Give me a break , My teens are 15 and 17 , I am not and will not hold their hands anymore and walk them around . Yes my kids are reasonable enough to go outside alone , Like i said before my kids are good kids , By no means at all do i think my kids are angles ..I'm the first one to say they are not and i dont act as if they are . Kids make mistakes and learn from them at least mine do . I am a overprotected parent as well , but you have to let them grow up and have fun at the same time . When i drop my kids off at anywhere im usually not to far away and shopping myself , And even if i did just drop them for a little while 2 3 hours it shouldn't matter as long as they are not causing problems ...
It's amazing what can happen in 2-3 hours of unsupervised free time. 8) But if you trust 'em, more power to you. Just be prepared, because YOU are legally responsible for any shenanigans they get into until they are 18.
You have your own opinion and i have mine , I'm no better then you and you are no better then me , Were parents and we will raise our kids the best we know how ...It works for me just fine ..Now lets talk again when you have teenagers .
That's laughable. Apparently you think it's "grown up" to drop off your kids for other folks to have to deal with. Not so much. Like I said, yours may be perfectly well behaved, but you are adding to the issue if you allow and encourage it to go on.
This has got to be the most ridiculous debate I have seen thus far on 4042. Whether or not it is OK for unsupervised teens to roam local stores in search of a good time. big and others are right. Target and other stores do not have a "Teen Drop Off Zone". A store is for purchasing merchandise, not a hang out to try on the clothes, pose with mannequins, and roam the store just generally annoying paying customers and staff. Where else are they supposed to go??? Your house maybe? The skating rink? Bowling alley? Isn't there an arcade at 42? Don't some churches have youth activities on Friday nights? And yes, I have a teen and remember being a teen. Kids unsupervised roaming shopping centers for entertainment, eventually become a nuisance - don't be surprised when Target and other stores shut down your free teen daycare just like the malls did.
Its funny you say that,these kids were running threw the store in shopping carts. On their phones finding out where their other friends were. Alot of stuff happens at these shopping center.
Kids will be sorry if they try to pull this crap while I am in the store, McDonald's, wherever it may be.. because I'll rain on their parade so fast it will make their heads spin.
No my kids were not , my kids were not there on Friday or Saturday . And like i said before if you guys read , I DONT AGREE WITH THAT BEHAVIOR . Hanging out with friends not bothering anyone , That is ok behavior and it shouldn't be a problem , Call me a bad parent ..I dont care what anyone thinks of me ..I'm doing a good job with my kids , None of them are in trouble with the law , Grades are great , Never been in trouble anywhere even white oak and as a matter of fact my kids all know and talk to the security there and so have i , I have yet to hear of them causing any kind of a problem ..PERIOD ! But i dont mind being the "bad parent" as you call it . Thanks for your opinions now im off to take my kids to run around unsupervised at white oaks target ...
While you're there get them to fill out a few applications. If they have the time to run around said store, why not let them run around there working? If their 16 and you drop em off anyways, they can earn money for it. Go ahead and rent them a hotel room on their prom night too as their gonna do it anyways. Hell buy them rubbers too. By all means, don't hurt their feelings.
I don't think you are a bad parent at all and it sounds like you've got good kids. The problem here is (like always) the bad apples ruining it for the kids who behave themselves. I don't have a problem with teens being in Target or anywhere else as long as they are being respectful of the other shoppers and not using it as a playground. So hopefully I'll be in Target on the days when your kids are there and not the ones in the original post
Hey now big, THIS girl's parents didn't want to hurt her feelings and she turned out JUST fine. :lol:
wow , so mature ..i hope my kids are as mature as you ...NOT Again i have my views and you guys have yours
what this has to do with the whole post i dont know , so because they have fun with their friends and i let them i will also let them get piercings and what tattoos and buy them rubbers and hotels rooms ...I am going to be their besttttttfrienddddd :lol: woohooo