On ABC11 someone commented that they hopeed it wasn't a "JoCo" Still. Can someone tell me what that is? Spunky
We are here off of Amelia Chruch Rd and I scared the you know what out of us! Felt the house shake also. At first thought maybe a transformer blew up or sometihng, but have not heard any sirens or anything like that, so am very curious as to what it may be.
It just so happened that the Strike Eagles at Seymour Johnson came home today from Ohio. They moved the jets out of the way of Hanna earlier in the week. Even though the base probably will remain silent about the whole thing, it was probably a pilot glad to be home and got a little to happy with his afterburners. With the public attention it has created, if it was a F-15 pilot I imagine his CO isn't going to be too pleased. I know that it can be a bit startling, but those planes have a lot of power and he might have bumped the sound barrier a bit. From what I understand, the sound barrier is not a particular speed but can vary depending on a variety of things, including the atmosphere. It happens once in awhile. Remember jet noise is the sound of freedom.
One of our neighbors happened to be watching a movie or show about aliens when we all heard the boom.
Heard the same thing everyone else did. i assume that whatever it was will be the direct result of George W.
We missed it. We were at Jordan Lake waterskiing and fishing. Didn't even hear or feel a boom. I do remember several days ago, two military aircrafts flew over Sanford, NC, while I was driving. As I'm not really too good naming a type of aircraft, but here's the picture of the aircraft we saw:
Yeah, the only way that plane is going to cause a boom is if it crashes on top of your house. It was likely a jet and probably won't be examined any further. I suspect it was local and most of the news media in this area isn't going to want to give any of our local bases negative publicity over an isolated incident.
Just to float this out there, i wonder if any news folks checked with pope afb? There arent fighter aircraft stationed there but something could have been diverted there for any reason. doesnt necessarily have to be an air force jet. could have been a navy or marine fighter. used to see transient aircraft fall out of the sky regularly at s-j when i was stationed there.
I live on Gov't Rd. I was scared to death because my husband wasn't home and I hate to be home by myself. LOL, being out in the country like this (and living in Johnston Co) I joked with my neighbor that someones moonshine still or meth lab exploded. No one wants to admit it so that is why they can't figure out where it came from.
Before I got on here and realized the range of the boom, I asked my roomate if a meth lab had exploded as well...haha :mrgreen:
Friend of mine lives in Winston-Salem. He said they had an airshow today, maybe a couple of pilots were hot-dogging it on the way home
Yep, I floated that theory a few pages back. :jester: Oh, and "we don't know" is not an acceptable answer to me. Come on officials, you can do better than that. This was not some sort of mass hallucination. I want to know what shook my windows.
It does make sense. Take a look at their website at http://www.wsairshow.com/ and only Sunday (today), they had F22 Raptors jets performance there and I'm curious what time they finished and what time they flew over us to return their base? Could this solve our mystery?
I am off of Josephine Road and didn't hear or feel it. Other people hear did. I must have been in another world.
surely there is a way to figure out at least that jets flew over at the time? I mean with radar and stuff and I am sure they can even figure out what planes they were even if it takes a while. it's true that they might not release the information if it was military aircraft but I'd hope somebody would get chewed out like the scene from Top Gun!!!
Still looks as though nobody knows the answer yet: http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/3500792/ Good morning, Sherry