Supreme Court upholds...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AnnetteL, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Did you seriously think I thought Obama did this all by his lonesome? Surely you're not that obtuse.

    Either way this was his baby hence the moniker Obamacare.
  2. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    Dear lady, someone else is already helping to pay your medical bills. That is how insurance works. The other insurance premium payers in your plan are the ones, along with your employer, who are helping you foot the bills. YOUR insurance premiums probably do not come close to paying for the real costs.

    Who told you that the only option is Medicaid? Under Obamacare, your child CAN stay on your insurance until she is 26 whether she is in school or not.

    You obviously have internet access. You can research the details of Obamacare yourself and make an informed opinion rather than relying on the political opinions of others. I suspect that this may be why you are upset about this healthcare ruling; the OPINIONS of others.
  3. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    From what I understand, Mitt Romney helped a lot with it. Interesting how Romney now opposes it. I guess he can't decide, so he just keeps attacking Obama even if it makes no sense. I would think a person who wants to be the president would focus on what he can bring to the table, not just criticize how someone else approaches issues. Bashing doesn't solve anything, in my opinion.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Do you hold the same opinion on Obama? 'Cause he's pretty much spent the past 3.5 years blaming everything and anything on anyone but himself.
  5. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    You say this but have you not noticed Obama blaming Bush for the last four years? Jesus Christ, what a dumb comment.

    As for Romney, he was a Republican Gov in one of the most liberal states in the union. A state has the right to **** itself but that doesn't mean the same power can be levied at the federal level which is what Mitt has said throughout.

    For the love of Christ, is anyone capable of thinking anymore? Does anyone have an 8th grade education?
  6. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    I think the majority of the citizens in the US, with brains, would welcome a repeal of the SS tax.
  7. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    Well, I have 2 college degrees; the question here is, did YOU make it past 8th grade? You do not need to trash everyone who does not agree with your opinion. As we all know, opinions are like a%@&*@#s...everyone has one. If you are so opposed to how our president is trying to run the country in spite of the Republican heckling, I believe maybe you could run for president and fix everything with your genius self. Geez, I wonder why I let a troll like you get to me like this; maybe it's the hormones. And the last I checked, there is still a "POLITICAL PIT" on this forum. You need to take yourself there with your outbursts and name-calling. Now that's 5 minutes I'll never get back. :evil::ack:
  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Obama was able to stand in the East Room of the White House shortly after noon and claim a sorely needed victory because the law, in 2016, will tax those who decline to buy insurance up to $2,085 per family or 2.5% of income, whichever is larger.
  9. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I also haven't seen anything that indicates she has to go to college, actually according to this she will probably be able to now stay on your insurance even after she turns 26 years of age.

    Again, most people feel this is a bad bill because they listen to folks that don't know what the hell they are talking about.
  10. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    It's not even about politics it's about common sense. You represent the now famous term "American Idiot" not because you may or may not like Obama but because you had the audacity to mention the very thing Obama does most....BLAME OTHERS....and used it against his opponent.

    You probably need to stay off the political pit and something a little more your speed.
  11. siameselover

    siameselover Well-Known Member

    stephanie, you should try to get her on ssi and if they approve that she will get medicaid. also the state has insurance for kids if you arent eligible for medicaid.dont know the price but 10 yrs ago in florida it was 20 a month
  12. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks. We recently went to the SSI/SSDI meeting in Chapel Hill. Every meeting we go to gets a little more confusing. Told it will take about 2yrs to go through the process of getting her on it. The state has insurance for kids but at 20yo soon, she would not be considered a child. Or at least I don't think. Look into that one too. Just lots to think about. BTW, the being in school bit that everyone is telling me is not true on here, came straight from HR at work. So, will have to dwelve deeper into that one and make double sure. If it is true that she doesn't have to be in school, than not an issue. Keeping fingers crossed on that one. LOL. There are tons of opinions coming from every side. I've read a ton on it yet each time you read, there seems to be a new spin on things. Thanks for those who've written me privately w/ more info.
  13. Regardless of the outcome, our system of government worked like it was supposed to. Congress put forth a bill and the President signed it into law. The Supreme Court listened to those who challenged the law and ruled on it. Some may not be happy with the outcome, but we should all be proud that things went exactly as the founding fathers intended.

    BTW Sherry, your gloating appears to be an attempt at start an argument. Be happy that things turned out the way you wanted them to and leave it at that.
  14. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    That's almost what you said about the Supreme Courts decision on Obamacare too??? I've got a whole box of chick eggs waiting to be pre-hatch counted for you. :jester::lol::jester: The party system will fail you, count on it.

    Take 2 aspirin, think 2016, and call me in the morning.:lol:

    I heard Rush on the radio today. He said that with this Obamacare decision the wingnuts only have one last stand. Win in November or socialism takes over. I wanted to call him and tell him that his party picked the wrong candidate for their "Custer's" last stand. Can I interest you in some arrow proof vests?
  15. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Considering your narrow-mindedness, yes I did. Based on many, many previous posts of yours, you think the President has some immense power akin to being king, when in fact he can suggest and recommend based on what his party line is, but he cannot in any way shape or form create legislation.

    The "moniker" was bestowed by conservative wags like Rush Limbaugh.

    I'd laugh if it weren't so very sad. The politicians and media are giving you the old slight of hand. They want you to focus your attention on the President, make him the enemy. They want you to focus on voting him in or out. In reality the ones who are the true enemy, the ones with the real power keep staying on term after term. It's smoke and mirrors.

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

    And you eat it up like a good little sheep. You merrily spew the vile hatred your party feeds you against the guy from the other party. Nothing gets done. Nothing changes.

    Politics as usual.
  16. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    I am not surprised. Your HR is not serving you well. I wonder what their OPINION is of Obamacare. You may be dealing with idiots who do not know their lower anatomy from a hole in the ground.

    The wife and I recently went to the Public Health Dept. for an adult vaccine. It did not take five minutes before the health care "professional", and I use the word loosely, to launch into a tirade about all of the illegals coming into this country without vaccinations. Inappropriate conversation, but true. She continued her tirade with derogatory comments about Obama and Obamacare and then proceeded to let us know that she would be voting for the Republican in November.

    My point is that you may be getting a lot of opinion from health care "professionals" rather than facts.
  17. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Personally I don't care what your opinion is of me. I have two degrees in Political Science and one in History. Dean's List my last two years in school. Pardon me if I refer to them instead of your posts when asked about my narrow mindedness. I own two mortgages, three cars, two kids, wife and have been successful at the same place of employment for over 11 years. All of this while still in my 30s and I'd wager you'd trade with me in a NY minute based on some of the things I've read from you. Does this make me better than you? No but spare me this idea that you are some intellectual giant around here.

    I've figured out your deal on here. You LOVE to play the middle so you can be a constant devil's advocate. Strangely it provides you with some feeling of intellectual superiority even if it means being disingenuous.
    I've nailed you on a variety of subjects even though on others we actually agree (Wal Mart comes to mind). Unlike you, I have the balls to publicly agree with you on those subjects even if it means disagreeing with my fellow conservatives.

    Folks like you just prefer to be disagreeable not because you actually hold a different opinion but because it makes you feel good inside to just be different. I've never understood your kind. Those are the people who have unhappy lives whether it be personal, professional, sexual or whatever. You jump at the opportunity to call me out on a public forum but will PM me when we actually agree. :roll:

    I have to laugh at the psychology used above when describing Rush and the media. Since you've followed my prior posts for so long you should know I've spoken out against such media and said I hardly if ever watch or listen to political media. Perhaps you just wanted to ignore that on purpose or maybe, just maybe, you once again have no idea what the hell you are talking about on here.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2012
  18. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Yeah, especially those enjoying a decent retirement or who have parents who depend on it.
  19. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Really? Then why do you feel obligated to give me your credentials?

    Not really. You're far too angry.

    Nope, not even close. I've taken some time away and have realized, basically, what I've said in my previous post.

    I've also realized that people like you, BobF, and the lot of you do absolutely nothing except continue the whole process. You give the media and the politicians exactly what they want.

    And one more thing I've realized. Two, actually.

    First, nothing anyone can say will change you from the partisan bystander you have proven yourself to be over and over.

    Second, I have a habit of getting caught up in your petty bickering. Its a habit I've been working to break, and now that I realize it's happened again, I'm going to exit from this conversation.
  20. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    For those of you who are truly concerned about the health care law and what it means for you, I plead with you to give it time and read about it from legitimate sources. Folks like Rush Limbaugh, CanisLupis, etc. only see the bad and are not interested in progress at all. If it has a 'D' on it somewhere then logic be damned. Sure there will be changes - some bad, some good. Hopefully there will be more changes for the better when you consider the country as a whole.

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