People can't take jokes around here anymore? But I'm not joking about the teeny bopper hoochie mama jr's at Target and the malls. I was at Bojangle's in Selma on a Sunday night after church a couple of weeks ago. In comes a couple of male black teenagers. The whole saggy pants wannabe thugs. I don't know what happened at the counter but they both left yelling obscenities including the F-bomb and C-bombs as they were walking out. Now if you've ever been to the Selma Bojangle's anytime on a Sunday you know it's FULL of churchgoers. Nobody was prepared for this outburst and someone called the popo to report what was happening. Now I know this has nothing to do with the Target incident but what is seen as a problem by some wouldn't be another. If I were at Target and saw the teens acting up in the thread incident reported, I would see the problem with the shenanigans. Some may see it as teenagers being teenagers. Now some may have been seen the occurrence at Bo's as just kids been typical kids nowadays and just let it be. I don't know, I didn't act like that when I was a kid because I was scared and respected my parents that I wouldn't want to get into trouble. I knew my parents would have whipped my ***. It's just timeout nowadays and restriction. OK, rambling rant over.
Hunny i dont take any of this personally , I really like i said dont care what people think , Kids none of them come with instructions so im doing the best that i can with mine and know they are on the right track with life . That's all i can do is take it day by day and keep instilling the right values and if they mess up , correct them and punish them so they hopefully wont do it again .
I can take a joke Oh i can also understand kids acting like that ****ing you off , It would me to but that is not what is going on with my youngings .. I wouldn't be happy either ! I can only control my kids and mine by no means act like that . Ok now off to work , Have a good day
my4, the OP was in regards to kids running amok at a store. Not catching a movie and walking over to McDonald's. I think we can all agree that that is a normal teen evening, and I see no problem with them hanging out at their table sipping their drinks waiting for their parents to pick them up - as long as they are paying customers and not just killing time horsing around in a place of business.
That's the answer - Don't allow any politicians or teenagers into any commercial establishment! Hell they both know how to work the internet, they can do their shopping there! :mrgreen:
UPDATE on the Target/White Oak Situation: I just left there about 30 minutes ago and wanted to give y'all the latest. There is a hottie working the bar at TGIF. Yes she has a big ole butt. I also drove by the front of Target and slightly bumped or "grazed" a group of EMO kids with my bumper. Don't worry, they limped away without any help. Update over.
If teens hang out at your house or at a friend's house when parents are home, you should know what they are up to. When they are dropped off somewhere, you don't know what's going on. You don't know when boredom will lead to someone getting a not-so-bright idea that leads to trouble. When I was in high school, the dare to run from the mall across to Bojangles killed a 16-year old classmate of mine. They were "just having fun" that night. Even really good kids fall into this trap at some point in time. I know three different teenage girls who have babies after they were dropped off at Interskate on Friday night "middle school nights". The high school students they were secretly dating picked them up for parties, and they returned just before mom or dad came to pick them up. All three girls were on the honor roll and were sweet as can be. Two of the three are now drop outs and mothers before the age of 15. BTW, how fair is it to the workers at Target to have to rehang and put away all the clothes your daughter and her friends tried on with no intention of buying so they could take silly pictures? Do you go into stores and try on clothes when you KNOW without a doubt that you are not going to purchase anything? With regards to the movies, drive by unexpectedly in-between start/end times for movies and see what the sidewalk in front of the movie theater looks like. Besides very bad PDAs between teens (and you don't want to tell teens to "get a room") and confrontations between other teens, see how many kids whose parents think they are INSIDE watching a movie never went in and are blocking the sidewalk for other patrons. The number of middle school students outside with the older teens is huge as well.
Careful, ACF, about those intrusive pesky facts. And, the point should also be emphasized that while a person is smart, people are easily lead into making "errors in judgment." And, even though it may be only tow or three of a crowd that start the stuff, when the LEOs arrive, they have to consider all folks as a part of the event. When that kind of stuff happens, there are FEW innocent bystanders. These kids read the undercurrents of what's happening , or about to happen. I've parented three teens into their twenties. I have a pre-teen daughter in the house now. The chances that she will be dropped off and allowed to be a part of this crowd unsupervised...about as likely as it not snowing in Green Bay, Wisconsin this year or next.
Exactly.................I guess that makes those of us who don't condone this sort of thing "uncool." Ask me if I care. My job is to parent my child and keep him safe. Not be his "friend" and encourage highly irresponsible behavoir.
well I have an idea, lets all meet on Monroe st and you two girls can hash it out there, or we can break out the jello.:boxing: :cheers:
I don't drop my teen off at any mall or shopping center. My teen can drive and I would rather her have some good, clean, silly fun every so often on a Saturday afternoon. Teens hang out at our house all of the time. As a matter of fact we had a group over on Saturday and Sunday working on AP Biology and goofing around. Like I said before, I have a friend who works at Kohl's restocking at night and viewing video tape. She has stated that she saw my daughter twice with another teen putting on hats and boas while taking pictures and the teens actually put them back where they found them. She also saw them sitting in chairs and dressing like a mannequin, taking pictures and actually putting the items back up. Now, mine is no angel but mine knows exactly what would happen if I were to know or think that she had misbehaved. Mine will graduate from high school in 2010 and this mama wants to see how she acts when I am not around. Time to loosen the rope. I'll reign it in when and if I want too. The bowling alley, skating rink, etc. are a joke. Maybe some need to audit those areas on the weekends. Surprise, surprise. I do not condone bad behavior and the original poster was talking about that with those teens. That is why I suggested letting the manager know right away. The manager will take care of it and the situation will be solved for the moment. Maybe those teens will pass the word around that the manager will kick you out or will call your parents if you misbehave in that store, that would be wonderful. Not all teens are bad and my nickname with teen is mama hard arse, Sherry
Whoa .... take forefingers and slowly pluck underwear from crack. It's called a a FUNNY aka joke... funny as in ha ha ...not funny as in queer
I'm a little to old for that now , But i guess i can still be there if she wants , :lol: Lets forget the jello though..I'm not into that kinda thing :? But dont forget the video camera :lol: I never said its okay for kids to run around , cussing , screaming , acting like a bunch of disrespectful brats ...I would also talk to the manager about that behavior . I dont agree with that . Listen some of you have just taking this whole thing to far , Like i said before we ALL parent our kids differently , If you dont like the way i parent mine , OH WELL you dont know me or my family enough to know anything but what i talk about here to judge a damn thing i do with my own children ! Some of you dont even have kids and some of you have them and they are very young . The ones of you who have teens must shelter them and keep them in doors with arts and crafts still , I'm not sure but i live in the real world and that's not how i do it . My kids are pretty good kids , And i never said they dont try and pull some kinda crap when im not around , But until i see it , hear it there's nothing i can do about it . My kids are not the ones who run wild in the stores , hanging off shopping carts ****ing people off cussing . But again i dont mind being the "bad parent" who drops there kids off at the teen day care . So be it i guess , Those were not my teens. Once again have a good day and dont get ****ed off about the little things . ..Life's to short people
No offense, but if I'm shopping I don't want to have to deal with this kind of behavior. It's disruptive to the other shoppers and like I said, if they are not buying anything they have no business being there. If you have a friend that works at night have her let them in after hours to goof off.
No offense taken. Views differ from family to family. Now, let me ask you a few questions? Have you ever gone into a store with someone and tried on a hat goofing off? Have you ever gone into a store and tried something on that you just knew you were going to buy but wanted to see what you would look like in it anyway? Have you ever sat in a chair at a store knowing you were not going to buy it but just wanted to see how it felt? I have. Sometimes when my daughter and I go shopping we try on hats and boas and stuff and just have some plain ole' clean arse fun. That's what life is all about. If you go to White Oak and a couple of teen girls are in your way when you are reaching for whatever please just ask them to move. I'd guess they would. I think the ones talked about originally are out at night pushing the limits on behavior. My examples are unlike those. Good day, Sherry