speciality doctor or hospital

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robbie, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I do know of a highly respected oncologist/hematologist in Raleigh (over at Rex) if you need a second opinion. Hopefully, she wouldn't need his oncology expertise, but his knowledge of hematology may be useful. His name is Dr. Zeitler.
  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Thank You! Right now MOM is not doing good. They are getting in another blood doctor and going to check for blood disorders or anything that may be attacking the sinuses. And my MOM requested a second opinion for the ENT. The MRI only showed a few sinus polyps. So all tests have been coming up negative. I just think they are missing something!
  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Robbie, I sincerely hope and pray that they will find the problem quickly and your mom will be on the road to recovery. I know it must be so stressful for you and her to not have any answers. Hang in there and know that we are praying for you both.

    Peppercorns, prayers to you and your family as well. Hope your mom gets better soon.
  4. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Thank You, my job knows I will go on FMLA at any given time to go to NY to be with my MOM, right now my 2 sisters live near MOM so they are giving me the rundown and I am doing all I can on the internet and calling her to keep up her spirits. You only get 12 weeks a year and I cannot afford to lose my job if it will be any longer so that is why I am holding off going up there. But yes, it is very stressful and you feel very helpless being so far away. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes.
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Robbie, how is your mom doing today?
  6. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Talked to her after dinner and she had had a better night. More tests were done by other specialists so eventually we should get to the bottom of this. It really has been very stressful. Hopefull she didn't bleed last nite. Won't call her again till after dinner.
  7. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Just got word they are going to transfer my MOM to a hospital in Manhattan:( They have more extensive equiptment and more specialists out there than the local hospital on LI. So I just talked to her and she is sounding upbeat because she wants to get to the bottom of this. Bright side is I told her she can watch the Ball drop from her room and see all the ticker tape on New Year's Eve:)
  8. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    You probably would have been better at Manhassett, North Shore University Hospital or Stonybrook University. A teaching Hospital is always up on all the newest stuff,
    get a consult for a second opinion good luck
  9. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    MOM didn't want to go to Stony Brook, she told the doctors that no one walks out of there alive!
  10. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    OMG, They transferred her by ambulance to Mt. Sinai in Manhattan last nite, and then this morning they injected her with a dye to find the problem and they immediately did surgery, they went in thru her groin and thru her side neck vein and to the nose (she had to sign they warned her she could have a stroke on the operating table) and they plugged a vein and cut off the blood supply or something. Gosh she had a rough go of recovering:( I tried calling her at 6pm and no answer. My greatest New Year's gift was her calling me back on my cell just now at 9pm while my brother is over and my sister was on the house phone with us. So MOM sounded a little more upbeat and got to talk to all 3 of us at once. That was special. So pray this was it and she makes a full recovery. She has been thru H#ll and back and said to us that if this didn't work she didn't want to live:( Now that was the anesthesia talking there. Happy New Year everyone. Maybe she might get out in another couple of days:) Pray this was the problem. Oh and the other ENT's at the other hospital got word on the surgery done and said that was way way major surgery and would not have even attempted it!
  11. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Oh man, she has been thru it! I'm praying that this has solved the problem! :grouphug:
  12. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    My MOM called this morning and said she may be released today! That is how swift the recovery is when they know what the problem is and it is fixed properly.! She said a vein in her nose has ruptured and that was the whole problem we hope! The closed the vein off and cut off the blood supply to it. She will recover at home for a few weeks before resuming her normal routine. And she can't bend her head forward to wash her hair in the sink, that was a no-no! And she has to keep her nose moist with saline and ointment. Oh I pray this is it, and I said a prayer that she made it thru. Thank you all for your well wishes, it was a really rough road these last couple of weeks. I need to have a good cry I tell ya!
  13. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Glad your mother is doing so much better. Hope the new year will bring health and happiness to you and your family!
  14. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Great news, Robbie. Hopefully everyone's prayers are being answered.
  15. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Yikes, 2 hours after MOM was released she had a nose bleed! But she said it wasn't like the other ones where the blood was gushing out of her throat and nose. She thinks it could just be small little veins in he nose. Small amount and they stop on their own. She had another one 8 hrs after that. She said Mt. Sinai did their job and if she bled again to go to her ENT or emergency room. And she needs a follow up CAT scan at her ENT they told her. So she is going to get another ENT to look at her and follow thru with, as obviously the first ones didn't please her. So she is not panicking and staying with my sister until she can get an appt. and they can get her records from both hospitals. Oh I pray she had a good nite last nite.
  16. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Sounds like they found the major problem and that is great. I will continue to pray for her and your family. Hang in there, it looks like she will be back to her old self soon.
  17. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Robbie, how is your mom doing?
  18. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Thank You for caring, I just called her to find out as I haven't talked to her since MOnday, she came home on New Year's Day and bled twice, then on Sunday she bled alittle when she bent her head down to zip up her jacket, (she is not allowed to bend her head down for a few weeks)., she went home from my sister's on Sunday and is in the comfort of her own home and is doing a lot of resting and so far NO nose bleeds! She goes to the new ENT tomorrow for a follow up check up and a follow up CAT so hope all is well and this is the end of it............. Hope everyone is having a good New Year so far.
  19. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    That's great news! There's no place like your own home, especially when you're sick.

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