
Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by harleygirl, May 16, 2006.

  1. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    They're both great. Very nice way to remember her.
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Harley, I think it's a beautiful idea, and your post has the tears sliding down my cheeks. :grouphug:
  3. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    NOT morbid at all!!! I love it!! Wish I thought of this when Samantha passed a couple months ago. I like the star with the paw print in the middle. How precious and what a way to have her with you everywhere you go!!!!
  4. Desdemona25

    Desdemona25 Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  5. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Hugs to you and Shelby too.

    "Wolf Wollfff Woooooooo" from my 4 legged son.
  6. Look not where I was
    For I am not there
    My spirit is free
    I am everywhere

    In the air that you breathe
    In the sounds that you hear
    Don't cry for me Mom
    My spirit is near

    I'll watch for you
    From the other side
    I'll be the one running
    New friends by my side

    Smile at my memory
    Remember in your heart
    This isn't the end
    It's a brand new start
  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    That's beautiful, thank you so much.
  8. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    :cry: <tears>
  9. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    not gonna cry, not gonna cry, not gonna cry!

    That was beautiful though!
  10. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    sorry for your loss HG! :grouphug:
  11. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    My mom asked me the other day if I had kept any of Shelby's hair and I told her that I didn't even think about it. So today when I was on the phone with Le - I was sitting outside and looked over at the trash can we keep outside, and I've got a whole bag!!! When I gave her a haircut 3 weeks ago I put her hair in a bag and put it in the trashcan outside on the porch. Me and my mom are making a "Shelby" album. :grouphug:

    She's so sweet.

    I'm ordering the necklace today - the star one with the paw print on it. I hope to have it before I see some of you in a couple of weeks.
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  12. le

    le Well-Known Member

    Good choice! Look forward to seeing it.
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Good Choice!! I love that one too. :grouphug:
  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Thank you sweetie.

    You know how *tough* I am (not really) and this has been the hardest thing we've ever been through. Went to see M & R today and their dog "knew". He was very sweet and wanted to console me - of course it broke my heart. He looked at me as to say "Wher's Shelby". It almost killed me. We used to take Shelby to M&R's house all the time. M is going to e-mail me pictures that I took of Shelby and his pets playing and hanging out.

    What I'd like to do, since my mom is making a "Shelby Album" is to print this thread off to put into her album. If you have anything to add for me, DH, my mom or dad PLEASE post it here so I can print out the thread and put it in her album.

    I'd appreciate it VERY much.

    JS, I've saved your e-mail to put in Shelby's album for my mom and she says "Thank you" and "If you need any plants, let me know".

    Thank you guys so much. My heart is completely broken and know that for those of you (KC, JS, LE - I can't think of anyone else at this time, I'm sorry) who met Shelby know how much she meant to our family. The healing process is going to take - well - forever, but knowing that we have our 4042 families thoughts and prayers, we'll be OK.

    I can't thank you enough.

    I love you.

  15. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    "Loss of a Pet," written and designed by Bobette Bryan, 2000.

    There's no best friend like a pet.
    A pet is always there for you,
    warm, friendly, dedicated to duty,
    and always ready to cuddle up
    next to you when it's cold outside.
    When God calls such a special friend home,
    you suddenly feel lost.
    You feel like something wonderful
    is missing from your life.
    For so long your pet watched over you,
    always guiding you and protecting you
    like a guardian angel.
    And indeed like an angel
    your best friend
    was sent to you from God.
    But even when God feels it's time
    for your pet to rest,
    your best friend is never really gone.
    The bond of friendship you created
    will live in your heart forever.
    And after the grief subsides
    the memories of the good times you spent
    with your beloved friend
    will again make you smile
    and give you comfort.
    And in the way of a guardian angel,
    your pet will always be watching over you
    from above,
    sending you its warmth and love.

  16. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

  17. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member


    I know you don't know me and I have been here for a little while. I post sometimes not a lot..but I have read more then post. I have followed a lot of threads and I have always enjoyed your post..I think your a trip and I hope one day I get to met you. Now for that, I may have never known Shelby, but I felt like I did reading all your post and stories about her on here. I'm sorry for what you have gone through, and I don't even want to think of the day that will happen to my babies. I'm a very big animal lover and I want to thank you for sharing Shelby with me here. I will miss hearing about her. My heart goes out to you and your family. oh, and I think the necklace is a very cool idea, go for it.
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I just got her necklace - it's SOOOO pretty!!!

    The chain has some black marks on it so I'm sending that back and getting a new one OR I'll just to by a chain somewhere else.
  19. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    HG.... I have totally missed this post. I am so sorry!!!!! She was blessed to have you in her life, if I come back as a dog/cat I know who I want my mommy to be!!!:grouphug::grouphug:
  20. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    To HG, HG's DH, Shelby's Grandma and Grandpa:

    You all had a wonderful and loving member of your family that will always be in your heart take her final trip to the Everlasting. Though your heart is breaking now and the pain is extreme, take faith in the fact that when your own days are over, Shelby will be there waiting for you to help guide you when you are ready to join her in the Everlasting Eternity our Lord has promised us:grouphug:

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