Of people trying to haggle instead of paying the sticker price which is already below wholesale level :x
of people with the "all about me attitude", seriously do some people have to think that every post your post on FB is directed at them personally
i am sick and tired of sick old ladies..lol mother on law, mother, and me i am sick and tired of kids who know everything i am sick and tired of being fat i am sick and tired of the work day dragging and the nights with my famly going so fast i am sick and tired of bills and not having enough money at one time to pay them all i am sick and tired of whinning ---dogs and kids i am sick and tired of butt heads getting everything they want while the working people struggle i am sick and tired of mozzarella sticks having so many calories etc:x
I agree. I'm sick and tired of the stupid comments people make in the grocery store when I have to ask them to reach something high up on a shelf for me. Duh, do you really have to say "I guess you can't reach it, huh?" And no, it's not cute that I am so short. I do appreciate their help but when I say thank you, the only necessary response is "you're welcome."
I am tired of people saying or insinuating that others are liars. If one thinks another person is a liar just don't discuss items with them.....shoot they are liars and what they say is a lie. Some people are so stupid. Sherry
sick and tired of hearing about the wake county school board. Firm believer in sending kids to local schools. If I wanted to send my kid to a school 15 miles away I would of moved 15 miles closer to that school. And if I had two kids that were going to middle school or high school I would want them both in the same school and not two different schools.
Wll I guess I felt yours beating today but mine is always beating, you ole' blow hard. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Where's Wayne? Sherry
SNOW!!!!!!!! It was 70 in Montreal yesterday but snowed between 5" and 7" today and it is still coming down! All I took with me was a thin cloth jacket. BURRRRRRRRR!
Well, haven't started them yet, but am already sick of the classes I have to take in Raleigh 2 nights a week for the next month. Blech!!!!!:ack:
The good thing about Montreal is the underground shopping and restaurants. At times I have gotten lost down in that place but the people are friendly and help. Sherry
IDIOTS using the merge lanes on 40W at the 70 bypass to get ahead of traffic....don't they know that they are the reason traffic is backed up in the first place?!?!