Traditionally called Cottege pie if it contains beef, Sheperd's pie if lamb. As to the misspelling, that comes due to growing up with a family name being Shepard on my mother's side of the family. Craig
Fresh from the garden fried squash & okra, garden fresh butterbeans and HOMEMADE chicken pastry, with cornbread for soppin', of course. Mmm, mmm, that's some good eatin'!
Would ingredients left out not be covered by my term "some of it has to do with ingredients used" or in your case not used? If your dear old granny left some "non-pertinent" ingredients out of her receipes then it has a lot to do with ingredients used. I just used an example in my original post in comparing actual lard (rendered pork fat) to "shortening" (made from vegitables) as a form of ingredients used. Craig
Didn't have mine.......:mrgreen:........just ask the wifey.......she will tell you how good mine are. Craig
Well pardon my spelling and our family recipe, but I'll still take my mama's over anyone else's anyday!
my fav is a fresh HOME GROWN mater sandwich with mayo (dukes of course!) and a little salt and a lot of black pepper!!!!!! oh yea, and a Mt Dew!!!
I'm in heaven!!! Add Ken's *Southern Comfort* of course :cheers: Brunswick stew from Holt's Lake --mmmmmmmmm MMM good!!! Gotta take a road trip Wednesday when I down again!
Possibly, but in your parenthetic clarification, I understood your "some of it has to do with ingredients used" as meaning that she used real lard and I used Crisco (or vice versa) which is not the case. It was literally an ingredient (always one) left out, such as baking powder.
I have heard how good yours are....I tell ya, where I get them, its my favorite, and I have eaten them all over.....hard to beat when done correctly.....cheesey stone ground grits are just heavenly before adding the shrimp, gravy and bacon.....have mercy!!
have you ever had it? I doubt it, or you wouldn't say 'barf'.....I said the same thing before I tried it.....and its outstanding.
The same could be said for lima beans... but I didn't say that.. to each his own. If you haven't tried it, don't knock it. I didn't go eeew over the weenie gravy, even if I thought it. I have had lima beans though, and they have no redeaming qualities... none.. blech :ack:. I'd rather eat black-eyed peas than lima beans, and I don't like them at all.
I thought it too, about the weenie gravy. But hey, I've never tried it. :lol: Never tried the shrimp and grits either, but may have too. Actually had never heard of it til recently.