Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clipper Girl, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    America! See my previous link (not using a PC or I would link it again)

    Sure, your right, it never is, believe that if you want.

    Not sure what the original question was but this whole thread is just different responses along the line - Don't push your religion on the American youth in a place where parents cannot control at their expense.

    See previous post.

    And a building and utilities and salaries - schools are not free, and I not wish to subsidize your club.

    So you tossed a red herring out there, I understand.

    I do and so you are saying it is acceptable for you and your members to twist our laws and use my money to subsidize your club.
  2. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member


    If you are unable to support your assertions...why not just say so?
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    What assertion, that my tax dollars go to subsidizing your club? I thought that I did.

    This discussion (if we can call it that) will have to go on hold, I need to go to work.
  4. BenDover

    BenDover Well-Known Member

    Magnolia, keep up the good work. I agree with you.
    This is across the nation, "SEE YOU AT THE POLE" where children meet at the flagpole BEFORE school starts and they pray, holding hands in a big circle. It is a very positive thing and one does not have to participate if one doesn't want to.
    As soon as America took God out of the schools, it went downhill FAST. What more proof does anyone want? Teacher's have lost control, therefore leaving the kids in charge.
    It is parent's that say "it goes against what I believe (not my child)" Oh come onnnnnnn! then don't participate. Let the ones who want to participate, do so.
    Why would anyone argue about what these kids are doing?

    I just don't get it.

    If I were jewish (and I am not) I wouldn't be offended if something was up on the school walls, I am the one who decides if my child will or will not attend. Maybe my child would learn that there are all kind of religions and that it is OKAY!
  5. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    You Go, Magnolia! You are very correct. I wish I had a dime for everytime someone told me they were offended by something. I would never want for a thing! I especially like your part of the post that used the examples of dradles and football and beauty pageants. It is so TRUE.

    Some people need to quit taking things so deeply to heart all the time as offensive. Especially over something POSITIVE. You gave an excellent description of being offended as well.

    Ladies and Gents, we will all feel offended by something at some point in our lives. But we can atleast weed out the "stupid" feelings of offense before we all go "offended crazy". A family member of mine told me something one time about people getting offended over silly things. She said, "They will either get over it or they'll live with it a LONG TIME." I'm not trying to sound mean, but I get tired of hearing how everybody is so offended by something so positive. Even if you don't believe in it, there is absolutely NO WAY you can deny that it IS a positive thing.
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Dang, all this for asking a simple questiom!

    I did see this on the ticker on WRAL this morning. It stated that it was NOT a violation of Church & State. Case Closed.
  7. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    That is a hell of a thing to say magnolia. So since I have or hught has a different religion than you they aren't productive and positive?

  8. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    Oh for Pet's sake...........Are ya serious? Do you REALLY think Magnolia meant it like that? I'm not the smartest person in the world but I DO know she did not meant it like that, Craig. Maybe you read into it a little deeper than intended. I mean, I could read anyone's post and come up with my own meaning behind it.

    I do agree that there are certain organizations and groups out there that do NOT send a positive or productive message. Anyone who doesn't agree is selling something.......But I don't think it was directed at you or Hught. After all, you don't agree with killing and maiming someone who does not believe as you or believe any other negative aspect that ANYBODY could plainly see is wrong, do you? If not, than relax and quit reading in so deep you cannot see the words. I mean this in a serious way, if I sound sarcastic or mean, I apologize.
  9. Clipper Girl

    Clipper Girl Guest

    Craig... Hught wrote that ... not Magnolia...
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    That's funny considering Hught wrote that, and THAT is exactly what he meant!!!
  11. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    It's true no matter who wrote it. Sorry for the confusion..... :lol:
  12. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I think it is wonderful that you all had such a wonderful discussion about this topic.
    I was at West Johnston this morning, and it was wonderful to see all of those students, who wanted to be there, and even some parents there to pray. It's wonderful to know that we have a right to take time in the morning, before school and pray, just like everyone else.
    I know for a fact that all of those posters were put there by other kids. They felt a need to "plaster them" everywhere. This is a student led event, and we as adults, were just there to support them. I wish my daughter would have been able to participate, but she is only in elementary school. I feel as though every religion has a right to believe what they want. And if you are compelled to stand up for your beliefs, which is what these children did today, I say praise the Lord....hehehe. That's all that these kids were doing today.
    You know, other people feel it's okay to tell my kid what they think. My 7yr old was told that holidays are wrong, we are all going to he11, no matter what, and the bible isn't real. Tell me that isn't pushing Jehovah's witness on her. But, my kid can't talk about God in school, or put up a poster. If it wasn't okay, the staff should have taken it down.
    Seems to me, when we took God out of school, everything started going to he11. Look at our schools now. I heard a girl crying the other day about how dangerous it is to be in school at Garner High. That's sad. Thank God she relies on God to get her through.
  13. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Yep, responded from my phone and the thing got out of control! Sorry to all!

    Thank you Cleo!

    No Craig, I wasn’t picking on either yours or Magnolia’s religions or sects specifically, don’t know what they are, or even if you have one, and don’t care!
  14. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    I personally have no real beef with this thread at all. Just reading it for entertainment purposes. I did however pull that straight from one of Hught's posts and that is how it is quoted in the post. Now honestly Hught has explained how it happened, but as you can see from the post itself (top of page 4 I think) things can and do get messed up here, and this entire thread is alittle overboard considering that it was a simple question that was asked.

    The question wasn't about opinions or what people thought was right or wrong. It was a simple question of is it allowed.

  15. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Apparently coming around again.

    If you wish to do this at C3, by all means.

    At a public school? No.

    How does the administration react to a student being teased for not attending...or being teased for attending?

    Would the administration be so quick to allow Westboro Baptist Church to rally at a school? Probably not. And since this places one set of beliefs over another, administration has, de facto, established a religious practice.

    One would have hoped that JoCo would have learned to not get into 1st Amendment issues.

    The timing, as well is a concern. If these events are performed before school, and carpool, bus arrival is ongoing, does this not present a higher risk for accident? And if this risk is realized by an unfortunate accident, does this liability then not extend to the school, the board, and the entire tax base?

    Those who claim prayer doesn't exist in school are incorrect. No one interrupts individual prayers, except if they are a distraction or interfering with school work.
  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    what in the heck are you talking about?

    Just for the record, they have 'devotion' every Thursday at 645 am at my son's school. It's held in a classroom. If you want to go you go, if you don't, then don't. He has seen no one pick on anyone for choosing either.
  17. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    They did when I was in college (not H.S.)
  18. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    So, I'm not going to quote the whole thing, but THANK YOU PRM!! You saved me a bunch of time with your post and I can't think of much I'd add!!:grouphug::hurray:

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