Should illegal aliens be given amnesty?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LETSGOEERS!!!, Oct 28, 2008.


Should illegal aliens be given amnesty?

Poll closed Nov 7, 2008.
  1. Yes

  2. No

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. lkauppi

    lkauppi Active Member

    if you feel

    strongly for or against this issue, you should let your congressman know. I think there is a movement to change the 14th amendment of our Constitution (the one on birthright citizenship). If I had my kids in say France, they would not become a French citizen. The 14th amendment was written pertaining to freed slaves and their citizen status, I think the law needs to be updated to reflect our changing society. Do some searches and you will find out more about this. Let me add this, as a wife of a resident alien of the US, we had to jump through hoops, paperwork out the wazoo and a few trips to Charlotte to get his greencard and resident status. We have been married 13 years, he has been here for over 20 years and my husband works hard, pays taxes and does not get to vote. We did it legally and by the book, why shouldn't everybody? It is a slap in our face for people to be here illegally. Oh, and he is completely bilingual!! Maybe I should start requesting everything be put in Finnish (his native language).
  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You miss the "illegal" aspect since they were the founders and the later influx was not particularly legal as there was open warfare to try to remove the invaders.
  3. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You musdt have slept through history class, as most of the immigration form non-English speaking nations did not assimilate well into the populaiton. They did not often learn the language and created conclaves of similar language/ethnic groups. The Amish still try to isolate themselves form our culture, but others such as the "little Italy" areas of the major cities eventually added English as the younger generations progressed and learned the language.

    Prior to 1880, the story went, there had been a voluntary immigration to the United States, made up mostly of British, Scandinavian, German and Irish peoples. This “old” migration, from Northern and Western Europe, was sturdy, pioneering and permanent. In the words of a 1910 report, the old immigrants “mingled freely with the native Americans and were quickly assimilated.” But the new immigration was different.

    The new immigrant–the Greek, the Pole, the Serb, the Hungarian, the Italian–was considered another breed. A whole mythology was created to explain him. He had not come wholly on his own, but had been corralled by a steamship line or a labor recruiter. He did not bring his family with him. He willingly worked for starvation wages, huddled in slums which no native American could tolerate, paid fewer taxes than the native, took a larger share of public charity and committed a greater share of the crimes.

    He was often a bird of passage, making a stake in the United States and then returning home. Or, if he stayed long enough to acquire citizenship papers, he sold his vote to politicians for the cheapest of handouts. He was a radical–had it not been anarchists, speaking a foreign tongue, whose propaganda lit the fuse of the Haymarket explosion? He was, in short, unassimilable, and he threatened to break down American civilization.
  4. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    I have a degree in History so you can pound sand with your sleeping comment. You have posted an article referencing a story pre 1880 while my words describe what went on in the late 19teens and into The Great Depression. You can dispute it all night but you can't rewrite History.

    Granted there were pockets of cultures within America but immigrants came here eager to become "<blank>-Americans" instead of <blanks> living in America.

    Conversely, Julio the plumber knowingly breaks the law by crossing our borders, hides his identity, cares nothing about our laws once here and has zero interest in becoming an American citizen.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2008
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Really, from everything I have seen (and common sense) the typical "illegal" follows the laws better than the average US citizens (beyond the obvious one). You typically need to behave and lie low if you do not wish to be caught and deported.
  6. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    That is assuming they know/care about our laws (i.e. drunk driving).
  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    As stated, most care very much, unless they wish to be deported. It is unfortunate that there are the few idiots who drink to much and drive (regardless of where they come from).
  8. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    I can assure you it was a whole different time and situation back then, a lot of them back then came here because of oppression and communism. And the true American dream.
  9. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    That is a crock of bull crap.
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    How so?
  11. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Think so? Think again.

    I just found this from 2.5 years ago:

    Now we have no idea how many of these Hispanics were legal but I'd wager a large majority of them were indeed illegal since they didn't have a license.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2008
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I already stated that there are idiots that drink and drive, outside of that do you have anything? I didn't think so.
  13. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    You don't think Mexican immigrants would like to live the American dream? Have you been to Mexico? Have you seen the conditions that these people live in there? And you don't think they are oppressed?

    So if there was an Ellis Island like processing center for Mexicans that would except all comers, do you think that so many Mexcans would still come here illegally? What if they were guaranteed entry into the US, with the exception of criminals, by passing through this processing facility? Would they still risk their and their family’s lives by sneaking over the boarder? And now instead of undocumented workers that aren’t paying taxes and aren’t even making minimum wage; you have registered workers that are paying taxes and are making minimum wage. Since they’re getting paid more it makes it easier for American citizens to compete against them in the workforce.

    And here’s one thing I don’t agree with some people on…I do believe they want to assimilate, I do believe they want to learn English, and more then anything they want to be American citizens.
  14. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest


    You stated:

    Well I just refuted that with data with regard to DUI in Wake County. If that isn't clear enough, it means a ridiculously higher proportion of Hispanics in Wake County break the law by drinking and driving than any other race. Since we know the majority of Hispanics are here illegally we can prove your statement above to be false re: DUI.

    Until we have data for other types of crime, we'll use this case study for now.

    Nobody is disputing there are idiots who drink and drive but that wasn't the point.

    Don't give me this weak "I didn't think so" BS like some lil' girl.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2008
  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Did you fall asleep before finishing my original post? :mrgreen:

  16. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I don't know any such thing. Do you have statistics on the number of legal Hispanics and the number of illegals? You simply assume that most of the Hispanic people you see are here illegally. While it's true that DUI's among Hispanics occur at disproportionately higher rates than among other ethnic groups, it is still not "typical" for Hispanics. It is still a tiny percentage of the Hispanic population.
    Case study? That is not a case study, it is simply a bit of anecdotal evidence that proves nothing.
  17. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    It does prove something. It proves DUI's among Hispanics occur at disproportionately higher rates than among other ethnic groups as you mentioned. Hugh suggested the typical "illegal" obeys laws better than the avg citizen, but that doesn't seem to the case with regard to DUI which of course is against the law.

    How would you know the percentage of the Hispanic population with DUIs is "tiny" if you don't know, as you stated, the population Hispanic population?

    And, KD, if you don't think the overwhelming majority of Hispanics are illegal then you are living in a dreamland. As porous as our borders are and as often as we turn a blind eye towards illegal immigration, why on earth would a illegal try to be legal?

    For the record, re: Illegal immigrants in North Carolina.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2008
  18. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Isn't it against the law to keep using the wrong social security # time and time again,
  19. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    You're dead on and these law abiding illegals are killing people along the way. But that only makes them an "idiot". I'm sure the families of those they killed would have another word for them. But you're just shoveling crap against the wind trying to convince them because the world of bleeding heart liberals only consists of peace, love and happiness.
  20. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    What would you do if you lived here?


    This is how the typical poor family lives in Mexico.

    What if there was a big rich Country right next door that gave you hope of a better life...if you could just get there.

    Would you risk your life to provide your children something better than this?

    Would you enter a Country illegally to escape this?

    If you want to stop illegal immigration, then we must first stop this.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2008

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