just a few dandruff flakes in south plantation. Still waiting to see if JCC will cancel night classes.
Johnston Community College will close at 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 10 due to anticipated inclement weather. I hate driving in bad weather especially after dark, but I was actually looking forward to Intro To Chemistry
A few flakes falling here on Old Garner Rd. near Clemmons State Forest, and the girls in the office are already talking about not coming in tomorrow.
I would not know that it is snowing in northern Durham unless I stuck my head out of the front door and turned it in the opposite direction of the wind. Hardly any snow over this way. Sherry
We didn't get anything until late in the afternoon and that didn't last too long Rain is showing on the doppler but it also says it's 28 degrees. I was hoping for a nice big snow.
I'm really out of bread and a few other things, but I hate the thought of going to a grocery store today. Maybe I'll just be creative with what's in the house and shop after the snowflake melts. 8)
I'm more prepared this time...got me a snow shovel. There you go; no worries. Since I bought one, there will be no snow to shovel.
I was just at Lowe's Foods and it wasn't bad at all. Here's something embarrassing that happened while I there...I got one of those baskets to carry because I didn't need much, and I bumped it into a cart near the deli section by accident. Turns out it was a woman in a motorized cart. She was like "Excuse me!" I turned around and couldn't stop apologizing. All I heard was the cart. Apparently I had hit her too. She was so sweet. She wasn't upset after I apologized.
We're not known for staying on topic around here - thread drift is one of our best things! BTW, thanks to Jester and sassymom for making the investment so we won't get any more snow, we've had enough this year.
via Onion News Network: WINTER WEATHER TIP: Frequently look out side window while driving in snow; you're likely to see some cool crashes.