Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clipper Girl, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. Clipper Girl

    Clipper Girl Guest

    School officials would be coercing students if they forced them to attend the event and threatened them if they didn’t. This event is before school and totally optional. Also, check out the Equal Access Act. The Equal Access Act is designed to ensure that, consistent with the First Amendment, student religious activities are accorded the same access to public school facilities as are student secular activities.

    “Equal access to means of publicizing meetings: A school receiving Federal funds must allow student groups meeting under the Act to use the school media -- including the public address system, the school newspaper, and the school bulletin board -- to announce their meetings on the same terms as other noncurriculum-related student groups are allowed to use the school media.”

    LOL… I’m amazed you believe teen rights are encroached by a poster. What about bulling on school buses, drug dealing near lockers, sexual acts in the bathroom, hazing, gossip, harassment, gangs, guns and vandalism? Our school systems and our kids face these challenges every day and you are upset and concerned that the school system does or does not hang a poster about an open event to pray for school and community? Yeah, let’s take up the administration’s time with THAT concern.
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Yet. :(
  3. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    Oh, Ken, Ken, ken.......It may not be all those cities, but I could tell you a few stories about the "bus" rides that would curl your hair........

    And while it still may not be as bad as the places you mentioned, we STILL should be more concerned as to make sure it DOESN'T get that bad than worrying about a poster or flyer. Let's just remember, the Johnston County Schools are not full of angels and cherubs.............
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    lmao, you beat me to it :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO It is not proper. The event may be a great Idea and the reasons behind it wonderful but church advertisements have no business in a public school. MY Church, your Church, the CFA, the local Temple, Mosque or Pagan Cirle has no business putting up signs or literature in school in a school. Childern may pass on invitations to friends only not solicit other students without their previous permission or interested request.

    It's not religion bashing or that I am against such thing- actually the opposite is true. But I think that the two need to be and stay separate.

    Only School sponsored activities such as the Drama club, the chess club, Science club, band and such should be allowed to advertise on school property.
  6. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Quick question in regard to the content of this thread.

    Does the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) still exist in schools today?
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Hey, I'm just making conversation today - asking a question. Is it really any less important a concern than anything you listed above? It wouldn't be to some non-christians I know. You can't make rules and pick and choose which reules to enforce. I am by no means upset - I am merely asking a questioin.

    PS - this was not just the bulletin board - there are multiple posters on the walls. But, I guess that is considered the "bulletin board". And thank you for the Equal Acces Act, that is what I was looking for - an answer to my question. I just blocked out the rest of your reply. :roll:
  8. Ash107

    Ash107 Well-Known Member

    Johnston Co. may not have some of the same problems as the big city schools, but neither did the big citys at one time. With growth comes problems. My wife works in one of the raleigh ERs and just the other day a girl came in that was raped in the bathroom at school. One of my family members works at a Harnett Co. high school and even they have 3,4, or even 5 different gangs there. The stuff is out there even if we decide to see it or not.
    As far as the issue at hand. Students at school dont notice 1/2 the stuff that is posted. The ones that do are the ones that are interested in it. If some students of another faith want to assemble and advertise I support that even if I dont agree with what they say. Sometimes I feel we get so polarized over issues like this we miss the big picture. We have schools that are failing. Teachers are underpaid. Schools lack supplies and support. We have a lot to look at than a poster on a wall.
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Says the person with the praying hands in their Av... :lol:

    I wonder what it would be like if the shoe were on the other foot, if it would be so acceptable?
  10. Clipper Girl

    Clipper Girl Guest

    Didn’t we cover this already? Under the first amendment and The Equal Access Act, student religious activities are accorded the same access to public school facilities as are student secular activities. These noncurriculum-related student groups include groups like Chess Club, Beta Club, Robotics Club, Camera Club, Music Clubs, Key Club, Su do ku club, Debate groups, future business leaders club, political groups, FFA, scouts AND religious groups.

    I respect your opinion, but it appears there is a federal law that protects the rights of religious groups to put up posters and even broadcast announcements in public schools.
  11. Ash107

    Ash107 Well-Known Member

    if what would be acceptable? I did put in my post that if students of another faith wanted to assemble and advertise that I would be fine with that. All because I am a Christian does not mean I will not observe someone's rights even though they are different from me.
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    If you would be, that is great - but there are some people who think that if it ain't Christian, it's the Debil!! ("b" is intentional). I remember my son being told in the first grade, he was going to hell - by 1st grade classmates! I just wonder if it would be as accepted.
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i cannot believe a child would tell another child that, i am not saying i don't believe you Cleo, i just cannot imagine a parent allowing that but i guess that just proves it falls back on the parents.

    i was raised in a very strict Southern Baptist home but in school i was exposed to a lot of different religions and my mother had no problem with me attending other churches, etc., with my friends to form my own beliefs and opinions. i am now a nondenominational Christian. i guess with any religion there are zealots though that push the "believe what i believe or you will go to the debil" philosophy and it is sad that a few give the whole group a bad rap.
  14. Ash107

    Ash107 Well-Known Member

    Yes, there are those that feel their way is the only way and if you disagree then not only are you wrong but then you should be beaten with a cane stick. There are extremists on every subject. That's life now. Everyone has their opinion. You and I may not like it. We may not want to hear it but we cannot stop them from giving it. I am sure you spoke to your child about what happened. I am sure everyone can agree that children can be mean to each other. They say a lot of things without even knowing what they are saying. Lets remember that a society tried to control every aspect of life and it failed. Communism failed for a reason. I know that is way off the subject, but if we expect for the government to control every aspect of our lives so that we dont have to think and live for ourselves then we are flirting with the same way of life.
    Ken, you may not know about it but trust me it is there. Just speak to a high school principal. Kids want to be accepted and if they dont get that at home then they reach out to whomever will give it. A lot of times that group will be a gang. They are here, but I repect your opinion.
  15. Clipper Girl

    Clipper Girl Guest

    Hey Cleo... Glad the Equal Access Act info was what you were looking for. I was sincere in my thanks to you for playing devil's advocate on this topic (pardon the pun :wink: ) Your questions and the conversation has really opened my eyes to the rights of all groups.

    Not sure about putting the issue of freedom to express religious beliefs and equal access in schools as being just as important to non-believers as drugs, gangs, etc., etc. (Yes I do put Christians together with other religious groups when it comes to having an interest in equal access rights), and I’m not really clear on why non-believers would care at all. I guess it best to let them fight their own battles. :D
  16. Ash107

    Ash107 Well-Known Member

  17. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I guess most non believers are afraid of what "Believers" will do to our youth and the country.

    I am not thrilled about the "Drug" "Believers" are pushing on America.
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    It really did happen Kaci, but I imagine they were just repeating what they may have overheard from their parents or other adults.

    They told him God was mad at him because he did not go to church. :lol:
  19. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    To answer your question Jenn, yes the FCA still exists. I know that they have it at McGee's Middle School. I'm not sure about the High School.
  20. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Yes it does and I was about to ask about that also. It is probably our largest club.

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