and yet he runs as a conservative leader -- that why i find it interesting -- is he a conservative or not?? which is it -- OR is he there to promote his own agenda to give every advantage to developers. large business etc??? and to further his political standing in pursuing the govenorship???
Perhaps, instead of looking for some nefarious plots, how about you look at his voting record. Does he vote for (or against) what you want (or don't want)? It doesn't matter how many times he votes yea or nay, or votes in relation to the majority. All that matters is that he votes the way you want him to more often than not. If he does, keep him. If he doesn't, vote for someone who (you hope) will.
not looking for sinister or wicked plots -- an elected official once elected is the representative of his constituents is that not correct?? and you can best believe when given a choice i will vote for the one that i feel best represents my concerns -- but thank you for telling me i should do so ---
To determine what the party line was on those 68 final votes, you would probably be better off to compare Senator Smith's voting record to Senator Phil Berger's voting record. Since Senator Berger is the GOP Minority leader in the Senate, his record presumably would be the one most in line with what the official caucus voting line would have been.
Fred Smith donates land so he can cram houses 10 feet apart around the nearby school. Can you think of a better scheme for quick land appreciation? Building a political infrastructure of powerful friends and putting money in his pocket. That's what its all about. C'mon people, if you're really that blind then our community is in BIG trouble. Look at these two bills he's sponsored: Senate Bill 1927 - allowing Princeton and Clayton to annex more land Senate Bill 2009 - allowing private companies to lease property to schools Leasing schools is just as stupid as leasing a lawnmower. We've got to have them, so why not just BUY them. Leasing them just moves money from the taxpayers into the pockets of the landlords. saltman wrote: This law giving citizenship to the children of illegals needs to change. It just invites uncontrolled immigration and makes our borders meaningless.
The same question could be asked as to why under the Democrat leadership of the General Assembly, North Carolina started leasing prisons from private companies. The company builds an $80million dollar prison, the state leases it for $17million a year for 20years. At the end of 20 years the state gets possession of a 20yr old prison, which by that time will probably need PLENTY of maintenance work. Such is the way of politics!!!
I've noticed my question still remains unanswered. Ah, well, I guess I should know what to expect from politicians.
Someone answer this question: did the golf fundraiser that donated money to the school arts' program get distributed evenly or did most of it go to Riverwood? I don't know the answer. I haven't decided which way I will vote yet. I have concerns about Smith being more supportive of the other side of the county, but if I was him, can't say that I wouldn't support the home team more myself.
Ahh, but nobody wants to increase taxes. They have to find a way to pay, so would leasing keep your taxes down in the short term. Maybe that bites us all in the behind. I want to second what a few others have said about Fred Smith. Donations or not, charity or not...what he does for Riverwood, he does for himself in the long run. The legislation he passes and the golf tourneys he runs all have one thing in common they line his pockets in one way or another. I have stated elsewhere on that we should all vote anit-incumbent just to prove a point that the people have the power. This is the poster child race for this experiment.
You aren't familiar with NC politics, are you? Ok, so you're in favour of the devil you don't know over the devil you do know.
Clif, per your, "better the devil you know that the one you don't", I am quite in favor of change. After all, it's an election, not a coronation. And if the person elected is bad enough, there is always the option of a recall of that official.. the fact that we have so much discussion on this board within this forum, in mostly a positive vein, is enjoyable. Regards, H6
Those making the decisions concerning our little piece of the world can't be doing too bad of a job. After all - we all chose to live in this state & in this county - and it was the people of this area who voted these incumbants into their positions originally. Yes, there are some issues with growth - but part of the reason for the huge amount of growth is because there are so many good qualities about this area. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your position. Hopefully you wouldn't vote for a less qualified candidate or vote against someone you think has done a great job - simply because they already held the position in the past? Showing up for the poles prepared to make educated, informed votes where candidates are considered on a case-by case basis proves the people have the power - not walking into a voting booth and voting against an individual simply because they are an incumbent? I hope my boss never uses this logic - fire everyone and replace us with new employees just to prove it can be done? Yes, I do believe that if someone is doing a bad job they should be removed from office. However, the popularity of this area and the fact that most of us desire to remain living here should prove that the incumbents have made a lot of good decisions in the past.
out of curiosity melynda yet another question or two from me -- which is deemed more generous the one who donates land, walks away and expects nothing in return or the one who donates land and expects to reap the rewards of having done so?? same donation --- can't help myself love asking questions -- do we as citizens want folks in leadership positions that are furthering their own personal cause by using their elected position -- can you see that this may not be in the best interest of the majority?? it may seem in the short term things are good for the majority but what about the long term??
What a bunch of bull$h!t!! You're definately a politician, though. And to think people say that dems are all about negativity! :roll: Again, Bull$h!t. I know The Trailer Park is full of rubes and bumpkins, but even they won't buy that load!! So you think our government is a democracy? You must have been educated at NC Skate. You say you're a "very intelligent person", but yet you think that "waist" is the correct word to use here? Hell, if you're intelligent enough to get elected to the stae senate then I should be elected King Of The Planet. Then you're a liar plain and simple. You are using your dependant staus as a way to sway the vote. I protected your freedom for twenty years, and so did Hat6. If you never wore the uniform then you don't have first hand knowledge. You were a spectator. You just screwed yourself, lady. Hat6 spent half of his life defending YOUR freedom, and you think you know more about the situation in the Middle East better than he does? I know even more than Hat, but I'll let him handle my light work for now. Which is why you lied on your website. Did you check with any vets as to what they think about you saying that you have "first hand knowledge" on military issues? Personally, I am extremely offended that you would elude to the fact that you served our country. I'm pretty sure Hat is, too. Let's see know, that makes two vets whose issues you don't give a damn about. I'll tell one just that 6 days a week and twice on Sundays. Your mom served to keep your family in tact while your Father was away defending our country, but she herself didn't defend it. BTW, please explain to me how playing Monopoly on a Friday night at a slumber party is serving your country. The DOD came up with that "dependants serve, too" crap as a way of making you feel better. You want first hand knowledge? Then put your money where your mouth is and join the U.S. Army Reserves. Then you could really "serve". Don't worry, I won't be holding my breath. :roll: If you ignore the rest of my post, please pay attention to this part: What it was, was a really really stupid thing for you to do. I live to rip members of The Collective to shreds, and although I almost never slum down here, I couldn't resist a chance to tangle with a real live Borg politician. This whole thing is making you look very bad. My suggestion is that you leave now before it gets real ugly. I tend to zero in on someone who claims to be "very intelligent" but doesn't even know when to use the correct homonym. You do know what a homonym is, right? In other words, you lied and didn't answer his question. Me thinks you may have got caught embellishing a story and are trying to deflect having to answer. Typical democrat. That's two you won't answer. Hold it now, you said at the beginning that you were against illegal immigration and that you think all workers should have at least work visas. Now you're making excuses for them? Damn lady, you should've been John Kerry's running mate! I'll bet you make good waffles!! Translation: I'm going to do what the senior democrats in the Senate tell me to do. So far what I see is someone who is full of lies and half-truths, and who is trying to feed us a load of bull$h!t. You're a true credit to the democratic party! P.S. I'll bee waiting four your response, unless ewe think it's a waist of you're tyme... :lol: :lol:
Sherry's Answers I have not forgotten about your question and will answer it when I can. As stated earlier, I am on the run and trying to get to everybody when I can. Haven't opened up my computer since our last conversation. Will get back to you as soon as possible. Sherry
Ms. Altman...I still have 2 questions floating out there. Very simple really...shouldn't require research or consulting with advisors...just a simple yes or no to each: Would you vote to continue Marc Basnight and Tony Rand in their roles as Senate President Pro Temp and Senate Majority Leader??? Have you received any financial support from either one of these two Senators, Basnight or Rand, through their PAC...or have you been promised any campaign funds from them? I eagerly await your response. Thanks
Yes, Senator Fred Smith is a business owner - and a successful one at that. Because he employs around 600 individuals - I hope his businesses continue to be successful. I would hate to see those folks out of work. It appears that Senator Fred Smith donates lots of time & effort back into his community. I guess he could have built the homes & walked away - but instead he built one of the most desirable neighborhoods in the area and continues to support them. As I mentioned before - in addition to all the money and effort he spends towards the Artists in the Schools Programs in Johnston County - he also donated many thousands to purchase computers at Riverwood Middle. In additon to serving us as a senator - he also found time to raise 5 kids, serve on the Campbell University Board of Trustees, serve on the board of directors for the Raleigh Rescue Mission, and serve as a strong advocates for the Artists-in-the-Schools program in Johnston County. Among other things Senator Smith also served as the chairman of the board of deacons at the First Baptist Church of Clayton, as sunday School Superintendent, as a substitute Sunday School teacher and as a church trustee. Yes, Senator Fred Smith is reaping the rewards his efforts in the community - he's setting a strong example for his kids. He's gained respect from those in his church, his developments & his community. No one can every please everyone - but it does look like Senator Smith has done more that the average individual in efforts to give back to his community.
Stinger_6 writes; "So far what I see is someone who is full of lies and half-truths, and who is trying to feed us a load of bull$h!t. You're a true credit to the democratic party! " You certainly have described my opinion of Ms. Altman in 2 sentences. I have never seen so much bull$it in all my life. I believe her posts to be the most long winded responses/posts in the history of the 4042 Discussion Group on one thread.
Sherry's Answers Hat6 had some great questions and I tried to answer them because I knew he was not asking as someone being sarcastic, but as a voter wanting to be informed. You, on the other hand, need to go pee on someone else's day.