Thank you!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robo321, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Actually by NC Law the brake tapping can be viewed as aggressive behavior, just as flipping someone the bird. If you were to happen to do it to a cop he is in his right by law to stop you and give you a ticket for exhibiting road rage.

  2. Itsmeagain

    Itsmeagain Well-Known Member

    I would like to take this moment and thank the new neighbors in our subdivision for not teaching their teenage son and his friends that you can not drive up and down a dead end road doing approximately 45 mph while your buds are sitting on the window of the car.
  3. silkyrabbit

    silkyrabbit Well-Known Member

    I would like to thank everyone who has been sick for 2-3 weeks and then wait until 10 minutes before we close to come in the urgent care centers. Thanks for making me work 13-14 hour days.
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I would like to thank this new generation of young teachers who expect me to look at, sign and return a folder every Tuesday night, but pay no damn attention to the notes I've written inside of it that warrant a response.

    Hello? Are you even looking at the damn thing?

    I'd also like to thank the idiot who tried to cream me this morning. I was turning left from S.Shiloh on to Cleveland School Rd, you were turning right from N. Shiloh onto Cleveland School Rd. Did you not see that we'd all been sitting in traffic a little longer because of the danged detour? Did you not see that the normal traffic rules of you having the right of way because you were turning right, did not apply because we were all taking turns? You go, I go, you go, I go. That's how traffic flows smoothly and you avoid people speeding thru a just-turning-red light because the idiot in front of him wouldn't let him turn. Thanks.
  5. silkyrabbit

    silkyrabbit Well-Known Member

    I would like to thank all the idiots who ride down the center of the road especially when you round a curve and almost have a head on collision, and a special thank you to the ones who are on their cell phones.
  6. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful drivers that get on my butt on 40 waving their arms and making gestures to me to speed up when there are cars IN FRONT of me AND in the other lane that I cannot get around any more than anyone else. I thank you for that. And if you do that, I will smile and blow kisses at you to show that LOVE goes alot further than rage......... :twisted: :wink:

    Also, if you're going to make a turn, there is a turn signal in your vehicle that is REAL easy to use......unsure of how? :? Check the manual. :wink:

    And on that same note, thanks to all the ones who, using the signal or not, take 30 MINUTES to make a stupid turn into a driveway or a side street or any turn for that matter.

    Thank you so very much and have a nice day :D 8)
  7. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    I did this one day and the guy jumped into and ending lane to try and pass me...guess what. Needless to said we ending up face to face with our cars. My right front met his right back and he did a 360 in the middle of the road. I told the police I tapped the brakes and they said nothing to me.

    Also thanks to the people wot tailgate me on ANY 2 lane road or HWY. I have noticed by now that it will take me LONGER to pass the slow car in the right lane. I will drive right beside the car I'm going to pass then allow that car to get a little in front of me so that you jump into that lane only to go no where!!!!!!

    ****Forgot to add people who put on their LEFT turn signal when they are make'n a RIGHT turn just so you will not go around them!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  8. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Uhh officer, there was a rabbit/squirrel/possum darting across the road, I was trying to avoid hitting it.

    As far as flipping the bird...yeah, very hubby was working in downtown Raleigh and there was a woman who held up traffic around noon time while she attempted at least 5 times to parallel park with not too much luck. What ticked him off was she was pretty close to the parking garage which was 'more her speed' - he flipped her the bird and parked his truck and said he was just getting out when he hears this woman yelling to a cop who was obviously a few vehicles behind him. The officer had a conversation with hubby and told him he could give him a ticket for it...hubby said - "There should be tickets given for provoking people - if you can't make it in the spot after two attempts, you should move on and quit making a fool of yourself." The officer smiled and told him to have a good day and keep his finger to himself.
  9. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member


    I'm enjoying this thread, it makes me laugh! :D
  10. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    Not a traffic issue, but an issue. I would like to thank all the people who send mail to our office that is almost impossible to open. Ladies and gents, if you send mail to an office you are doing business with, there is no real reason to staple, lick AND scotchtape the envelope to ensure that all is well. We would like to be able to open your mail in a "timely manner", not try to break into Fort Knox.
  11. BenDover

    BenDover Well-Known Member

    Your welcome. That is what you are there for. Clue=10 minuted before you close. Not closed yet, I have the right to enter. Even if it was three months that I was sick. If your day is that long I would suggest talking with your employer.JMO/
  12. silkyrabbit

    silkyrabbit Well-Known Member

    Benover, thank you very much, but we get tired too, have a family too, and if you have been sick for several days to weeks, then I guess one more day won't hurt you. Where do you work, do you want me to come right before you close and be there 30 minutes to 1 hour after you close?
  13. BenDover

    BenDover Well-Known Member

    Sorry about that :lol:
  14. BenDover

    BenDover Well-Known Member

    Oops sorry aobut that too. :lol:
  15. BenDover

    BenDover Well-Known Member

    Sure, have done it for years. It is just good business and I love what I do.
  16. BenDover

    BenDover Well-Known Member

    Sorry I will tell my dog to stop. :lol: Sorry aobut turning in front of ya. :lol:
  17. BenDover

    BenDover Well-Known Member

    Your welcome. :lol: I was in a rush. :lol:
  18. BenDover

    BenDover Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I wasn't paying attn. :lol:
  19. silkyrabbit

    silkyrabbit Well-Known Member

    Benover, thanks, be at your job at closing.
  20. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

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