Well... it looks like they paid enough of the back rent to get the locks off and re-open. https://www.facebook.com/TerrafinStationSouth
Guess what... they closed down themselves. Word has it from a reputable source that a manager went in the kitchen while they were prepping for dinner service tonight and told everyone to go home, they were shutting it down. Not to be confused with their North Raleigh location, they closed that one down this past week as well. Buh-bye TFS! Now wouldn't it be sweet if Simple Twist could move into that space!! That would be karma coming around full-circle!
Well, Simple Twist was great. I was a chef for many years, and the menu could be a bit more innovative, but what they serve was well executed and we had a wait on a Wednesday night, which pretty much means they are killing it. Happy to have a good place to eat in the area and glad they are doing so well.
BTW- The building that TerraFin was in, locally referred to as "The Old Drug Store", has been and still is "FOR SALE". http://raleigh.craigslist.org/bfs/4903528328.html Interested parties should inquire within. (send me a PM).
I tried to do that and add a pic (thought I had put one on there) but did not see how to edit. Guess I'll just have to do a new post. But here's a pic........ https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd...._=1426117757_c1ed450f9296e1c530614becb90487ff