give advice you, yourself, won't take. You have already said (and demonstrated by your actions) that you don't want to know what the opposition's stances are. Even those you think you might know, you redefine them to suit you, so it really doesn't matter. You, sir (or madam), are an idiot. No, that's not name-calling. It's a simple fact that I can prove by your own posts. You are no more a conservative than I am a liberal. In fact, I think I will make sure that that fact is known when ever you post your inane drivvel in future debates.
Guess I cut a little close to the bone there, didn't I? Perhaps you went back and saw how easily you've been duped. No prob; name calling is what I expect from someone of your caliber whose been embarrased like you have. You and Wiyne make a great couple.Now I'm going to take shower and wash off the dirt and grime of The Trailer Park. I'll be up in the neighborhood. But before I go, ask yourself this: salt said that she helped keep the full service dry cleaner out of her neighborhood in favor of a pick-up store. Now those pick-up stores have to bring the clothes to a full service place in the general vacitinty. Since she didn't want the chemicals in her vaunted Riverwood, where was the chemical laden store supposed to be? Sounds like a case of "as long as it's not in my neighborhood".... P.S. Did you notice that saltman has disappeared, and coincidentally it happened right around the time that you and Wiyne started defending her and began answering questions for her?