ahhhh, didn't think of it as a 'business expense'. If someone took me to Taco Bell for a business lunch, LOL, well lets just say it wouldn't be very impressive to say the least......:lol:
The above quote was posted on 12/26/07 - what was that. . .36 days ago, when it had just opened on HWY 210 (exit 319). . .stopped there yesterday - they're posting a Health/Sanitation score of 93 - WTH? While it's still an "A" it's awfully low for a place that just opened. I didn't bother to get anything when I saw the score, I've read some nasty reviews of eateries with similar scores and wondered how they could possibly still receive an "A". Just as well, the employees were pretty busy joking around. Someone needs to tell them "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean!"
Are you sure the score was for cleanliness readings. My experience is usually the opposite, often times they open with being barely in the "A" category.
I didn't ask to see the report, and there isn't one on line. All I can tell you is if it's barely an A, I'm not about to eat there. Sure, there are deductions given out for other things - maybe no lid on a trashcan. . .the place doesn't have to be riddled in filth, but those deductions are typically for just a half point here and there. I can't recall the exact date on the certificate, but I want to say it was within the last few days - it wasn't dated for December when they opened. - that I am certain of.