Should smoking be banned in public places?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Lucidity, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member


    Yep, beep, just like the Roadrunner. Of course we cannot move as fast as the Roadrunner to get away from government intrusion and anything that causes cancer.
  2. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Member

    I think Martha Stewart has the same thing as Peaches, a black chow and a cinnamon chow. I haven't seen her with the black one for a long time.
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I heard that Urine and beer are great for washing your hair. I'm sticking with shampoo, being half bald I ain't too worried about it! :mrgreen:
  4. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    Hey, I figure if most everything causes cancer then why not enjoy life by doing things you like, that are legal (at the moment).
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    True, I am not sure I would enjoy life as a 93 pound individual that was terrified of everything I ate or came in contact with.
  6. Steve

    Steve Guest

    no, I just dpon't bathe.... maybe that's why my wife left me....
  7. NadiaP

    NadiaP Well-Known Member

    hmmmmm...note came home from the school today saying that tabacco products of any kind will no longer be allowed anywhere on school grounds. Signs will be posted shortly. The reason cited is twofold...1. deterring addiction by not allowing the kiddos see teachers and parents smoking and 2. the health effects of second hand smoke. Your tax dollars support these schools...whats your opinion?
  8. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Isn't there already a no smoking ban on school property?? I agree with it anyhow.
  9. Steve

    Steve Guest

    in this case I agree with it. It is an irrefutable fact that cigarettes cause cancer. Any adult has the right to smoke if they choose. I am a non smoker but i work in bars and restaurants and therefore expose myself to dangerous second hand smoke. It is my choice as an adult.

    But neither you, I or teachers have the right to make that choice for a child.

    Now once they're adults if they choose to intravenously inject liquid drano and cocaine it's their business, much less smoke. ONCE THEY'RE ADULTS.
  10. NadiaP

    NadiaP Well-Known Member

    :iagree: Absoultely! I thought there was a smoking ban on school grounds also but apparantly not. I was interested in the opinion of the previous posters who believe their right to smoke shouldnt be curtailed on any public property.
  11. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Member

    To think that I voted for you in '06 makes me want to vomit!
  12. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Member

    Should smoking be banned in public places? Where is everybody? Bring it on!!!
  13. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Member

    Bring it on big guy!
  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I already said no. :mrgreen:

    Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
  15. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    To each his own
  16. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Member

  17. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Member

    You know who I am, and I know who you are. You ran for the state senate in '06 and I voted for you. My wife died from second hand smoke and you (IDIOT) are making a JOKE of it. Do you understand where I am coming from?
  18. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Member

    Love ya Girl, but ya need to back off! Got a nice Chow Chow Fridg magnet for ya! Got it off ebay. you know where I live. Just 4 U !
  19. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I know where you live? Do I know you really? Are you a stalker? :lol:
  20. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I thought there was already a No Tobacco policy on school grounds. There's no ashtrays, but I have seen coffee cans outside the doors at the end of the wings before - but you know what? If I had to deal with 25 of my sons at once, I'd be out there smoking, too. I could really care less, I consider myself a pretty light smoker - it's no big deal for me to not smoke in carpool and the two hours before and after carpool. I don't know if it is effective, but it can't hurt. I guess I really have no opinion on it.

    As far as not smoking in public goes, I do not support that. It is PUBLIC. OUTDOORS. I can respect not smoking indoors, I don't smoke in my own home but give me break. A non-smoker can walk away, or stand upwind, and most smokers are pretty curteous. See, it is an easy solution... JUST MOVE. But no, a smoker's rights are infringed upon to be told "NO smoking at this public spot" because some whiner does not want to take steps towards their own happiness. They have to take away your happiness. I would not support any laws or policy governing smoking outdoors in public, whatever happened to our inalienable rights? Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. I mean really, who owns the freaking air outside? What's next? Ban farting?

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