Re: Sherry's Answers WOW, good answers. Why any IDIOT would have trouble with a person campaigning for "free" is beyond me. I guess they want thier candidates to be beholden to a the lobbyists and other moneybags. I think the wingnuts have lost sight of the truth, just as long as thier side wins they don't care about proper representation. By the way, being in a military family IS firsthand military experience. Maybe not combat experience, but certainly military experience. Dealing with the military, even for business is also firsthand. Firsthand knowledge anyway. Where do you people come up with this stuff? See, even W has firsthand military experience. Doesn't that make you happy?
Sherry's Answers I forgot to state in my last response to the "free" way to campaign that NBC 17 has extended a hand out to every candidate on a certain day to do a FREE 2 minute commerical. Being of sound mind, I was the first to accept!
Yes, for god's sake. let's only have professional politicians in office...... queue drum riff...... cymbal crash!!!! If normal citizens don't get involved, then I say the needs of the communities will not get met. We shouldn't vote for someone just because they have experience in office. We should vote for them because they have a drive to work for us, thier constituents. I say jump in head-first and giddyap! If she's been breathing for a few years, she's had to deal with meanies anyway, that argument is crap
Re: Sherry's Answers Perhaps you missed my question from the previous page. I will ask again as it's very important to me (and, I believe, the rest of the state): What is your opinion of Marc Basnight and would you vote against Mr. Basnight retaining his position as State Senate President Pro Tem?
Sherry's Answers I see that you think my opponent has done a lot to support our community with the donation of land, etc. We must get this straight. As you went on to talk about the athletic club he built and the use of the facilities please check your facts. The schools that use the facility for swim practice or anything else are renting space. Did you read this right? The schools are renting the space, he is not donating anything! The meets they have at this athletic club are paid for by tax payer dollars, nothing is donated by my opponent. Do you really want other developers to follow in his footsteps? Look up House Bill 2780 (= S2009), which he is proud of. Every single person has an opinion on every single issue and as I run a grassroots campaign I have learned so much. Some want me to focus in on mental health issues; others want to change the district lines, illegal immigration, health care, etc., etc. I have never stated nor will I ever state that I have answers to all the questions. What I ask is that people ask the questions and give me time to research and respond. I value each and every question because with each and every one I learn more. Hatteras6 has a list of questions that I feel are very important and I will answer each and every one, but I do not want anyone to feel as though they cannot ask a question. People don’t think they have a voice anymore and that is why they do not vote. If we only vote for people who can donate money to charities, but who do not work for or with those charities, people will never have a voice. Anyone with money can donate to any organization, but to be involved or march in support is what is most important. I would say that money is needed for Habitat for Humanity, but when President Carter joined this project his main goal was for citizens to work hand in hand with one another to help. I don’t believe he meant for millionaires to donate money and then say I support this organization. Furthermore, by donating land for schools and instructing your sales staff to sell homes based on false promises is just not right. Donating land does not give anyone the right to bash our school board or to tell their sales staff to sell homes on false promises. I am not sure who you work for but would you let us know if you are affiliated with the Fred Smith Corporation or his campaign?
Isn't it amazing how these "non-professional politicians" can all organize so well to work for the same goals, like socialized medicine and replacing private entrepreneurship with government regulation, and package it in a folksy, homespun way to disguise it? Gimme a break!
OY, do you ever read what people write or just throw everything out that doesn't say Republicans are my God?
Did you march with Caezar Chavez like all the other "non-professional politicians"? I can't even type that with a straight face!
Re: Sherry's Answers I will answer your question just like I will Hatteras6 as I think they are very important. The questions being asked by others are quicker to answer so I am trying to get to them first and then move on. I want to make sure that all citizens are heard. As I said earlier, I am on the run and am blocking out time to answer as many questions in as limited time as I have.
"When a Democrat sees someone waiting to eat in a restaurant and he or she has room for that person at the table we always ask them to join us. Now, in saying this I am not trying to divide again." Yes you are. That's a flat-out lie. And I doubt you make room for the infants your party has worked so tirelessly to murder.
"experienced Politicians" I really think its time we FIRE all the "professional policticians." Look what they've done for us, let alone what they've done for their croonies, buddies, corporations, not to mention for themselves! What have they done for US? I think it's time we get back to "just folks" who have a burning passion to tackle the corruption, and B.S. that has gone on long enough. "Just folks" live where WE live, they struggle with the same problems WE struggle with. This "lifetime" "career" "professional politician" stuff is for the birds. We need to put term limits on our Reps and Senators. This argument that, 'well they're just now getting use to how the system works." B.S.!!! Then change the system. Enough is ENOUGH!!
Ms Altman, as stated before i do truly appreciate your time in addressing our concerns. i only ask that you do not waste any of your time replying to the very few hate slingers that unfortunately we have on this board as i am sure on every board.
Re: "experienced Politicians" I agree. Let's start with the lifelong activists posing as the "common people"!
Clif, what's the scoop on Basnight? If you were asking about Jim Black, I would understand -- and agree, it's past time for him to go. I just don't recall any recent news items about Basnight.
Re: Sherry's Answers Well lets see. If the swim facilities were not located at RWAC, then the school would have to go elsewhere right? Would they then not have to rent facilities then to have their swim meets and whatnot? Who has to approve these rental funds to start with, is it not the school board? If so, they do not see a problem with it. Does Sen. Fred not put on a yearly golf tournament out at Riverwood with most, if not all, the proceeds going directly to the Riverwood schools? His Chairity Challenge tournament has money that directly benifits the schools there. Look it up. Happens every year.
Sherry's Answers First of all, unless or until the U.S. Supreme Court says otherwise, it is the law of the land and in our State that abortion is legal. Second, I know of no one who is out there arguing we need to find a way to maintain and increase the number of abortions in our State. The fact is abortion is a national tragedy. The real question that we should all be in favor of is this: How can we make abortion rare? If a fraction of the extreme left and extreme right came together with the vast silent majority of the people in this State on this issue, we can make real progress. There are two routes available to make abortion rare. The first is for government to continue to erect artificial obstacles, which according to the right-wing is simply a plan to chip away at our constitutional rights. Here’s what I don’t get…there is nothing “conservative” about having the government make decisions for individuals, or to create a methodical plan to reduce individual freedom…not unless you live in China. The second way to make abortion rare however, should pose no controversy at all. Start with a program of education. Abstinence is best, but if you’re sexually active, protection and contraception should always be used. Plan B contraception should be readily available over the counter. When all else fails, we need a viable support infrastructure in place so that there is a realistic alternative to terminating a pregnancy. Support infrastructure must include temporary housing and shelter for women and teens that may live in real fear of abuse from spouses, partners or parents. Temporary economic support must be accessible. Affordable and red-tape free adoption services must be available. Tell me it makes sense that people in NC fly all over the world so they can adopt a child…and why do they have to pay $40,000 to do it? There is a middle ground that we all can agree on…we need the leadership to bring us together to deliver results we can all be proud of! When married, my husband and I tried to have a child and found out that I was unable to conceive. We tried all of the medical procedures available to no avail, then tried to adopt within the United States. To adopt in our country takes a very long time and our government does not help with the confusion they present. This one issue was the main reason for our divorce. Several years after my divorce I decided to adopt overseas. I did not use an adoption agency because I wanted any all money used to be for the children. With the help of my parents I was able to adopt my wonderful daughter from the Ukraine. I say with the help of my parents because I asked my father to go to the Ukraine and gave him a list of where to go and what to do. He stayed close to a month and finally found a child. My mother was my moral support. My father came home and I went to the Ukraine and spent close to a month adopting my daughter. When I thought I could go no longer go on while in the Ukraine I would call my mother at work and she would talk to me and give me the encouragement to do it. My daughter had two eye surgeries and the doctors thought she would never walk. I took time off from work and did all that I could with her legs. Today she is a competitive swimmer, runs track and is on the honor roll. Don’t talk to me about what your opinion is on this issue until you find the solution to get our foster care children adopted and all of the issues above. Yes, my daughter and I marched in Washington several years ago with the Pro-Choice individuals from around the world. My good friend and key advisor sit on the other side of the fence. He and I argued this point until we were both blue in the face and came up with the items above. A Right-To-Lifer and a Pro-Choicer actually finding a middle ground..what has the world come to?
Jim Black, Basnight, etc I do believe Marc Basnight has done a good job in office. But, he has been in way too with Jim Black and many others. When a politican is in office as long as many have been, I believe they become "influencable" (my word) by "speical" interests. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that they ALL are corrupt, just that with new, fresh, idealistic, civic minded, individuals in office, they are not "tainted" by the "system." (If they do a good job, keep them in for two terms and then "retire" them.) There are over 300 million people in this country to represent. We need to create greater "turn-over" in our political office holders to constantly bring in fresh, "connected" to the people, STATEMEN. (or women). Just a thought.............
Thank you so very much. I do want address everyone as I believe we have a chance to find a middle ground on just about every issue. I am going to sign off for a little while and let everyone talk. I will be back when I can and my first answers will be to the two who I stated earlier need an answer to each and every question they asked. Thank you so much for allowing me to read how each of you feel and to see the passion in each of you. We may disagree on issues but that is even more interesting.
I will reserve comments about Mr. Basnight until I get an answer from Ms. Altman. Don't you have a fly to pull the wings off of?