I am sick and tired of you whiney $#% @$#%^# constantly whining. And telling the world you like to whine.
Thanks because I'm sick and tired of you not stepping away from the keyboard when you get so mad or upset. I do think you are mellowing on it at times. And I am sick and tired of you not doing yoga, hugging trees and helping with the protest signs or tee shirts I need help with. :mrgreen::jester::mrgreen: Sherry
Dear LordT, Please touch this lady. She is an athiest who loves Satan and is a Jehovas witness on Saturdays. Please keep her out of Walmarts, and the Southern States. Amen.
Chess I would. I would like some hot stinky cheese and some homeade 90 proof apple brandy with a lime.
Sick and tired of weeds in my yard. Why doesn't yard grass grow as fast and good as the stupid weeds? Sherry
People who wander up the middle of the parking lot at Walmart like they are out for a Sunday stroll. One side or the other people!!!
Yes, and the folks who just strut out into the parking lot without even looking. I know pedestrians have the right of way, but have some common sense. I think that means when you are already in motion, not darting out from the store. Signed, the lady who doesn't brake for idiots
I agree with this so much!!! I was trapped behind this girl so long while she meandered up the the middle (how she couldn't hear my truck behind her is beyond me!), I was able to count the cellulite dimples showing from her WAY too short, shorts. I was so tempted to lay on the horn, but I refrained and cursed to myself. :lol:
Oh, she heard you. She was ignoring you. Next time, lay on the horn while you tailgate her. She'll move.
Of people who think that because of being a woman we cannot figure out how to buy a car. If one more salesman treats me the way the last one did I swear he's getting it in the groin and I'll have one of those police photos to scan and post for you guys. Just because I have a vagina does not mean I don't have brains you dumb arse. I can actually cook and tell the stupid tires are worn completely out! Sherry
I don't see it that way. These people aren't smart enough to know about power trips. I feel sorry for them for being so ignorant ....like a poodle on the freeway. I'm just relieved that they were able to find the store and navigate through all the steps necessary to prevent starvation.