Please forgive Stinger_6 as he has been having a tough time of late and is a little testy. He has such a narrow view of life he never understands that someone may use a spell check program or that such a program might pull up a homonym if the wrong button is hit. He jumps to a conclusion almost as fast as he resorts to name calling when he has expended the little bit of logical argument he may have had. He is the master of the logical fallacy though so if you wish to see them in use be sure to read his posts. If you want rational discourse you can save time by ignoring his rantings.
You, on the other hand, cannot handle the pressure and answer the hard questions. Typical lib. "When the going gets tough, the liberals cut and run." Sorry, you're not getting any softballs from me....
Hey Stingy, when you are attempting to denigrate someone for what you believe is a slight to their intelligence you can start by using "dependent" which is the more accepted spelling and put the "t" in state too. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sherry's Answers First question, no. Second, I have received no PAC money, except from the North Carolina Association of Education for $100.00 and $200.00 from the local Democratic Party. Every bit of my money has come from individuals, other than the NCAE and JCDP, and I have not taken money over $250.00. My campaign has no Campaign Manager, Media Consultant, etc. We do have a wonderful volunteer who is the Treasurer, a volunteer helping me with speeches and a volunteer that setup our website and keeps it going. I send out each and every thank you note, keep up with when and where I need to be, print off most everything for the campaign at my home and try to answer questions people have regarding our district. I am a blue jeans and tee shirt person and when people have house parties and invite friends and neighbors over I show up, sit on the floor and talk with them. Our campaign has around $6,000.00 and with that money I need to reimburse myself for expenses and am figuring out how much it will cost to run an ad in each newspaper right before the election. I have not been promised money from any PAC. I know that everyone thinks anyone running for office takes money from PACs and has alot of money to spend. That is not what I want this to be about nor do I think the citizens of our district want someone doing this. I will owe no industry or individual any favors!
Dependents do serve. And S6, if you don't think so, that's okay. We're all entitiled to our opinion. But the DOD says we do and I happen to agree with them.
it is apparent that Ms. Altman is running to make a difference - to be a voice for the disenfranchised -- she hasn't anything to gain unlike her opponent -- she may not have land to donate -- or thousands to give to purchase technology for a pair of schools but she has time and passion to give to running for an elected office -- to steal from a well known advertisement land hundred's of thousands of dollars computers thousands of dollars time and passion priceless
What "hard" questions? I read your last little diatribe twice, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. You asked all of one question: Is that your "hard" question? Face it, you're nothing but a petty little snivvler who cannot bear the thought of the "other-side" getting a chance to speak their mind. If you have a valid question (or two), ask it, listen to the answer, and make your judgement known in the polling booth. Your tantrums are of no use and only serve to show how infantile you really are. On a side note, I notice the huge lack of any republican candidates posting on here. If any ever get the cojones to do so, I would be more than happy to bet good nothern money that none would be treated as rudely by those here who normally vote democrat.
Re: Sherry's Answers Sherry, I am a software developer, a Johnston County resident & a concerned parent. I am not affiliated with the Fred Smith Corporation with the exception that my son attends a Johnston County school - which benefits from the Artists in the Schools program just like the other k-12 children of Johnston County. Other than the fact that Fred Smith is currently representing my county as a State Senator - I don't have any other ties with his company or campaign. I approached Senator Fred Smith for the first time at the dinner he hosted at Cleveland Middle School earlier this week. He seemed to be a very kind, personable individual willing to listen. I always applaud those who go out and try to make the world a better place. In fact, I also applaud you for your efforts. It takes a lot to step out into the public and try to make a difference. I love to see candidates share their ideas, point out things they would like to see changed - and detail the plans they have for making those changes. Both you & Mr. Smith seem to be exceptional individuals. I think what you are doing is wonderful. However, at the current time Senator Fred Smith will probably be the recipient of my vote. As I've said before, voting day isn't here yet - and there is no law against me changing my mind. Do your best to convince me & others that you are the best candidate by continuing to sharing your constructive criticisms and detailing steps you would take to do things differently in efforts to resolve the issues you perceive. If you assume that every person who speaks positively about Senator Fred Smith is affiliated with the Fred Smith Corporation or his campaign - should I assume that all those speaking positively about you are somehow affiliated with your business, campaign or family? I doubt that is the case - I'm sure many of those speaking on your behalf either belong to the same political party or just agree with your stand on the issues. I intentionally didn't answer your question originally because I didn't want to draw attention to it. You know what they say about making assumptions ...?
So what we have is someone who won't answer a direct question.... Doesn't have the courage of her convictions to stand behind her party's pro-abortion stance, choosing instead to hide behind the Supreme Court..... Doesn't have the courage of her convictions to say what the promises were she accuses her opponent of breaking, instead saying that one should ask the residents of such and such development, and shifting responsibility for the innuendo to her campaign staff... Claims to be a non-pro, but marched with Caesar Chavez..... Claims not to be anti-business, but STRONGLY implies that her opponent is inherently evil because he's a CEO.... Wants to stop development by private developers, instead favoring government regulation of all...... Implies that Republicans are rude and won't "save you a seat", and claims that invoking such class warfare is not meant to be devisive..... And even managed to get in a plug for socialized medicine..... Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a liberal Democrat of the socialist variety! And no, I have nothing to do with the Republican Party in Johnston County, and I have nothing to do with Fred Smith or his company. I've never even met the man. It's the dishonest attempt by a far-left liberal to disguise herself as a moderate that cheeses me off!!!!!
You actually think ANYONE is buying a load of bull$hit like that in a world where politicians spend far more to get elected to an office than what it pays in a year?
And another thing makes my blood boil: That party of a-holes has done nothing but undermine our military and the War on Terror from the get-go, and now when there's an election coming, they not only attempt to surround themselves with military personnel, they actually claim to BE those who serve!!!!
Sherry it is mentioned that you have a daughter in the local school system and you are very interested & supportive of education. I understand that you have never run for public office - but I assume you have been involved with your daughters school & sports activities. How active have you been in the school, classrooms ... How many school board meetings have you attended. Maybe rather than simply pointing out that you haven't run for a public office you can let folks know how you have been supportive of education. Here I go making assumptions - and I hope you don't prove me wrong - but my guess is that you didn't just wake up and decide to get involved. You seem to be an individual who has hopefully been involved in some way all along. As I've mentioned before, some folks just sit in front of their computers & complain - while others get out & try to make a difference. I'm asking about education - because like you I have a child in school. I realize that you may not have the same financial resouces as Senator Fred Smith to contribute in the same manner he has - but there are many areas that parents can contribute to the school system via time & effort. How have you been supportive of education in ways that may have benefitted those outside of your home? PTA/Advisory/Volunteer/Class Mom ....? On your website you mention "Green Technologies for Growth". What personal changes have you made in your home & business that utilize alternative energy sources?
Here's a question for anyone, ...maybe someone on the board knows the answer: Has the State Democrat Party wrote off Johnston County??? Our local House members, Rep. Langdon and Rep Daughtry, have no opposition in November. Our State Senator has at best token opposition...I mean, come on a whole $200 to spend on a State Senate candidate of the 17th fastest-growing county in the US??? I would think that they would try to run a candidate that had somewhat of a chance with some financial backing for a State Senate seat...unless they just think they are hopelessly out of tune with the vast majority ofvoters in Johnston County. Are any of the 40/42 posters a member of the Democrate County Executive Committee and could share why they don't field legitimate candidates for General Assembly races??
"When Alabama passed a bill to take care of veterans people thought that was a federal issue and when South Dakota passed an anti-abortion bill, which is going to the Supreme Court, people thought this was a federal issue. More and more states are passing bills to help change things for the hard working people. States are tired of waiting on the federal government to solve problems. States have more power now than ever before." Are you saying you wish to see Roe v. Wade overturned, which would send the issue of abortion back to the individual states?
Re: Sherry's Answers LMAO, good one Ms. Altman. Hey, you gotta give her credit for catching on to who to pay attention to so quick :lol:
I would have marched with Ceasar Chavez. I was living in California during that time and I know what was going on. The growers were breaking employment laws and the politicians in Sacramento were doing absolutely nothing whatsoever to stop them. The farm workers (most, at the time, were legal immigrants) were treated as no better than slaves. What Ceasar Chavez did was call for a peaceful boycott of grapes (among other things). He became a voice for the workers who had none, out of fear of losing their jobs. Are you suggesting that the market not be used as a tool to fix business problems?
And my great uncle, a card carrying member of the American Communist Party who ran for the Senate in 1940, was there in the 70's marching with Chavez, too. I do recognize that there may be times when government intervention may be required. That's what makes me a Republican, not a Libertarian. If the laws were being violated, there are plenty of mechanisms to deal with that, including the courts. Why were those not utilized? Why was the ACLU not all over it?