I remember when my grandparents first bought a car (used) that did not have the dimmer switch on the floorboard. There was no owner's manual with the car and none of my family members had any idea. We had to go back to the dealer and find out where it was.
I remember the first drink can that didn't have a tear off tab. After breaking the opener part, one of my dad's friends opened it with a butter knife.
remember how you could break the ring off the tab, then insert the tab into a little slit at the base of the ring, and then (with a little skill) send the ring flying like a little ufo for a good 50 feet?
-riding home from work, setting on the tail gate. - as a little kid, riding on the package board of the car ( the big flat area above the rear seat and under the back glass). If we still had them, could you imagine the speakers kids would install.