So, who are you

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    Welcome to!! I don't post much but I am a addict!!!
  2. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    hmmm guess I should do this again... Hi peeps I use to me mom2~1boy, left for a bit just got overwhelmed with life but things are calming down so I was going thru withdraws... hope all it well with ya...
  3. GremlinsNmyPC

    GremlinsNmyPC Active Member

    Well, I used to be MommySAIDno on here, but then I got a gremlin in my computer and had to create a new name so I could get to the PC help board. :banghead: The great guys over there are trying to help my PC ignorant self.:? If I get it fixed, I'll go back to my old name.

    But...I'll go ahead and say hello again since it's been a while.:)

    I'm a 40ish Mom of 2 girls and 2 boys. I love my kids and so enjoy watching them learn and grow as individuals. It's the greatest and most rewarding job in the world. :hurray:

    Been married for 21 years. Homeschool my kiddos. Love to garden & feed the song birds. Absolutely can't stand my neighbors:ack:
    Well...a couple of them are pretty nice. The rest are truely psychotic even to the point of criminal activity (and I don't mean drugs), really!!! MEAN people, very MEAN, miserable and hateful. :shock::cuss::boxing:

    I love my cat, and our dog.:)

    I spend much time on the homeschool thing and as much time as I can steal away for my garden. The rest of my time is spent mostly on research and learning how to better cope with an unusual and difficult situation I deal with which is very stressful and requires me to stay on my game every moment of every hour of every day. Hard to describe but it is my life and it is a permanent thing:cry:

    I used to post in here very often. Have not been here in a while because I have to spend more time on a different type of advisor/help type board in efforts to you know, stay on my game. But I have missed many of you guys in here and will try to get back over here more often. Forgot what fun you all are.:mrgreen:

    oh...and I like smilies...I think they are fun :mrgreen:
  4. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Welcome back! :cheers:
  5. seabee

    seabee Guest

    :grouphug::grouphug: HI there...
  6. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Welcome back girlies! :cheers:
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    what she said:cheers:
  8. aknotts

    aknotts Guest

    New to 4042

    I am 28, female, married for six years on the 21st to a wonderful man that deals well with my eccentric... okay outright certifiable (medicated and diagnosed) craziness. no 2 legged children but we have three wonderful four legged doggies named Max (13+ rottie), Sam (7+ chow/pit mix), and Bella (1.5 American bulldog/lab mix) all of whom only seem to be able to behave one at a time.

    I moved from VA with my husband as he lived here before we got married. for the most part I have acclimated to the laid back pace and love it here but there are a few things I miss. 7-11's are one thing. the other is going horse back riding every weekend in the mountains for 10-12 hours depending on when we set out and how early the sun set. I can live without 7-11 because I have found my cheese danish pastry at a shell station at 40-42 but I have to find my horse riding fix or I will go insane.

    I have joined the forum after living in the Cleveland area now for 4 years because one day I realized that all of my friends are not my friends they are my husband's friends with his interests... not mine... so I figured I needed to be more proactive in trying to meet people. I tend to be a work a-holic (I am a mental health counselor) and don't really get a chance to meet well balance people outside of work.

    So there I am in a well polished terd of a rant... gotta love me!!!!
  9. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    welcome to the board! you will find no well balanced people here. :mrgreen:
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Welcome aboard, what part of VA, we have several VA transplants on here including myself:hurray:
  11. aknotts

    aknotts Guest

    Alexandria VA, but went to college in Harrisonburg VA, then lived in Colonial Beach (by fredricksburg most people have never heard of colonial beach).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2009
  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    oh i have heard of Colonial Beach, we went there when i was a kid and always had a great time, my parents loved it cause it was smaller and not as commercial. Spent a lot of time in Alex also as my Dad worked in DC even though we lived in Lynchburg. Welcome aboard, us VA girls stick together, right kdc?:lol:
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yup, I've got family in Fredericksburg. When I was a kid I thought Spotsylvania was the capital of Va.
  14. the_drum_dad

    the_drum_dad Guest

    Newbie!!!!....didn't know that this nice little forum community existed even though I've lived in the area since 1998. I'm a male, married, 48 with 4 kids....two in college. Originally from Canada. Don't think I could go back there but the current economic situation might force me to. I love drums and music as you can see from my user name and my avatar is a label off of one of my cymbals.....yeah, I know, pretty corny. Maybe I'll come up with something better.
  15. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

  16. the_drum_dad

    the_drum_dad Guest

  17. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Not bad at all. Never have like the sound of Paiste's though.
  18. stella

    stella Guest


    Hi - I've been reading this board for a while but just now signed up. I'm a 27 year old single gal with a hot boyfriend. I don't have any interest in having kids but I am may change my mind one day. I'm an attorney and in my free time, I travel, shop, spend time with my parents, ride motorcycles, hike, swim,paint my toenails, teach yoga, volunteer, and read. I've lived in the area for 12 years. We are in love with the South. I live a historic home in downtown Benson all by myself. My boyfriend is not allowed to live with me until I say "I Do!" I have 2 little dogs that keep me busy as well. I enjoy life to the fullest. I've had many bumps in the road but I'm glad the good Lord got me to this point. I don't want to give out too much info because I've had trouble with stalkers in the past. I used to be on a court TV show and that's where it all started. Nice to meet everyone...
  19. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    If you were a true Canadian, you would have Sabian cymbals around those drums. Just sayin' - what part of Canada are you claiming to be from? 8)
  20. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    welcome and enjoy the ride:hurray:

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