Then you may be one yankee that I don't mind being here :mrgreen: trust me this is very very unusal for here and this time of year. I dont think it has ever done this before!
What a nice thing to wake up to this morning! The kids were all excited! On their way to the bus stop they were scooping snow off mailboxes and attempting to make snow balls, it was funny to watch them. I'm not looking forward to how blustery it is supposed to get later. BRR!
lol, I know what you mean, first time I have ever gotten my daughter outside before the bus got here, she was out there 20 early and didn't have to yell at her to eat and get dressed lol. I'm wondering if this is a bad thing having snow twice so soon this winter. Sheri
Yep, I think it's gonna be a nasty winter. I think we'll see another BIG snowfall like we did in 2000. I wouldn't mind that. Just once though.
Yea I think we are due one of them. Take a day or so off of work. Build a snowman. Have a few cold beers, and see how my three legged beastie will do with snow almost as tall as she is
Hey I been up there some beautiful country, some of the nastiest winds ever up on that mountain, Tuckerman's Ravine has taken a few lives also.