My kids are going crazy to see snow but ew see nothing here but rain. It's 4:30 and no flakes yet. Oh well, maybe next time. Would be wonderful to see. I'm dying to pelt a snowball at a few--LOL. Just kidding. I know if we get any it won't be but a dusting. But still gorgeous to look at. Enjoy the snow....maybe. Stephanie--mom to 7
Food Lion had plenty left today. We got milk and bread at Dollar General because we saw the bread man out there in the parking lot.
I have just awoke from a wonderful nap (and just as predicted by the weather folks on ALL channels for after 4), it's snowing outside!!! Fat Flakes mixed in with small flakes. I live off Jackson King Road and Mount Pleasant Rd.....
Still snowing here off Raleigh Road / Polenta Road. Bring it on. Just talked to my brother who lives off Tryon Road and he said it had been snowing there about an hour but none of it is sticking. :x Brenda
I to just woke up from a nap, and looked out side and it was snowing, but not sticking here either. Really small flakes. 210/N. Pleasant Coats rd Sheri
I'm glad I didn't go out and buy a sled like I was planning. I decided against it because our weather people have been so wrong lately. Glad I followed my gut. But my kids are MAD!
I was just closing our blinds and I'll be darned...big old snow flakes started coming down. Yeah, baby....sleds tomorrow. Really big flakes. I mean from one minute to the next, no snow, snow. Grace:hurray::hurray:
I must of been watching different channels than you, they all said snow after 4 for here. Hate that your kids are 'mad'. It's coming down beautifully right now, and pretty darn hard. Our deck is covered completely kids are out there now squealing and catching snow with their tongues!
Girl, I have a teen doing the same thing. Cabin fever and all. Thank goodness it started snowing...after the swim meet last night she has been so antsy today. Grace :cheers: This would be my hot chocolate!
It is snowing here. Sticking on the grass and cars but not the road or sidewalks. (Ameila Church and Guy rd) :hurray: