Sherry's Answers Just so everyone knows what a candidate goes through, which was an eye opener to me. Each and every day I receive more mail than I have ever seen. I get questionnaires, PAC mail, media mail..the list goes on and on. I have answered more questionnaires than I could have ever believed. I am trying my best to answer the questionnaires as fast as I can but having a total volunteer staff has its limits to the mail. As a matter of fact the NPAT is the one I just finished and mailed.
Re: Sherry's Answers As you do for your busines right? To take the copy from the brochure of his Chairity Challange Golf Tourney.. To raise money for the Children and Communities of Johnston County. Our 6th Annual Charity Challenge will benefit three charities: Johnston County Artists-in-the-Schools Johnston County Habitat for Humanity Riverwood Elementary & Middle Schools. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the Charity Challenge benefit our three charities. In the past four years, we've been able to raise over $635,000 to benefit the Children and Communities of Johnston County. Funds go toward facilities and learning tools such as computer labs, resource materials, playground equipment, and cultural arts instruction in the schools. We have built four Habitat homes in Johnston County. We hope to build another home as part of our 2006 Charity Challenge. Our goal this year is to raise $200,000 while having the most enjoyable events ever! For the sake of this arguement, lets assume all of the previous facts and figures are true. I would then say that yes, he does "give" back to the community, even though the Athletic Club charges the school to use their swimming facilities.
Sherry's Answers I do understand what you are saying. Back then the nation was divided and when the postal employees were helping us they were actually sorting it for mother and me. No letters were opened until we found my dad's. I hope you never have to go through what we did. I hope I get a chance to debate Fred too.
Re: Senator Smith and Ms. Altman responses requested. Ms Altman, I would argue that there is a difference between persons seeking political asylum who enter this country and those who are patently illegally here. In the first case, a person requesting political asylum is normally interviewed by federal agencies to substantiate the political repression under which they would suffer. ( A dichotomy on this point is the feet wet, versus feet dry idea for Cubans attempting to enter the US, but this is another discussion in and of itself.) Illegals aliens, as such, have broken the law by their very own presence. Many people eager to enter this country do the legal steps necessary to gain naturalization, etc. Those who do not should be prosecuted and repatraited. Acknowledging that I am not an attorney, nor do I portray one on TV, and looking at this within the law, I would ask you if you are familiar with the legal doctrine referred to as "fruits of the poisoned tree"? My understanding is that anything that is "tainted" by an illegal action, cannot bring about legality of its sequelae. An illegal search by law enforcement precludes evidence gathered from the search from being introduced in court. Similarly, A "john" who is ripped off by a prostitute can not have her arrested for theft, because the genesis of the act was illegal to begin with. It appears that your sense of giving a "pass" to the children of illegal immigrants is a social need. What then is the opportunity cost. In the simplest model, opportunity cost is a matter of choosing "a" or "b", but a choice must be made. We can argue all day that the need for tax relief is evident, yet hard choices will have to be made. There is a finite amount of dollars available to spend. I believe that we have enough need here for those Americasn who haven't broken the law, yet are still suffering. Quite simply, if my family is starving, I should not be giving money away to those elsewhere. As an aside, MS Altman, I did not attack your father's service, nor your family's support of his service. Having been a military family member as well as soldier, I have made and witnessed the sacrifices made by service people and family members alike. I merely pointed out that unless you actually served, you could not have expereinced the military "first hand". I appreciate your responding to my questions, and those of others on this board. I maintain, as news journalist Sam Donaldson did, that the questions don't cause the problem. It's the answers to the questions that may cause them.
Mr. Blevins, I also attended tonight’s forum. I thought Senator Fred Smith was very compelling. I also thought you made some good points. When speaking with Senator Fred Smith this evening he said he was hoping to hear my comments (and the comments of others) concerning his presentation after he was done. He said he wanted to hear both the good & the bad comments. He said he needed to be able to hear folks honest concerns in order to be the most effective. I heard some of Senator Smiths group discussing your comments in a very complimentary tone. One of the individuals I spoke with who was working with Senator Smith said she was very glad that you were willing to stand up, address the group and share your concerns with everyone. They are hoping others will follow in your footsteps and show up at some of the other forum's they will be having in the near future. By the way - for those who didn't make it tonight - the food was great. Hopefully you will be able to make it to some of the future forums. In attendance tonight were also Steve Bizzell, Cookie Pope, Wade Stewart & Jackie Lee. I'm sure I've missed a couple of other names - but I am typing this after 11am. The trip to the forum tonight was well worth my time. It definitely strengthened my decision to vote for Senator Fred Smith (and some of the other candidates who were in attendance)
Curious as to What Mr. Smith has done for his district outside riverwood??? ya'll keep pointing to it as his crowning achievement.... and would it be a stretch to consider that his magnanomous generosity of donating land for schools and putting on golf tournaments and the like benefit him by being a selling point for his developments??? not to mention tax breaks etc. lets say the land wasn't donated and the schools were built else where -- is that as an appealing selling point for the neighborhood??? what happens to the kids from surrounding areas when fred has built so many houses filled with 2.5 kids that there is no longer room for the kids outside his neighborhood??? has he promoted legislation that provides for financing schools in other ways than just local bond issues?? lets say he takes advantage of the lease back program -- where as a private developer he builds the school and leases it back to the school system -- is that a conflict of interest??? and lets not even consider how the massive deveopments impact our infrastructure like waste treatment or roads or fire protection etc. or land conservation or natural resource protection --- has he provided legislation that helps with those things?? seems to me that many of you are voting for the very thing you abhor in other candidates -- someone who has his own interests ahead of those he has been elected to represent....
Actually, by being a member of the minority party in the State Senate, Fred Smith can't do but so much. Until the GOP takes over a majority of seats in the State Senate, he is just another member of a minority party that has no power. Within the GOP State Senate caucus, he is known as a good fundraiser for himself and others senators, but that is about it for now. Which makes Clif's question from way back earlier in the thread so important. Ms Altman, do you plan to vote for Marc Basnight to continue as President Pro Temp of the State Senate if elected? As of now, it appears that the Democrats will retain control of the State Senate. As a minority member, Sen Smith's vote will not matter if that is the case. However, if you Ms. Altman are would more than likely be a member of the majority party and your vote for the Senate Leadership would matter. So.... Would you vote to continue Marc Basnight and Tony Rand in their roles as Senate President Pro Temp and Senate Majority Leader??? and just curious...have you received any financial support from either one of these two Senators, Basnight or Rand, through their PAC?
I can't speak for the candidate, but that information is available online from the State Board of Elections. All of Sherry's support has come from individuals in small donations, mostly $50 and less.
That information is available for contributions through July. There is a long time in politics between July and election day. Most PAC contributions from the Democrat or GOP leadership are made in the final weeks of the campaign. So there is no confusion on the question... Have you received any financial support from either one of these two Senators, Basnight or Rand, through their PAC...or have you been promised any campaign funds from them?
wah wah wah --- so what you are saying fighting camel is that fred smith is an ineffectual leader if his vote won't count?? -- seems to me we need leadership that can work across the aisle -- i can hear you now whining that those liberal dems have no desire to work across the aisle -- good strong leadership doesn't give up on finding ways to promote the things that are for the greater good --- just don't see mr smith willing to work for those issues ---nor do i see him as leader -- i see him spouting the republican line ~ hook, line and sinker -- no innovation, no leadership outside the box ---
The Johnston County Arts Council benefits schools all over Johnston County. From the webstie I could see that Ginny Smith, Senator Fred Smith's wife, serves as a vice president on the council. The following entities donated $10,000+ to this program: North Carolina Arts Council* Fred Smith Company* Progress Energy* Johnston County Schools* Johnston County Government* This is what the website says about the Artists in the Schools Program: "In our increasingly competitive society the future belongs to those who can effectively process information. The Artists-in-the-Schools program provides a way for children to develop the critical thinking skills they will need to compete in real world situations. Research shows that arts-infused instruction builds parental involvement, encourages self-esteem, instills community values and increases student achievement both in the classroom and on standardized tests. The Artists-in-the-Schools program is a partnership between the Fred Smith Company, Johnston County Arts Council, and Johnston County Schools. This comprehensive arts in education program is designed to utilize the arts to reinforce and expand basic curriculum through exposure to performances, hands-on workshops, and residencies with professional artists. By enriching the lives of all 28,000 Johnston County students, grades K-12, the Artists-in-the-Schools program focuses on the arts as a tool for learning and cultural enrichment. " In order to free up money for county schools in North Carolina, Senator Fred Smith has been fighting wasteful spending & trying to remove the Medicaid burden from the individual counties. My understanding is that making these changes would free up additional money that could be used to build multiple schools each year. To read about Senator Smith's views on spending - please view his website:
i am very familiar with and appreciative of the artists in the schools program -- that is a wonderful program -- and know that Mrs. Smith works tirelessly for it and should be commended for her efforts -- and you are correct that it is designed to impact all students in johnston county schools that said could you find a more biased place to do your research???
I've read the newspapers, done internet searches, listened to what others have had to say, tried to stay in tune with what’s going on with the school system, county & local government, attended meetings where local candidates were present to hear what they had to say .... However, it’s very possible that I'm still overlooking important information. I think its great that there we have a choice in this election. However, I believe it is my job as a responsible voter to research before I show up at the poles. I believe we all want what’s best for Johnston County. I believe both candidates are good people who want to improve what is already a wonderful area. However, from the research I've done so far concerning these two great individuals, "my opinion" currently is that Senator Fred Smith is better qualified. Voting day isn't here yet - and I'm sure there is lots I can learn between now & then. Hopefully, you will continue to do what you can to keep myself & others informed about your point of view. It appears that you don't agree with the origination of some of my research. I'm always willing to listen to suggestions made by yourself or others as to where I would probably find the best, most reliable sources of information. Do you have suggestions or more information that I'm overlooking?
Its not whining when its a fact. Rules are setup in the State Senate where if you're in the minority party, you're not going to get committee assignments that you need, you're not going to get bills out of committee. No matter who it is..whether its Fred Smith or any other Republican in the State Senate, they're not going to get meaningful tax reform or anything else through unless Basnight and Rand agree to it. (That's why when effectiveness rankings come out...rarely is a GOP Senator in the top half, much less than top 20 out of 50 Senators) It doesn't matter who a GOP senator wants in the leadership, because they're the minority party there. That's why the question needs to be answered by Ms. Altman. As far as my personal opinion about Sen. Smith, even as registered Republican I consider him no more than a self-promoting, egotistical politician looking to use this campaign as a stepping stone for the Governor's race in 2008,just as he used an incomplete term as county commissioner as a stepping stone for a State Senate campaign, once he realized that he couldn't win a Congressional seat in 2002. this is a link to Mr. Smith's voting record -- there are very very few times in which he chose not to vote with the majority either for or against legislation -- interesting fact
Thanks for the link. I had definately planned to spend more time looking through his voting record. I don't have an issue with someone voting with the majority - as long as I agree with the majority too. Honestly, I probably be more concerned with an individual if they were constantly voting against the majority. Between now & election day I'll read through as much of the text as I can to see if I am in agreement with his votes. I don't see anything jumping out as an obvious problem. Do you have any pieces of legislation you'd like me/us to pay extra attention to? Overall I really think Senator Fred Smith is doing a great job. As I've said before, no one can make everyone happy 100% of the time. I'm sure I may run across a vote or two that I don't agree with 100% - but I think Senator Fred Smith and I are in agreement on most of the big issues. Ms. Altman, I'd also like to hear what your opinion on the votes were and if you disagree with any of the decisions Senator Smith made. If you disagree, please give your reasons. Thank You
Without getting into Political Science 101...a voting record, especially in the General Assembly is not worth a whole lot. You'll find that most of the votes are not even close. That is because difference have been hammered out in committee. A true picture would be devised from looking at how votes are done in committees. Of course, the North Carolina General Assembly doesn't record voice votes, which is how 99% of committee votes are done. That is a real pain when you're a lobbyist, and trying to explain to your employer how someone voted.
hey melynda you need to check out senate bill 1927 sole sponsor fred smith -- then consider whose interests he has at heart i'll make it a little easier for ya......
I'm not sure why you find that interesting. However, I did do some calculations on that voting record which you might find just as interesting. If you take out all the procedural votes and bill amendment votes, and only count the final votes on each bill. Also remove all those votes honoring somebody or something, which really don't mean anything. Finally, remove all the votes where the voting was extremely one sided (five or less senators voting either for or against a bill). All that, and you will have 68 final votes on real bills where there was a definite dispute as to whether the bill was acceptable. Of those 68 votes, Mr. Smith voted with the majority 36 times and voted against the majority 32 times. If you want to see it as a ratio, Mr. Smith voted with the majority about 53% of the time. Given that, it doesn't seem like Mr. Smith automatically votes his party line.
claytonsassy...that's the website that an opponent of Sen. Smith's should study. That give a much better overall picture of where's someone "heart" is, as compared to the generic voting record. Probably a good thing he's not that effective at getting things done...thanks for the link.