Have a good friend that had a spider on her arm in her car. She flicked it away but not before it bit her. It was a black widow!! She got sick but not too bad. It didn't have the chance to really inject the poison the doctor said. I have heard from others that they are more plentiful than normal this year.
The same reason ticks and other insects have been bad this year. Our winter was so mild that everything survived instead of some being killed off due to extreme cold weather. Craig
I'd have had a wreck. I do fear a big nasty spider getting on me while I'm driving because I just have little control over my panic reaction. A few months ago, DH and I went to Lowes in Garner with all 4 kids after church and lunch. When we came out, DH was getting ready to open the door for me and suddenly yelled out "Oh my gosh!" I looked in time to see a HUGE, nasty brown spider swinging down from the ceiling of the car above MY seat. It was the ball kind with the creepy, jointed, spiky legs. I told DH to KILL it and told him he BETTER NOT lose it (he tends to be a poor spider catcher and has been know to lose one and tell me he really killed it. I ask for proof nowdays). So, DH opens the door and promptly knocks the spider down and, yeah, you guessed it, he loses it. :cuss: HOW can you lose a spider the size of a gerbil, HOW I ask you?? :cuss: The nasty thing climbed under MY seat and just disappeared. I rufused to get in the car. DH and the kids looked for a long time until DH said he would drive right down to the car wash and get the vacuum after it. We rode to the carwash with me in the far back of the car (I'm a terrible Mother - I took my 14yo's offer to sit in my seat) with my high heels propped up so I could see the floor. DH vacuumed at least 8 quarters worth and still we never saw the little bugger. So, we drove the LONG drive home with all our legs propped up and DH laughing at us like crazy.:x So, the next day, DH calls and tells me he was taking a customer to lunch when she suddenly yells out "OH F***!!!" He looked up to see the nasty critter on his customer's visor. This time, he DID kill it! I just HATE spiders, they creep me out, all except those little furry, black, jumping spiders. They crack me up because they put their little front legs up at you and follow your moves like they are gonna karate chop you or something. :lol: I just laugh thinking, "yeah, right, don't you know I can splat you in an instant?" Maybe they should be called the "David" spider after David from the David and Goliath story.:lol:
The other night I was out with my dogs and I walked into one of those big spider webs that spiders are building everywhere right now... you know the ones?... those big bellied icky looking brown spiders that build those huge webs going from a tree to something else in your yard, such as a deck, etc. Anyway, I walked into one of the anchor web strings and it was so thick it was amazing. Then I felt something on my chest. Instinctively I swatted it away and wound up with something squishy AND a spider's leg on my hand. :ack: Needless to say, I only take the dogs where I can see clearly now... {Hmm, that conjured up an old song in my head. Now I'll have that stuck in there for the rest of the afternoon. Great.} :lol:
Yeah! He is. He loves me and he didn't want to leave me standing in the Lowes parking lot in the heat:mrgreen: He knows how terrified I am of those things. Plus, he knows that when it comes to a snake or a lizard, he needs ME to get it for him. Leverage baby, leverage! 8)
Yeah Ready, I DO know the ones:ack: Actually that's the kind that was in the car and it was huge. People probably think I'm crazy because this time of year, I walk around with a stick out in front of my face in the evenings to avoid the ordeal you had. Again, if it had been me, you'd have heard my scream at your house:lol::ack: Oh yeah! I almost forgot.... I can see clearly now the rain is gone......
Here is a cool one, but I doubt you will find one in your yard! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081017/ap_on_sc/sci_britain_very_long_bug